
DIY Hawaiian party invitations. A script for a Hawaiian teen birthday party. How to set up a table and what to serve for a Hawaiian birthday

DIY Hawaiian party invitations. A script for a Hawaiian teen birthday party. How to set up a table and what to serve for a Hawaiian birthday

I wanted something brighter and more original. From all the thematic variety, we have chosen one of the easiest in terms of organization. hawaiian style party... We celebrated our birthday in winter, in January 2015. The venue was a sauna, or, to be more precise, a bathhouse. We organized everything together, it took five days to prepare. Considering that these were just working days, there was not enough time. It would be better to start cooking two weeks in advance.

There are hundreds of articles on the Internet about the Hawaiian party, but in none of the ones I've read, I have not come across a mention that it is quite expensive entertainment.

1. Choice of place and time.

Since our task was to celebrate a birthday in winter, the option in nature was not considered. Hawaii is all about warmth, naked bodies and fun. Therefore, we decided to have a party in a sauna or steam bath. There were 11 people in total at the party, so it was important for us to have a large square table. Everyone should sit together, and there is no need to stretch too far. We also looked after a larger pool, in the selected bath it was 5 by 3 meters in size. The steam room itself does not play a special role. There were billiards and table tennis in the recreation room - it would not hurt if there were fans to drive balls. The birthday fell on Friday. Guests were invited to 6 pm. The bath was ordered for six hours, that is, until midnight. True, then they extended it for another hour.

2. Decorating a Hawaiian-style party.

This is one of the most important tasks. It is the entourage that sets the tone and mood. You can make a good holiday decor with your own hands. We didn't have enough time for creativity, so we chose to order jewelry on the Internet. We bought a Hawaiian Windows banner decoration, a photo frame banner, Hawaii-themed plates and napkins, pineapple straws and peaks for cocktails, special glasses for Shot Drinks and Long Drinks and the main decoration of the party is an inflatable palm tree pool.

Party goods ordered in the online store

Since we had brightly decorated napkins and plates, we decided to take a plain white tablecloth. I think it would be nice to buy or make yourself the so-called "skirt" for the table. We also took an electric garland with us and decorated the room with it.

3. Outfits.

The idea to hold a Hawaiian themed party came to us exactly one week before the celebration. They immediately phoned friends so that they had time to prepare the appropriate outfits. The dress code is very important. You should all be like Polynesian natives. It creates a festive atmosphere, brings together and provides cool photos.

For guys, it is advisable to buy bright Hawaiian shorts and a shirt. If you celebrate in a sauna or steam bath, as we do, then the shirt is optional.

Hawaiian skirts for girls. You can buy them or make them yourself. We made everything on our own or just picked up bright short skirts from the wardrobe. The birthday girl wore a full-fledged native costume with bandages on her arms and legs.

For all the guests, we made lei - Hawaiian flower beads. To save money, we made lei ourselves. To do this, they bought artificial flowers and planted them on a fishing line. They also made hair clips for girls with their own hands.

Explain to the guests that themed outfits are required. And whoever does not come according to the dress code will get a wet towel in the ass!

4. Menu.

Remember that this is a fun, active party, not a traditional multi-hour feast. When preparing treats, two things are important:
1) after a working day, people are hungry and hungry;
2) guests cannot be overfed, otherwise they will become lazy, and everything will come down to banal gluttony.

Our menu included:

  • Chops and cutlets;
  • Korean carrot;
  • Red cabbage salad;
  • Black and green olives;
  • Fruits: bananas, apples, oranges, tangerines, lemons, pomelo, pineapple;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Bars of black, milk and white chocolate;
  • Juices.

Chops and cutlets were wrapped in pita bread, Korean carrots, red cabbage salad, mustard, ketchup and sauce were added. It turned out delicious and satisfying. Here is such a bouquet of pineapple, orange slices and kiwi, presented by the guests to the birthday girl.

5. Drinks.

Of course, these were cocktails! For cooking we used:

  • Silver tequila;
  • Ordinary vodka;
  • Finlandia red vodka - taken because of the color for multi-layered cocktails;
  • Marengo - vermouth;
  • Campari - red liqueur;
  • Blue Curaçao - dark blue syrup;
  • Grenadine - red syrup;
  • Mint green liqueur;
  • Malibu - rum liqueur;
  • Juices in assortment: banana, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, cherry and some others.

