
When we leave the New Year holidays. Postponement of weekends during the New Year holidays. How long will we rest?

When we leave the New Year holidays.  Postponement of weekends during the New Year holidays.  How long will we rest?

The New Year is approaching - a beloved and long-awaited holiday for both children and adults. Russians are looking forward to the New Year holidays. How will we relax for the New Year, how many days off will there be in January 2019?

New Year 2019: how we relax during the New Year holidays 2019

In Russia, in exactly a week, ten-day restrictions will begin New Year holidays from December 30 to January 8 inclusive. Rostrud was reminded of this, Interfax reports with reference to a statement by the head of the department, Ivan Shklovets.

The publication reminds that the first working day for Russians next year is Wednesday, January 9, 2019, and thus the first working week of next year will last three days - until Friday, January 11 inclusive.

Russians face a six-day work week and ten-day holidays

The New Year's weekend will be preceded by a six-day work week - from Monday, December 24, to Saturday, December 29.

This happens because the day off from Saturday, December 29, has been moved to Monday, December 31. Accordingly, the last working week of the outgoing year will be six days.

Non-working days from Saturday and Sunday on January 5 and 6, falling during the New Year's weekend, add days off to the May Day celebrations in 2019 (May 2 and 3, Thursday and Friday).

Thus, we rest on the following days:

December 31, 2018– Monday, a day off due to the postponement of the working day to Saturday, December 29 of the current year;

Working hours standards in January 2019

According to the Russian production calendar, in January 2019 the country had 17 working days and 14 days off and holidays.

  • with a 40-hour work week – 136 hours (17 x 8, where 17 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours – 122.4 hours (17 x 7.2);
  • at 24-hour – 81.6 hours (17 x 4.8).

Holidays in January 2019 paid double

Work on weekends and non-working holidays labor code must be paid in at least double the amount (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The exact amounts of remuneration for work on weekends/non-working holidays (including January 2019) can be specified in the collective agreement, local regulations or employment contract.

An employee who worked on a day off/non-working holiday may be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend/non-working holiday is paid at a single rate.

And the day of rest chosen by the employee is not paid (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, the initiative to replace double pay with another day of rest should come from the employee, and not from the employer.

Until what date are we open in December 2018?

Monday, December 31st has been moved to Saturday, December 29th. At the same time, it will be a shortened pre-holiday day according to labor legislation.

Working hours standards in December 2018

According to the Russian production calendar, in December 2018 there were 21 workers in the country (including 1 laid-off worker) and 10 days off and holidays.

Standard working hours:

  • with a 40-hour work week – 167 hours (21 x 8 - 1, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift,
  • 1 – number of shortened working days);
  • at 36 hours – 150.2 hours (21 x 7.2 - 1);
  • at 24-hour – 99.8 hours (21 x 4.8 - 1).

Video: schedule of weekends and holidays for 2019

To plan a vacation in advance, outline a leisure plan and see all your loved ones - every Russian tries to do all this during the New Year holidays. To make it easier to cope with the assigned tasks, you can now familiarize yourself and find out How to relax in Russia for the New Year 2018, and how many New Year's weekends and holidays await us.

How to relax during the New Year holidays 2018

According to the proposal of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation to postpone the holidays in 2018, you can now find out exactly how long the New Year holidays will last. The fact is that in the coming year, the New Year holiday 2018 falls on the night from Sunday to Monday. This wonderful coincidence of circumstances will help even those who work on a six-day week to be on time with all the pre-holiday preparations.

Thus, it will be possible to prepare for the onset of the New Year 2018 as early as Saturday, December 30, since it is from this date that the official New Year's weekend begins, which will last until January 8 inclusive (see calendar below).

Official New Year's holidays in 2018

Based on the draft resolution of the Russian Government and in particular Rosmintruda, the schedule of weekends and working dates for the upcoming New Year period will be as follows: from December 30 to January 8 inclusive — the New Year holidays will be held, so the duration of the New Year holidays this year will be 10 days, which is 1 day more than in 2017.

Thus, in January 2018, from the 31st calendar day, there will be 17 working days, in turn, there will be 14 days off and holidays this month.

Postponement of holidays in January

For a more rational use of time, the highest authorities made the following decision: due to the fact that January 6 falls on a Saturday (and by law this day refers to the New Year holidays and is considered a non-working day), it is postponed to March 9. The transfer of weekends and holidays described above will not be the only one for January 2018. Due to the fact that January 7, the Nativity of Christ, is classified as and falls on a calendar day off - Sunday, there will be another shift in the production calendar. In this case, the day off on January 7th is moved to May 2nd.

