
After the honey massage, red dots and bruises appeared - is this normal? Vacuum therapy. Spots after a massage. What they can tell you How to prevent bruises

After the honey massage, red dots and bruises appeared - is this normal?  Vacuum therapy. Spots after a massage. What they can tell you How to prevent bruises


Anyone who has at least once experienced a cupping procedure knows that after it, spots form on the back. There is a popular belief that the stronger the effect of this procedure, the more contrasting the spots will be. Oddly enough, but in general this is true. Although many people, both patients and doctors, believe that spots are bad, they are painful, they are abnormal, they harm the body. But are stains as scary as they are made out to be? And in general, why do they arise?

Many researchers have discussed the spots that almost always appear after a vacuum therapy session. Some of them (V.S. Goydenko, IN. M. Koteneva, 1982) believed that the spots appear due to the rupture of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to hemorrhages and the formation of hematomas. Other authors (E. WITH. Velkhover, U Wei Xin, D. M. Tabeeva) considered spots after exposure to vacuum as petechiae, or extravasates (see below). But even in these works the phenomenon of the appearance of spots was not properly assessed. What is a stain? As a result of what processes does it appear? Why do spots happen? different color and color intensity? I have not found an answer to these and other equally interesting questions in the literature on vacuum therapy. And I tried to answer them myself.

First, let's understand the terminology again. The absolute majority of people, even certified specialists, when they see spots on a person’s skin after a vacuum therapy session, often say: “Yes, these are hematomas! )>

What is a hematoma? This is a limited accumulation of blood in tissues, which occurs due to complete rupture of blood vessels. This creates a cavity containing liquid or clotted blood.

Extravasates, or, as they are also called, petechiae,- these are spots, rashes, a type of hemorrhagic heel (hemorrhage - a synonym for the word "hemorrhage" »). This term is more precise, but in the future we will call extravasates (petechiae) “spots” for ease of perception. They occur on the skin or mucous membranes as a result of minute capillary hemorrhages due to structural functional changes in the vascular wall. It is very important — changes in the vessel wall, not rupture!

So, the role of stains that appear after exposure to a vacuum is extremely important. We can say that the substances contained in the spots have an exceptional healing effect on the body. But not only that. With the help of spots, one can very accurately assess the processes occurring in the deep soft tissues. How? Let's get a look.


There are quite interesting features the appearance of stains. Usually, after a vacuum massage session, even with minimal degrees of vacuum, fine-point microhemorrhages on the skin - spots, sometimes with swelling at the edges. They appear already in the first minutes and even seconds after exposure to vacuum. Sometimes the appearance of spots occurs more slowly, 1-2 hours after a vacuum massage session, even at high degrees of vacuum. In most cases, the appearance of spots on the skin coincides with areas of pain or pain. This circumstance is extremely important for the diagnosis of diseases.

The process of stain formation usually occurs during the first four sessions of vacuum massage. In subsequent sessions, their development is reversed, that is, the spots completely resolve and no longer form. This indicates the disappearance of conditions for their development: normalization of capillary blood And lymph flow, activation of the processes of structural and functional restoration in tissues, signs of stagnation in tissues disappear. All this is accompanied by an improvement in general well-being, and pain syndromes disappear.

Sometimes the spots are somewhat swollen and even swollen. In some cases, when spots no longer form, local swelling may continue for some time, regardless of the presence of spots. This circumstance may be due to the peculiarities of restoration of the function of the lymphatic system, capillaries, or profound disorders microcirculation interstitial fluid.

It is very important that spots appear (and also disappear) at different rates in different people. What can this tell us? Firstly, about availability morphofunctional disorders in tissues, the extent of these changes and their depth. Secondly, about the reactivity of the body in response to the influence of a stress factor and to the treatment being carried out. And thirdly, about the speed of restoration processes in the tissues of the body. These indicators are a certain criterion for analyzing and predicting the emerging conditions in the deep structures of tissues, leading to various pathologies.

In addition, another type of stain was discovered for the first time. They can form 1-3 weeks after a course of vacuum massage. These are single spots with small and large-spot microhemorrhages bright red on a pink background. By comparing the occurrence of such spots with human living conditions during this period, I was able to identify a certain pattern. It turns out that in 90 percent of cases, patients were significantly exposed during this time psychological stress! The spots completely disappeared after a second course (the first two sessions) of vacuum massage.