Hint 1... For the preparation of layered (flaky) cocktails, it is better to use dense juices (banana, orange) - they do not mix, and the boundaries of the layers remain clear.

Tip 2.Freeze ice for cocktails two days before the celebration using special bags. To make the ice colored, we added Grenadine, Blue Curacao and orange juice to the water. Red, blue and yellow ice cubes looked good afterwards in glasses.

6. Music.

I downloaded a couple of dozen songs of Hawaiian origin and theme on the Internet. I selected the best for my taste. It turned out tracks for half an hour of time. In principle, enough. We turned on Hawaiian music only for the first 30-40 minutes of the party to create the appropriate atmosphere. Then he launched topical dance pop music, fun and rhythmic. I think listening to monotonous Hawaiian music for several hours can get boring.

Here is a small selection of Hawaiian music. To download, click on this

7. Hawaiian party script.

We arrived at the bathhouse 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the holiday. The preparation was done by three of us, and it took 50 minutes. As a result, the guests waited downstairs for half an hour. We didn't let them in until everything was ready. During this time, we laid the table, arranged the dishes, inflated a palm tree and threw the brought ice into it, hung decorations, peeled and cut fruits, organized music, prepared shots, leis and hairpins.

Tip 3. If you're throwing a Hawaiian-style sauna party, order an hour early and spend it getting ready. It is advisable that by the beginning of the event, all guests are already assembled.

At half past six we finally allowed the guests to enter. The bathhouse was two-story: on the first there was a steam room and a swimming pool, on the second there were lounges. The room with the table was on the second floor. Together with the birthday girl, they met the guests on the stairs. Each guest came up in turn, took a glass with a multi-colored cocktail from a tray and drank. After that, leis (garlands of flowers made by us) were put on the guest's neck. Such is the strict pass to the party.

Then everyone went to change. The next half hour looked at each other's costumes and took pictures.

We sat down at the table and made cocktails. Toasts and a traditional song for the birthday girl. Until the guests satisfy their hunger, there is no point in organizing contests and quizzes.
Then they took a steam bath and dived in the pool.

Hawaiian party contests and entertainment.

From my experience I can say that 3 or 4 good contests are enough. Too much you simply will not have time to spend.

For fun, we attached a frame banner in the doorway for photographing. It cost only a few dollars, but the sea brought emotions and fun.

We also decorated the pool with hundreds of burning candles. It was very beautiful and romantic.

We held the first competition at half past nine in the evening, i.e. three hours after the start of the celebration.

Competition "Who has tequila?" This is more a joke than a competition. But really cool if no one knows what the catch is. Well suited for warming up when the audience is not yet hot enough with alcohol. The conditions are as follows. Those wishing to participate, person 4. They are invited on a tray of glasses, which are the same as the number of participants. The host announces that one of them contains tequila, and the others contain regular water. Outwardly, it is impossible to understand where tequila is. Glasses are filled by the host before the competition so that no one can see. Each participant must choose a glass, of course, you cannot sniff. Then the presenter explains the rules. The participant must drink the contents without others guessing what they have. You can drink from the Poker face, or you can grimace. The audience's task is to guess who has the tequila. Participants take turns drinking. When the latter knocks over the glass, the audience places their bets. The trick of the competition is that tequila is in all the glasses. After all the bets, the presenter asks each participant what he drank. Everyone answers: "Tequila, tequila, tequila, tequila." And it makes you laugh.

After this competition, it's fun to discuss who was holding on. We filmed everything on video. Then it is interesting to review the reaction of each participant during the process. In our case, the first was a girl who did not drink alcoholic beverages. She drank with such courage, without blinking, that I myself believed that she had water. And I filled the glasses. The second participant, a guy, grimaced, clearly overacting. The next girl drank cleanly, but closed her eyes at the end. We noticed this only in the video. Then they did not even pay attention. The last participant slapped like regular water. But after about 15 seconds he exhaled through his mouth barely noticeably.