The question may arise: how are such movements of holiday dates in the production calendar legalized? The answer can be found by referring to the legislation of the Russian Federation, which states that in the case when Public Holiday falls on a calendar weekend (that is, Saturday or Sunday), it is automatically transferred to the nearest Monday or other convenient date. This date is discussed at the highest level and finally set by adopting the relevant act and making it public.

New Year 2018: holidays and weekends

On January 7, 2018, Russia will celebrate the second most important holiday in Orthodoxy (after Easter) - the Nativity of Christ, this day will also be a non-working day.

It may seem that our country is almost the only one in the world that takes such a long holiday for the New Year. In many countries there are several times fewer non-working days. In Russia, this trend has developed historically. Thanks to the innovations of Peter the Great, the first celebration of the New Year took place, which in the future shifted due to the adoption of a new calendar. This gave rise to the first ones, which are now so loved by both children and adults.

How we relax for the New Year 2018-2019. - This is the question many Russians are now asking when planning the New Year holidays. Most employers are guided by generally accepted production calendar. The number of days off is approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. The holiday schedule for 2019 and the draft corresponding Resolution have been approved. Now you can safely plan your trips and vacations.

How do we relax on the New Year and weekends during the January holidays?

For most Russians, the New Year 2019 weekend will begin on Sunday, December 30, 2018.

Thanks to the transfer, Saturday, December 29, 2018, will be a working day (that is, five-day workers will have a six-day work week), and Monday, December 31, 2018, will become a day off. Then, at the beginning of January 2019, there are 7 days of New Year holidays and the Christmas holiday. Thus, citizens working on a five-day shift will have the following days off during the New Year holidays:

Let's look at the whole of January - how many weekends and holidays it has:

January 2019, 14 days off and 17 working days.

A draft of a new resolution prepared by the department has appeared on the federal portal of regulatory legal acts, from which you can find out which days off in next year will become workers, and vice versa.

New Year holidays from December 30 to January 8

So, the New Year holidays in the country will begin on December 30 and will last until January 8, 2019.

The day off from Saturday, January 5, will be moved to Thursday, May 2. And Sunday, January 6th - accordingly, on Friday, May 3rd. In addition, Saturday, February 23rd will also be moved to Friday, May 10th.

The Russian Ministry of Labor has prepared proposals for postponing days off in 2019. According to the draft decree of the Russian government, during the New Year and Christmas holidays, Russian citizens will rest from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019.

The next holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day, will last from February 23 to 24 and from March 8 to 10, respectively.

Russians will also have a holiday from May 1 to May 5 and from May 9 to 12, when the country will celebrate the Spring and Labor Day and Victory Day.

Also, the day off is traditionally scheduled for Russia Day - June 12. Day national unity Residents of the Russian Federation will celebrate from November 2 to 4.

As the Ministry of Labor explained, this procedure for transferring rest days in 2019 was drawn up with the goal of rational use by employees of weekends and non-working holidays.

There are only a few days left until the most fabulous holiday of the year - the New Year. Magic waiting miracles will bring Russians not only a festive mood, but also a very real weekend - in honor of the New Year, we will have to rest for 10 days in a row.

However, before this, Russians will face an extended working week. Due to the government's decision to move December 31 to December 29, the last Saturday of the outgoing year will be a working day, although shortened by one hour as a pre-holiday day. New Year is one of the most beloved and most revered holidays in Russian Federation.

In order to celebrate this celebration well, people begin to prepare a month before New Year's Eve. Everyone is trying to buy the necessary gifts, decorate their home and prepare a festive table, but despite the sea of ​​troubles, the New Year is not considered an official holiday. Every year, right before the holiday, the government determines whether Russians will rest on December 31 or will have to work.

But after the New Year, long holidays always begin, both for working people and for students. And it’s worth saying this year the New Year holidays will be longer than ever.

Last working week of December 2018: how we work

The week before the New Year will be six days.

On Saturday, December 29, 2018, everyone who works a five-day workday will work beyond Monday, December 31, 2018, so that they then have unbroken weekends and holidays.

Read alsoHow to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019 with your own hands. At the same time, Saturday, December 29, 2018, will be a shortened working day by one hour.

New Year holidays 2018-2018: when is the last working day in December 2018?

Schoolchildren, as always, are luckier than working people, because they will definitely spend December 31 at home, as well as the several days before it. It should be noted that schools themselves have the right to decide exactly how their students will relax. This decision is made at a meeting of the governing council, which includes not only teachers and administration, but also representatives of parents and the students themselves.