This means that we can conclude that there is a direct relationship between the occurrence of specific spots and stressful influence on the body. That's why I called these spots "stressful". They can be considered as a certain “material substrate” of the effect of stress.

For massage you need honey - natural flower, linden, buckwheat or any other, without additives. As a supplement, you can add aromatic oils to honey: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, juniper, eucalyptus, lavender, depending on what result you want to achieve. Calculation - 1 teaspoon of honey - 5 drops of oil or a mixture of oils.

Please tell me what additives to honey you consider harmful and why it is necessary to add the additives you listed to honey? How do such honey oils improve the quality of massage?

Honey massage is an excellent remedy for removing toxins and cellulite. Honey massage uses honeycomb honey and 3-4 drops of lemon essential oil. Under no circumstances should you use buckwheat honey. Like all types of massage, honey massage also has contraindications, intolerance to honey and allergies to it, varicose veins, hypertension, cancer, skin diseases, kidney and gallstones. Honey massage technique: Apply honey with smooth movements over the entire back. There are massage techniques: tearing, rolling. After applying honey, wrap the patient in a film, like in a cocoon, so that air does not escape from anywhere. Let the patient lie down for 10-15 minutes, then open the film and first rinse off the honey with a towel soaked in hot water (so that the patient can tolerate it). And then - with a towel soaked in cold water. Then also apply honey to the body a second time and do the same as when applying honey for the first time. After washing off the honey a second time, carry out stroking and the session is over. The skin becomes soft and velvety.

Why can't you use buckwheat honey? On the contrary, we were told during training that dark (buckwheat) is best suited for honey massage.

For honey massage, the honey that is well tolerated by the patient is suitable. For work, I prefer acacia honey without adding oils.

Regarding oils. Honey, wine, milk are the main products in aromatherapy, emulsifying oils. The oil does not interfere with honey, but helps it penetrate better into the skin. If you add base oil to honey, the massage will be much softer, this is for those who are especially sensitive, the effect is no worse. Moreover, I sometimes recommend aroma baths to my clients with the same oils that were used in massage. The oil also dissolves in a tablespoon of honey and water. Then the oil does not collect in a thin film on the surface, but mixes perfectly with water, which again improves the penetration of the oil into the skin.

What honey should I use for massage? It all depends on your taste, the type of massage and the goal that you are going to achieve with this massage, that’s all.

I mainly do anti-cellulite massage with honey at home, so what kind of honey should I use?

I was taught in anti-cellulite massage First rinse with hot water, and then with cold water for contrast.

This is according to Fadeev. I use a cryopack. With a certain skill, the honey comes off in clumps on its own.

Some participants mentioned room temperature and keeping hands cool, etc. I read that in summer period Honey massage is not easy to do, since the heat causes the patient to sweat and the honey stops sticking. I encountered this problem, but my palms sweat (it seems to me) and because of this I can only complete 50%, then the honey stops sticking. How can I solve my problem?

- “Honey massage is a wonderful thing. I’ve been doing it for a very long time and it’s almost painless.”
How do you manage to do this if in certain places something comes out that is Chinese medicine called sha? If it’s painless, then you’re just doing a massage with honey, and if it doesn’t work, then it’s painful in any case!

If you're interested. My attitude to honey. So, honey is a section of apitherapy, a product created by nature without human intervention (excluding extraction, production of hives, frames, distillation, etc.). The bees themselves know where and when to get them, how to build honeycombs, how to fill them, determine the degree of readiness and seal the honeycombs. Honey is an antiseptic, and honey can also be a very dangerous allergen for some people (always, before using honey, ask if those to whom you are going to give a honey massage have allergies). Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and it is balanced by nature. If honey is not afraid of cold and does not lose its qualities, then heating honey over 40 gr. Celsius leads to the loss of a huge amount of vitamins. Normal honey is not candied, it crystallizes, this is normal. It's very rare when good honey does not crystallize; this often occurs after heating to obtain a marketable appearance. And again, if it was not heated above 40 degrees. Celsius, then there is nothing wrong with that. It happens that honey separates, as beekeepers say - this honey was removed before the bees sealed the honeycombs.
Honey massage is probably as old as honey. I tried using honey at the very beginning of my practice and still recommend it to everyone.
How does honey work?
- Like an antiseptic.
- As a vitamin-mineral complex.
- Like a scrub.
How you use it is up to you. Just don't forget about the possibility of an allergic reaction.