I advise you to immediately give all participants a wedge of lime, lemon or orange. Purely out of pity.

We gave the first participant a prize for her perseverance - funny Hawaiian glasses. They caused so much delight among the audience that everyone wanted to be photographed in them.

Swimming pool contests.

Initially, one was planned, but since the losers wanted revenge, they had two. With a break for the feast, of course. The second competition was with slightly more complicated rules. I will describe it.

Two teams of 5 people. Each is given an inflatable ring and a ball. One circle was pink with Barbie, the other was blue with Spiderman. Balls of a similar color. Everyone stands on one side of the pool. On the other, the participants will have glasses with three-layer shots. The game is a relay race. The first dives and floats on an inflatable ring to the opposite wall of the pool. There he drinks, turns to face the team and holds a circle on the water in front of him. The next player, standing on the side of the pool, must throw the ball into the circle. You can help by trying to catch. Some people spend 3-4 attempts before they hit. As soon as the ball hits the circle, the first participant swims back and passes to the second. Everything is repeated until a full circle has passed. The first team to complete the relay wins.

We filmed both competitions in the pool. The rival team called themselves "Wild Cobras" and very artistically portrayed hissing snakes into the camera lens. In response, we called ourselves "Home Outages", and when we got into the frame, we stuck out our tongues and tilted our heads to one side. It was fun. Following the results of two relays, the score is 1: 1.

Souvenirs and prizes... I already wrote about glasses. The most active guests were also presented with beads with a pile and a Hawaiian amulet. In addition, themed fridge magnets were presented to everyone who came to mind. At first they wanted to buy different magnets, and then they decided that the same ones would even be more interesting. Visiting each other, you can see the same magnet as a reminder of a fun party.

A few days after the celebration, we realized our mistakes and omissions. When throwing a Hawaiian-style party:

  • Hire a professional photographer for a couple of hours... Bright, juicy photos will delight you and your guests. And then there will be something to post on social networks. To save money, you can find a photographer who posted a resume or job search (vacancy) advertisement. You can bargain with them on quite acceptable terms. It is not necessary that he then process the images in a graphic editor. The main thing is that the photos are of high quality and with good interesting angles.
  • Hire a bartender... In this case, cocktails will be tastier, more varied, and the glasses are always full. Again, to save money, you can invite an unemployed representative of this profession.
  • Buy a couple of real cigars... Their main purpose will be to add color to photographs. Then, if you wish, you can smoke.

Birthday in a restaurant is the day before yesterday. The music screams, everyone communicates only with those sitting next to them. They overeat, get drunk. Someone is on the phone, someone wants to leave early ... Is this a familiar picture?

Throw themed parties and you won't regret it. It is a great time and vivid memories.

Tahiti, Tahiti ... We have not been to any Tahiti - we are well fed here too.

M / F "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot"

Summer! The sun! Dacha! Great company! What else is needed to conduct hawaiian party?! Oh yes, the desire and time for preparation - without them you will not see the parties as your ears :).

I will tell you about the kind of party we had when we went to Russia to visit my brother. I would be glad if this article is useful to you.

I started preparing for the party at home, before the trip. To begin with, I got acquainted with the materials on this topic on the Internet: I read information about the Hawaiian Islands on Wikipedia and on other sites, as well as ready-made scripts for Hawaiian parties. After that, I started writing the script myself ().

What a Hawaiian party without lei - flower garlands?
After going shopping and surfing the Internet, I realized that you can buy a more or less decent garland for no less than 40 UAH (240 rubles). And if you need 10 pieces? .. Hmm ... This option is not for us. We take corrugated paper of different colors and do it. We also make corrugated paper.

In the store, I bought a paper garland in the form of multi-colored palm trees. By and large, such a garland could also be made by myself, but due to lack of time, I decided to abandon this venture.

When the table was laid, Dasha and I went to dress up - we put on swimsuits made with our own hands from a thin satin ribbon, and hung leis around our necks.

The guests were greeted with a greeting “Aloha”, Dasha put leis around their necks, after which everyone was invited to the table.