The Ministry of Education (formerly the Ministry of Education and Science) usually publishes recommended vacation schedules for various schools, but the school administration retains the right to extend vacations or, on the contrary, cut them if students fall far behind the program due to, for example, quarantines. In order to know exactly what holidays will be at your school, you need to look at its official website or ask the administration.

In honor of the New Year 2018-2019, all schools in the Russian Federation will have long holidays. The first day of the holidays will be December 26th. But what about working people? If we talk specifically about working people, then they will also be able to have a normal rest on December 31, because the official holidays in 2018 will begin on December 30. Thanks to such a holiday, residents of Russia will not be afraid of forgetting a gift for someone or not having time to prepare something by the time the chimes begin to strike.

From what date and until what date will the New Year holidays 2018-2019 last?

On December 29, Saturday, Russians will still have to go to work. But this is good news, since, firstly, the working day will be shortened, and, secondly, thanks to the postponement of the day off, you can go out on your own workplace December thirty-first will not be necessary.

Accordingly, the first full day off will be the thirtieth of December, and Russians will rest for ten days in a row. You will need to return to work and school only on January 9th. However, after working for three days, we again go on the legal weekend - Saturday and Sunday, so hardly anyone will have time to get tired. By the way, two more weekend days that fall during the New Year holidays are also postponed: this time, thanks to them, the May holidays will be extended. Russians will also rest there for more than a week, but with a break of a couple of working days.

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How we relax during the New Year holidays 2018-2019, when school holidays begin

In recent years, the State Duma has been planning to shorten the New Year “vacations” for working citizens: some officials believe that Russians take too many days off in January, and this leads to “downtime” and a deterioration in the economy. Nevertheless, in 2018-2019. The working population will have a rest period of 10 days – from December 30 to January 8 inclusive. The Ministry of Labor decided to add more rest days, and its initiative was approved by the Government.

Russians will not go to work on December 31st; they will work that day on Saturday, the 29th. To ensure uninterrupted holiday rest, it was decided not to go to work on January 5 and 6. But these days will also have to be worked off without fail. The Ministry of Labor decided: for the specified days, citizens are required to go to work on May 2 and 3. Saturday, December 29, will be shortened by 1 hour in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 95 Labor Code of Russia.

School holidays start a little earlier - December 25-26. They will also last until January 8 inclusive.

Opinion of government officials on the number of days to rest during the New Year holidays in 2019

People's representatives take the initiative to shorten the New Year holidays in Russia every year. The last time a bill to reduce the holidays to two days - December 31 and January 1 - was introduced to the State Duma about six months ago.

Read alsoCancelation of classes in schools Chelyabinsk December 2018: canceled or not, when canceled, air temperature The logic of the legislators is simple: for every day of New Year’s “downtime,” the country’s economy loses tens of billions of rubles. And long holidays do not have a beneficial effect on the health of Russians.

It’s clear that our people like to relax in the company of alcohol.

However, the bill was once again scuttled. As it turned out, the initiative to have less rest does not arouse enthusiasm among the people.

Support short holidays Only 20% of the citizens of our country are ready, while 71% of Russians are categorically against the cancellation of the New Year holidays.

Superjob analysts came to this conclusion. They concluded that Russians love long holidays and are not ready to sacrifice a single day off.

Rest days for 2019

The Ministry of Labor has also already approved how many days Russians will rest in the new year 2019. There are only 365 days in the calendar, of which 118 are weekends and holidays.

From December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019 - New Year holidays in Russia. Defender of the Fatherland Day falls on Saturday, so the day off on February 23 is postponed to May 10, and February 22 will be a shortened working day.

Spring will also be rich in holidays in Russia. Russians will rest on March 8 (9 and 10 are legal days off), May 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, as well as May 9 and 10 (11 and 12 are Saturday and Sunday, respectively).

Another public holiday is Russia Day, which gives citizens a day off on June 12. On November 4, Russians also do not work, celebrating National Unity Day.

As the Ministry of Labor explained, all the postponements of weekends were made in order to create the most optimal calendar with a large number of long weekends. This way, employees will be able to spend their weekends more productively and use their free time rationally.

Traditions of New Year holidays in 2019 in Russia

New Year January 1

Most countries celebrate Christmas on December 25th. But in Russia they celebrate New Year January 1st.

To begin with, Tsar Peter I ordered to move the holiday and the calendar beginning of the year from September 1 to January 1, so that everything would be like in the West. In 1897, the beginning of the new year was officially declared a holiday, and the first day officially became a day off.