After 1 session of honey massage, the client developed bruises and bruises, is this normal? As far as I understand, this shouldn't happen. Explain why this could happen, and how to avoid this in the future, I think it needs to be done with less force and intensity, or not?

I have the same problem, one girl after a honey massage developed red dots, such spots and smudges. There was almost no pain during the massage. Everything went well for others too.
And another question, which places are not recommended to be massaged with honey (not stroking and moving, but making boats, unsticking)??
For example, the skin on the face needs to be held, but on the inner thighs it is not advisable.

All people are very different. In any case, you work as a person and it is necessary to monitor both the body’s reaction to the massage and the skin’s reaction to your influence. There are cases when the same impact on the skin of different people gives diametrically opposite results (for some, nothing, while for others, a slight pressure and immediately a bruise or hematoma occurs, if you like).
Emotional reaction to appearance the treated area is an important factor for further action. It is also important how much you have prepared your skin for exposure to honey.
Above, colleagues have already described the movement (boat), pay attention to the contact area at the moment of separation, an increase in the area will increase the load and, accordingly, a decrease will reduce the load.
And reducing the load causes less injury to the skin.
Start with minimal impacts and gradually increase them. Massage before the honey massage, first without honey, gently warm up this area. Apply honey to the skin after warming it in your hands. And offer crystallized honey to people already familiar with this procedure. Because crystals are different. From soft small balls to those that hurt the skin, causing small scratches. I don’t recommend making the inner surface of the thigh with honey.

So I developed a severe allergy to the honey massage that my friend praised so much. Yes, everyone’s body’s reaction is individual. But I was so pleased when they found a cool specialist who makes an excellent professional

Bruises after anti-cellulite massage: pathology or normal. How to get rid of them and prevent their occurrence.

Cellulite is the name given to pathological changes in subcutaneous fat tissue, which are accompanied by circulatory disorders and stagnation in the tissues of excess fluid, lymph and breakdown products formed as a result of metabolism. The most problematic areas prone to cellulite are the buttocks, the back and sides of the thighs, and the abdomen.

Anti-cellulite massage helps normalize metabolism in tissues and remove toxins, stimulates blood circulation, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

There is a very common myth that bruises after an anti-cellulite massage indicate the effectiveness and high-quality implementation of the procedure.

However, this is not the case.

However, many women notice painful and sometimes very extensive bruises on their bodies after a massage. skin blood vessels and capillaries.

But much more often, the real reason for the formation of bruises is the low qualifications of the massage therapist.

If the skin is well prepared for massage and warmed up, the technique is chosen correctly and the massage therapist performs his work professionally, there should be no large bruises on the treated areas of the body. Only small single hematomas are acceptable after the first procedures of the course, when the skin has not yet adapted to intense external influences.

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the following: the tissue subjected to anti-cellulite massage is already traumatized, since it contains adhesions, disturbances in the outflow of lymph and fluid, and spasm of small vessels. Any impact on it that causes pain increases vascular spasm and impairs blood circulation.

The formation of bruises is inevitably accompanied by rupture of capillaries, inhibiting and disrupting tissue regeneration.

Subsequently, adhesive tissue forms at the site of healing, and new blood and lymphatic capillaries are formed, their number increases. And the more terminal lymphatic capillaries, the more lymph in the tissues. Consequently, extensive multiple bruises in the future will only increase the external manifestations of cellulite.

What happens during procedures

The main goal of anti-cellulite massage is to enhance drainage and activate blood microcirculation, stimulating metabolic processes in adipose tissue. From the classic therapeutic massage

it differs in that the physical impact is aimed primarily at subcutaneous fat tissue, and not at kneading muscles.

  • There are two main types of anti-cellulite massage:
  • Manual, which is performed using fingers, palms and fists;

Hardware, carried out using special devices. So is it normal for bruises to appear after a massage? Since there are different types anti-cellulite massage, each of which has its own specific effect on the skin, then their final result, as well as side effects

may be different.

But in any case, the occurrence of severe bruising is unacceptable.

Cupping (vacuum massage) The formation of small blue discolorations after a vacuum massage is considered normal.