Leading: Dear friends, the plane has landed and we are glad to welcome you to Hawaii! As we say in Hawaii, "Aloha"! Today we have the most real Luau - a traditional Hawaiian holiday with food, music, dancing and singing.

We pause for some food and cocktails.

Leading: The first step is to find out if you know anything about Hawaii.

So let's start the intellectual Hawaiian quiz

  1. Capital of Hawaii
    1. Moscow
    2. Honolulu
  1. What is "Hula"
    1. hawaiian dance
    2. hawaiian curse
    3. hawaiian song
  1. Which country is Hawaiian Islands a part of?
    1. Russia
    2. China
  1. What is the name of the Hawaiian flower garland
    1. watering can
  1. Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands
    1. Jack Sparrow
    2. Ricky Martin
    3. James Cook
  1. Which ocean waters wash the Hawaiian Islands
    1. Quiet
    2. Loud
    3. North-Arctic
  1. Who is the President of Hawaii
    1. Victor Yanukovich
    2. Hu Jing Tao
    3. Barack Obama
  1. Hawaiian greeting
    1. Aloha
    2. Hello
    3. Zdorovenky Buly
  1. Hawaiian traditional dish
    1. famous sailors
    2. shawarma
    3. kalua (pig baked in banana leaves)

All participants received lollipops with tropical fruit flavor.

After that, I read out interesting facts about Hawaii that I found on the Internet (in order to give everyone else an opportunity to relax and treat themselves).

Do you know that…

  • Hawaii became the fiftieth state to become part of the United States in 1959
  • The state of Hawaii consists of eight large, inhabited islands (excluding Kahoolave \u200b\u200bIsland, which is uninhabited) and 124 small, uninhabited islands, reefs, and atolls.
  • The Hawaiian archipelago stretches for 2,451 km, making Hawaii the longest island chain on Earth.
  • the Hawaiian alphabet is considered to be the shortest in the world. It consists of only 12 letters: 5 vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and 7 consonants (H, K, L, M, N, P, W).
  • Hawaii is the only state whose territory is constantly expanding (due to volcanic eruptions).
  • Hawaii is the only state in the United States where white people are in the minority.
  • Life expectancy in Hawaii is the longest in the United States, at 75 for men and 80 for women.

A game "Hawaiian forfeits"

On sheets of colored paper, you first need to write tasks and roll them into a tube. Each participant chooses a task and performs it.

Examples of tasks:

1. Perform a hula dance

2. Eat a banana, portraying a monkey (this role went to Dasha, she didn't even have to try too hard :))

3. Make cocktails for everyone present

4. Sing a song in his own Hawaiian language

5. Dance the dance of the winner.

6. Accompany dancing and singing participants on an impromptu drum

7. Accompany dancing and singing participants with maracas

8. Come up with a toast (Hawaiian theme)

9. Take 5 interesting photos of the party participants (including a group photo)

10. Look after all the party members (fill plates, serve drinks, etc.)

The next amusement was the game "Shifters".

According to tradition, many phrases of the aborigines of the islands are spoken backwards - in order to deceive evil spirits.

Now I will tell you the line that the natives say, and you have to guess the original song or poem.

  • The pink steamer is standing straight (The blue carriage is running and swinging)
  • Your grief is irregularly drinking cocktails, eating watermelons (Our happiness is constantly chewing coconuts, eating bananas)
  • Bare sands, absolutely everywhere, there is an island of happiness in our river (All covered with greenery, absolutely the entire island of Bad luck in the ocean)
  • Separately sad to lie on the bed (Together it is fun to walk through the open spaces)

You can invite the participants to split into two teams and continue the competition.

I donated water pumps to active participants, which the children played with pleasure until the end of the evening.

After everyone had eaten, more active entertainment began - karaoke, dancing and swimming in the pool.

Relay race "Nimble orange"

Two teams line up, each team member needs to run to his chair and return to his team, while holding an orange between his knees. After that, he passes the orange to the next member of his team, and so on. The orange can be substituted with any round object or fruit.

Relay race "Pass the orange"

All participants line up in a circle. It is necessary
pass the orange to the next participant, holding it between the chin and neck. The participant who dropped the orange leaves the game. The winner receives a prize.

And for a "snack" - " Hawaiian limbo "

Two participants are holding a stick, the rest of the participants must pass under it, so as not to catch the stick. You can only lean back. Don't forget to include background music.

Happy holiday to you! Shaka shaka! 🙂

You can buy a large selection of goods for a Hawaiian party and not only in the "Everything for the holiday" online store, which is our partner.

And many interesting scenarios await you ahead. Subscribe to the free one so you don't miss anything.

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A Hawaiian-style birthday means colorful decorations, music, dancing and, of course, costumes. This holiday is especially attractive for girls as they enjoy trying on coconut bras with grass skirts and dancing until they drop. Therefore, it is better to arrange a Hawaiian birthday for a girl, although the presence of boys will make the holiday more interesting.

However, this topic can also be offered to a birthday boy - if the idea seems interesting to him, then the holiday will be great. But in this case, do not forget to invite girls who will decorate with themselves children's Hawaiian Birthday Party .

The Hawaiian style kids party script suitable for celebration birthday of a child from 8 to 12 or even up to 13-14 years old ... Watch our adult Hawaiian-style party script.

If you find that some of the games and contests are difficult for children, simplify them or replace them with others that are age-appropriate.

Hawaiian-style baby birthday: what's so great about this theme?

A children's Hawaiian-style party will allow you to celebrate your birthday in a fun, colorful and unusual way, take beautiful photographs as a keepsake, introduce children to Hawaii and hold interesting and at the same time useful for development games and contests.

A Hawaiian-style baby's birthday: a preparatory moment

First of all, you need to prepare invitations for the children. It is better to make the invitation cards themselves original. You can find a geographic map of Hawaii, cut and print as many as you want. Write the text on the back of the card. Another option is to find a large image of a hula skirt and print or paint it, complementing the exotic invitations with appropriate text. Hawaiian birthday invitations can also come in the form of a pineapple, Hawaiian shirt, surfboard, or flip flop.

Use Hawaiian phrases in the invitation text: for example, aloha (greetings), la hanau (birthday), hale (home), honi (whole), hula (dance), luou (Hawaiian party),

Sample text:

You can declare the dress code: eg, hawaiian shirts for boys and hawaiian skirts for girls ... But you can prepare the elements of the costume yourself and give them to the children who come for their birthday. It is not expensive or difficult at all. For boys, any shirts with short sleeves are suitable - these can be shirts for the birthday boy or shirts for dad, uncle or brother of the hero (hero) of the occasion. Solid shirts can be turned into Hawaiian ones by applying chaotic bright patterns in advance with ordinary gouache or watercolors, which can then be easily washed off. Have the boys wear Hawaiian shirts over their clothes. Boys can also be offered diving goggles and beach hats.

Skirts for girls can be made from New Year's rain, strung with an elastic band. Instead of rain, you can take narrow satin ribbons or strips of fabric. A very simple option is to take garbage bags of different colors, cut off the bottom, make numerous cuts, and prepare a linen gum. Such a skirt is put on at the waist and held by an elastic band or a bright ribbon.

It can be made from paper or fabric. Make wreaths for girls and leis (flower beads-garlands) for boys from them. Or maybe you can make leis and wreaths from real flowers.

Home decoration. It is advisable to prepare additional flower garlands to decorate the interior - they can be hung on the chandelier and on the windows.

Garlands can also be made from artificial or real fruit.

The easiest way is to draw fruits on paper (bananas, pineapples, oranges) or Hawaiian shirts, cut and string them.

The room will also be decorated with multi-colored paper lanterns.

So you can decorate the table

Or so

Prepare a variety of colored cocktails, fill tall glasses with them, and garnish with umbrella straws and fruit slices. Place all cocktails on a separate table and the room will immediately transform, filled with the mood of a real Hawaiian party.

If there is a palm tree in the house, it must be placed in the room where the holiday will take place. The palm tree should be decorated with colorful ribbons and flower garlands. Lush tinsel, beach umbrellas and other beach paraphernalia will be a suitable decor for a Hawaiian party.