In this case, these are not ordinary hematomas. Due to the difference in pressure in the subcutaneous area, which occurs when the can is suctioned, liquid from the zone of lower pressure rushes into the zone with. The integrity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries is not compromised; blood leaks through the walls and enters the intercellular space.

This causes characteristic red spots to appear on the skin. The stronger the jar is suctioned, the more intense the flow of blood and lymph from deeper tissues to this place.

First of all, the effect extends to insufficiently elastic vessels, around which there is already congestion. Therefore, during cupping massage, small, pinpoint, unnoticeable subcutaneous hemorrhages are acceptable.

With the vacuum method, a protective-restorative process is activated in the tissues, which activates the immune system response and the regeneration mechanism.

Thus, bruises in this case may be in places with impaired lymph outflow and poor blood circulation.

With repeated massage sessions, blood circulation normalizes and bruises become significantly less. Contraindications to cupping massage

are bleeding disorders and increased fragility of blood vessels.

Massage with hands crushes and breaks down fat deposits, has a lymphatic drainage effect, eliminating stagnation of lymph and fluid in the tissues. Such a massage must be performed by a qualified specialist who knows the technique and has knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes and vessels in the body. Otherwise, the massage will do more harm than good. Unlike a vacuum procedure, bruises after a manual massage are also unpleasant

painful sensations

during its implementation in most cases indicate its incorrect implementation. A properly performed massage should not injure, but strengthen blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation, and the production of collagen and elastin in tissues.

Honey massage

The honey massage technique is as follows: honey is applied to problem areas of the body and kneaded with patting movements, during which the massage therapist’s palm briefly sticks to the body and then abruptly comes off. At this moment, a microvacuum is created in the subcutaneous tissue, due to which the vessels dilate and blood flow to the problem area increases. IN

Their resorption occurs without negative consequences for the skin, simultaneously stimulating blood microcirculation.

The more pronounced the manifestations of cellulite, the more painful the honey massage procedure and the higher the likelihood of bruising.

A professional massage therapist controls skin tension and ensures that the massage procedure is comfortable for the patient. To reduce the risk of subcutaneous hemorrhages, various ingredients are added to honey. essential oils

, preferably citrus fruits, such as lemon oil. This type of massage does not bring such quick results as other types, but it is the most useful.

How to prevent bruises Besides the right choice

the specialist himself, it is important to correctly select the intensity and duration of the course. The optimal interval between procedures is 2 days, so that the skin has time to rest and recover. If after the first sessions bruises appear on the body, it is better to wait with the next session until the marks on the skin at least partially disappear.

  • It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules during the massage course:
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks, including mineral water, or alcohol;
  • Maintain moderation in food;

Try to set aside time every day for physical exercise.

This will help increase the effectiveness of the massage and reduce the likelihood of negative side effects such as bruising on the skin. Anti-cellulite massage does not require any special preparation, but you can pre-peel it to cleanse the skin. After the procedure it is recommended to drink green tea

or clean water and rest for half an hour.

How to get rid of bruises after anti-cellulite massage It is recommended to apply ice to the bruises immediately after they appear.

Cold stops subcutaneous bleeding and prevents hematomas from enlarging. However, this method is effective only within three hours after the formation of hemorrhages.

In the future, in order to remove bruises after an anti-cellulite massage, the affected areas should, on the contrary, be warmed up using a regular heating pad with hot water or a special lamp. Additionally, you can take medications to strengthen blood vessels (Ascorutin, Troxerutin).

Skin care Skin care after massage procedures primarily involves the use of various ointments and creams.

  • The following remedies can help speed up the resorption of hematomas:
  • Ointments containing the substance heparin, for example, Lyoton;
  • Creams and compresses made from infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • Iodine, which can be used sparingly to lubricate bruises;
  • Creams with vitamin K;
  • Troxevasin ointment and other drugs prescribed for venous insufficiency.

Here is a recipe for ointment for bruises homemade: take a medium-sized onion and pour 100 g into it vegetable oil, put on fire and boil until dark. Then remove the onion, cool and squeeze into oil.

Grate the laundry soap and add 1 tbsp to the oil. a spoonful of soap, as well as 100 g of melted wax. Mix well and store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator. It should be remembered that anti-cellulite massage alone will not solve this aesthetic problem.