Hawaiian-style children's birthday party: the course of the event

When the children gather, the birthday boy decorates them with wreaths and lei, after which he invites them to taste a cocktail. Then the presenter tells the children a little about Hawaii: where they are, why they are so attractive to people, what Hawaii is famous for (hula dance, wonderful flowers, always warm weather, exotic fruits, wonderful beaches that attract surfers and divers).


Therefore, we decided to arrange a Hawaiian party in honor of la Hanau, which means “birthday” in Hawaiian, to make you hot, fun and delicious. Hawaiians are very hospitable and friendly. Hawaiian has a lot of kind words. But only one of the kind words of the Hawaiian dictionary has become known throughout the world. What this word is, you will find out a little later - when you receive cards with letters and put this word out of them. And to get all the letter cards, you need to take part in Hawaiian entertainment. Are you ready to start a hot Hawaiian party and have fun until you drop? Let's go then!

You will need 7 cards: 2 with the letter A, 2 with the letter X, 2 with the letter O and 1 with the letter L. Each of the entertainment has a name for one of these letters. After the game or competition, the presenter gives the children a card with a letter corresponding to the name.

The first game "Turtle Race"

To play the game you will need props: several toy turtles (plastic or soft), the same number of ropes (from 5 meters long) and the same number of bamboo (or any other) sticks.

You need to tie a turtle to one end of the rope, and a stick to the other. Children wishing to participate are given one rope each. The finish line is marked, children stand at a distance of 1-2 steps from it. The ropes are stretched, the participants' turtles are spaced at the same distance.

At the command of the leader, the participants begin to wind the rope around the stick, thereby setting the turtles in motion. Whose turtle gets past the finish line faster, that competitor wins. The game can be repeated several times, allowing all children to participate. Don't forget to prepare prizes for the winners. And at the end, the children need to be handed a card with the letter A.

The second game "Pineapple"

You will need 2-3 pineapple-sized balls.

Children are divided into pairs or triplets depending on the number of balls. Couples participate in turns. The start is on the start line. The finish is also marked - these can be baskets or boxes for balls, standing in front of each participant. The goal is to get the pineapple to the basket as quickly as possible.

The first group (a couple or three) of children carries “pineapples” on their heads. The second group is by squeezing them between the knees. The third carries pineapples with her ankles, the fourth - holding the ball only with her little fingers.

The winner in each group advances to the semifinals. The four semi-finalists are randomly paired and carry the pineapple by holding it in the open palm and jumping on one leg. The winners advance to the final. The two finalists carry the pineapple by leaning forward and placing the ball between the shoulder blades (or between the shoulder and head). The winner will receive a prize, and the children will receive a second card with the letter A.

The third game "Hulahupaniya"

You will need at least two plastic hula hoops (hoops), and preferably 3.

The children need to be divided again - now into two mixed teams. One team member participates in each competition. For each victory of its member, the team receives a point. Whichever team gets more points by the end wins.

First competition: who will go further (or faster to a certain point), without stopping to rotate the hoop.

Second competition like the first, but you need not just walk, but step over obstacles - for example, over inflated balloons. Having dropped the hoop, you need to pick it up, unwind it again and continue your journey.

Third competition - twist several hoops at the same time, preferably three. Participants from each team twist in turn, while the rest time. The one who lasts longer in time wins. If the participant freely spins the hoop for more than a minute, he must be stopped. If the second one lasts a minute, then one point is given to each team.

Fourth competition Boys will love it better: throw the hoop over a plastic bucket. Both participants from each team are given 3 attempts: whoever has more successful attempts wins.

Fifth competition: twist the hoop on your hand. Whoever lasts longer wins.

At the end, the number of points for each team is calculated. Prizes are awarded to the members of the winning team, and the children are given another card with a letter - now with an X.

Continuation of the script "Children's birthday in Hawaiian style" on

An article on several pages: 1

March 19, 2017

We wish only the best for our children, and it is understandable why today many parents want to please their offspring by organizing unforgettable parties for them. Yes, exactly parties, because it is extremely difficult to imagine a group of children sitting sedately at the table and eating a cake. Children's holiday should be energetic, fun and exciting. There is no place for boredom and triviality. Therefore, more and more birthdays are held in some specific theme.