Video about the acceptability of bruises after a massage

The fight against cellulite requires a comprehensive approach: regular physical activity, diet and systematic body care. Otherwise, the effect of the massage will be minimal, and the negative side effects will outweigh its positive aspects.

I have been doing massage for a year. I just started doing AC massage this week, I read all of you here and decided to learn. I found several people who were happy to present me with their beautiful bodies for my bodywork practice. So: one client, 38 years old, started doing anti-cellulite massage on the thighs, buttocks + honey massage, but after the first session these bruises appeared (see photo). A woman has weak skin turgor, does fitness and proper nutrition. So even at the second session it turns out that she is prone to bruising (poor clotting). I am ready to listen to all recommendations for massage in this situation. Just don't swear. I understand that I may have gone too far. I am just learning! And she knew it. The most noticeable bruise in the photo is not mine, it already happened.

Before the massage course, she had to take a course of ascorutin for at least two weeks, vascular strengtheners. Lubricate bruises with absorbable agents.

Let's remember what they write here. Cellulite, six stages of occurrence. E.Dancey.
At the first stage, all changes occur at the cellular level. This is a decrease in blood supply to tissues, fluid retention in the intercellular space, inflammation of blood vessels and slower circulation of lymphatic fluid. The only external manifestation of early cellulite is that cuts and bruises take longer than usual to heal.
In the second stage, blood and lymph fluid penetrate the tissue, increasing interstitial pressure and further impeding blood circulation and lymph drainage. Visually, you can see small areas of skin with a changed color. The skin becomes thicker, it is quite painful to touch and bruises easily.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this lady gets bruises, for example, from spinning a hula hoop.

I don't see anything critical. More strengthening movements, rubbing, patting and there will be a peach.

In this case, at the beginning of the course there is more lymphatic drainage, less aggression, and you will be happy. I'm speaking from personal experience. And so with every client, you shouldn’t tear him apart like a hot water bottle from the first massage. And in general, with similar clients, lymphatic drainage is the basis of massage.

Go to an AC seminar at a massage school. They will tell you and show you how to work without bruises.

She takes all her medications. She definitely takes Ascorutin 2 times a year. That is, to continue, is everything within the normal range?

A little softer and more warming up, after session 3 you can try the same load again. For me, there’s nothing wrong with it except for aesthetic reasons. For some reason, all those who oppose bruises are very calm about good, kind, deep bruises from a table or chair.
Usually clients themselves know what to do - they use heparin ointment or badyaga.

I am also a beginner specialist in AC massage, I have already practiced it for 3 months, but I still manage to work without bruises, the only bruise was in the same place, but the size of a pea, apparently from a knuckle. I always start with strong warming up and lymphatic drainage for the first 3-4 sessions, it doesn’t hurt and there are no bruises, and you can see from the condition of the skin when it’s better to drain the fluid, and then, when you can press on with it all.
A client ran away to me from a masseuse (as she put it), a woman with extensive experience in orange peel massage and charges a lot for a session; she gave her 2 sessions in total. The pain from the massage was hellish, there was no living space on her legs, there were huge bruises on her legs, and on the inner surface there were bruises with bruises after working with the body. The spectacle is terrible. She told her that this was normal, the blood vessels were just weak, it would pass. And you can see from the client that she seems to be slim, but her legs look like they are inflated, it’s obviously better to do lymphatic drainage first. The client was generally shocked that I was somehow young with little experience, giving her an AC massage without pain and without bruises, but the decrease in volume was noticeable, strange. And there are people who want AC to hurt them. They got it into their heads that a good massage against orange peel must be very painful, then there will be an effect.

On inside Hips and bruises are generally unacceptable. Did she do this to her with cans or her hands? If there are still cupping or bruises after a honey massage, then it’s understandable. But if there are such marks with your hands, then how did the client endure it? This is hellish pain.

Let him buy some fresh water and apply ointment to the bruises. And he drinks ascorutin. If there are severe hematomas, then better powder use bodyagi.
If I connect kneading with cups to AC massage, then I ask you to purchase bodyaga powder in advance and apply it immediately after the session.

Can I have a video of a massage, how you do lymphatic drainage before AC.