A Hawaiian theme is perfect for a kid's party. What could be sunnier, more energetic and brighter than the atmosphere of the paradise islands. Catchy costumes, funny songs and dances, exotic flowers and fruits - all this will please even the most whimsical birthday boy.

How to properly organize a Hawaii-themed kids party

Having started preparing for the holiday, try not to lose sight of any, even the most insignificant, details. It would be nice to involve the birthday man himself in the preparation. Perhaps his help will be minimal, but even she can make the child happy. After all, being involved in organizing something like this is already a great gift.

When preparing, pay attention to such points as:

Good preparation means time, effort and money. But the happy eyes of the children are worth it.

1. Choosing a venue for the holiday

There are many options for hosting a Hawaiian party: at home, in a cafe or outdoors. It all depends on when the birthday is and how big the budget is ready to allocate for all this.

If the celebration is planned for the summer, then there is simply no better place than the seashore or the river. As you know, Hawaii is an island, which means there is water around them. Therefore, the presence of a reservoir nearby is only welcome. An artificial reservoir - a pool - will also be an excellent solution.

But if the party takes place during the cold season, then everything can be done just as well in an apartment or cafe. It's just that here you have to pay a little more attention to decorating and decorating the room.

2. Creation of original invitation letters

Making invitations is exactly the stage of preparation where you can easily attract your children. Doing something with your own hands, albeit under your clear guidance, is where real happiness lies. Moreover, it is so important to invite guests in an original and unusual way.

Different options are possible here:

  1. Print templates of invitation cards available on the Internet, but only in the form of coloring pages. And together with the child, decorate them each in different ways.
  2. Cut out invitations in the form of shapes that are associated with Hawaii. For example, in the form of ukuleles, flip flops, cocktails or bright colors.
  3. Make an applique. Stick voluminous butterflies and flowers on thick paper. It will look original and will delight both guests and your child.
  4. Make invitations in the form of trips to Hawaii.

The main thing to remember is that in addition to a direct invitation, the letter should also indicate the date of the party, the time and place of its holding, the requirements for the appearance of the guests. This point is worth describing in more detail. Perhaps even post photos of indicative outfits and tips for creating them. This is important, because not everyone has been to Hawaii and are familiar with their style of clothing.

3. Stylization of the room according to the chosen theme

If your choice fell on a room, then you need to decorate it accordingly. And here two options are possible: budget or on a grand scale.

First option will take a lot of time and effort, but save money. Here you will have to do all the decoration yourself. But what a creative parent will not go to for the happiness of his child. Having chosen this option, quickly go to the nearest store for colored paper and cardboard, bright multi-colored napkins, corrugated paper and balls. This simple set will help you decorate.

Cut out the letters for the word "ALOHA" from colored cardboard and place this Hawaiian greeting at the entrance. Thicker cardboard or plywood can be used to make dummy surfboards and place them along the walls. Make large fluffy flowers from napkins and scatter on the floor, tables, attach to walls and curtains. Colored paper will make excellent butterflies, which will also perfectly fit into the interior.

Palm branches can be made from corrugated paper, which can then be fixed to the walls. Multicolored balloons - ordinary or helium (no difference) - will look no less festive and interesting.

Do not forget about table decoration. They should be covered with brightly colored tablecloths with pretty flashy prints. Disposable dishes can also be taken, but they should also be bright and unusual. Many online stores offer such themed goods, so this will definitely not be a problem. Various exotic fruits (pineapples, coconuts, bananas, mangoes, oranges) are required on the table, which later can easily go from the decor to the category of dessert.

Second, more expensive option, is to seek help from a special agency that professionally organizes such parties. And then you will not have any problems, except for one - where to get the money for all this.

4. Greeting the guests of the party

"As you meet guests, you will have a party." Or is it about the New Year they say so? I think in both cases it is almost true. Therefore, it is worth making sure that those who have gathered from the very first seconds plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance for each guest a flower wreath, which in Hawaii is considered a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. It is clear that making such wreaths from fresh flowers is not at all budgetary. Therefore, bright napkins and corrugated paper will come to your aid. Such leis (flower garlands) are worn around the guests' necks accompanied by the traditional Aloha greeting.