Sorry, no video. The usual lymphatic drainage slow movements of the abdomen and legs along the lymph flow, and then active kneading with hands alternating squeezing movements + pinch massage. Lymphatic drainage needs to start the session and end it too

Watch another video of silhouette massage from Vladimir Kisselgoff. There he “drives the fold”, I also liked some of his massage techniques, and they bring good results, you can also adjust them in terms of strength.
But due to, apparently, still weak hands, it doesn’t work out powerfully; I’m weaker and don’t writhe in pain.

The blood network is pronounced, that’s why it happens. But it’s okay, it all goes away quickly, in a couple of days. Just look at the vessels in the future where they are close, and do it more gently there.
I get red dots after a honey massage. They are immediately visible, I warn the client about this so that those who don’t know don’t get scared.

What is meant by this: “Blood and lymphatic fluid penetrate the tissues”?
Aren't blood and lymph originally in the tissues?

Maybe author Dancy had this in mind? At this stage, there are prerequisites for changes in the connective tissue of subcutaneous fat, if no measures are taken, the process will progress and lead to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the connective tissue around adipocytes and capillaries, which will ultimately lead to negative changes in the lobular structure of the fat fabrics.
It progresses with microcirculation disorders: blood stagnates in the venous capillaries, the walls of the vessels expand, weaken, their permeability increases and blood begins to penetrate into the tissues in the form of hematomas. The swelling keeps growing and compresses not only the vein, but also the artery, which leads to disruption of nutrition and oxygen saturation.
P.S. I meant tissue in the form of hematomas, but I could be wrong.

This is the text! Apparently I lack higher medical education. But as far as I know, blood (its liquid part - plasma) always penetrates “into the tissues”. There it is called "intercellular fluid". And then it again penetrates the lymphatic vessels, where it is already called “lymphatic fluid”.

When a massage therapist creates bruises on your thigh, can you tell the client that it’s not a hematoma, but that the intercellular fluid has crawled wrong?

Of course not. You can simply say: “You have weak capillaries on your legs. With weak capillaries, it is quite normal that bruises appear after exposure. The vessels have a muscle layer, which also needs training. During the massage, the vessels will tone up a little, they will “practice” with your hands massage therapist and the walls will become more elastic and stronger. And the appearance of bruises will stop. Plus, dear client, I will recommend you to use heparin ointment so that the bruises disappear faster."

What if she has a bleeding disorder? I Googled reactions to honey massage for myself, your case is not uncommon. And I had bruises on my palms like that after several honey massages a day.
Apparently, the capillaries are also fragile, and I don’t do massage exactly like that. I don’t leave any honey on my client, and I do a preliminary massage with my hands without oil. By the way, a honey massage will heal faster than cupping.

Have you noticed - in girls with capillary meshwork, is it possible to provoke its local appearance? A photo was previously posted here where a girl made a can for herself.

But I don’t massage with a jar or honey with such a mesh. There are other methods. You just need to first learn the anti-cellulite massage technique, and then practice on living people!!

Each person is individual, and you cannot learn everything at once and insure yourself against all cases; on the contrary, you have to figure out a lot on your own. For example, a honey massage course, well, how long will it take, at best 8 hours and 1-2 models will be shown with a certain skin type. I don’t deny that you definitely need to start with the full course, but there will always be individual differences.

You think that anti-cellulite massage can be done by anyone without knowledge and basics. It seems that soon it will become a basic type of massage. Will crowd out everything else. However, there are no special medical descriptions of this massage. There are only “methods” of various spa salons and spa schools.

Doing body contouring is zergood! Pretending that AC massage is a terribly important medical procedure that cannot be done without medical education is unpleasant! Every day, a good husband gives his wife an AC massage - he hugs her tightly in different places, sometimes bites, pinches. And all without courses or colleges.

Knowledge is also needed, especially with work on the abdomen; with the shock-vibration technique, a woman’s reproductive ability increases; sorry, constipation disappears if you know the structure of the intestines. The left and right parts tolerate pain differently, etc. It is possible without honey. education if you are interested in studying.
A blind acquaintance was taught by AC, and at the same time he studied medicine, as well as massage courses for the blind. We practiced the massage technique on our own stomach when the model was not there and it was better to feel it. Who likes what.

I don't know, I was probably very lucky. Despite the fragile vessels, there are no bruises or pain after a good quality anti-cellulite treatment