You can meet a guest with some kind of poem. For instance:

I welcome you to Hawaii my friend
All around you screams "Aloha".
Today we will have fun together:
We won't have time to be lazy.

You can also perform the famous Hawaiian dance as a greeting. It will not be difficult to learn it: both the guest is pleased and you feel good.

5. Selection of the holiday menu

A children's Hawaiian party requires not only a special room decoration, but also a menu. It is unlikely that the kids will be pleased with the large abundance of mayonnaise salads and mountains of meat. As you know, what is good for an adult is disgusting for a child. Therefore, there should be a lot of fruits and sweets on the table. Salads, of course, are also allowed, but they should be light and decorated in an unusual way. For example, in the form of an island with a palm tree or in the form of a dolphin, a monkey. A salad laid out in half a pineapple or half an orange will look very impressive.

Small sandwiches and canapes work well for the Hawaiian menu. The latter can be stuck into the pineapple and thus create a fruit ball. There is a lot of trouble, but children will definitely appreciate it.

The kids will be delighted with Hawaiian mini-burgers and pizza. Not the healthiest food, but the guests did not come to a meeting of the members of the healthy food club.

Use fruits to create compositions for the theme of the evening.

Well, what a festive table without drinks. Juices, juices, and more juices. This is what should be on the table in great numbers. And don't serve them in standard packaging. It is better to do it in portions, and decorate each glass with bright cocktail umbrellas, flowers and fruits. You can also serve drinks in small coconuts with straws. This feed looks very good.

6. Script

When all the guests are already assembled, you need to somehow entertain them. It is unreasonable to hope that they will entertain themselves with something. Adults often do not cope with this task, and even more so, children. You can and should improvise, but taking into account how good you are at improvisation. It is better to prepare a script for a Hawaiian party in advance and find a host for it. It can be an invited specialist, or you can be yourself.

Specialists, as a rule, have several options for holding such a holiday. But, if you decide to do without it, then you will have to come up with the script yourself or find something suitable on the Internet. Zavodila. com offers you a script "Aloha or a trip to Hawaii"


Congratulations on your arrival in Hawaii,
And I wish you a good time here.
Aloha to you, my friends, sounds
And I want to invite to the competition.

Hawaiian Trick Dance Competition

The bottom line is pretty simple. It is necessary to repeat the movements of the Hawaiian dance after the leader. It seems to be nothing complicated, only there is a small catch. The leader is allowed to move his legs during the dance, but the participants are strictly prohibited.

The presenter, showing the movements, will deliberately provoke the participants with the phrases "Now two steps to the right", "Let's go forward" or "Show how you can jump." Those who budge will be eliminated from the competition.

In this competition, you can compete as one winner, or you can determine several winners at once.


Well, I see that you have no equal in dancing here,
But what if we add one object to the dance.
Now we will test your flexibility and agility,
And I wish you all good luck and perseverance.

Competition "Without touching the ground"

This competition is fairly traditional in Hawaii. It will take two meters of bright satin ribbon. This tape will be held by two at first at a high altitude, and then they will begin to lower it lower and lower. And the children, you guessed it, will have to go under it. Whoever touches the ground or the tape loses.


Hawaii is a piece of paradise.
Here the selection of fruits is unforgivable.
Now let's check which of you
He knows more about fruits than we do.

Competition "Fruit Quiz"

Kids love quizzes, so what a Hawaiian party without them. You can, of course, prepare questions about Hawaii, but this is already a bit trivial, and even difficult for kids. Therefore, as an alternative, you can prepare riddles about fruits.

For instance:

There is no fruit sour in the world,
But it is useful even for children.
From hot countries, he sends a bow!
Your old yellow friend ... (lemon).

Shaggy, solid miracle ball,
Hides delicious juice under the shell!
And I have a question:
How can I taste ... (coconut).


Yes, you know a lot of fruits,
But to collect them for us on the road,
We need to sail to the island in a canoe,
And show your zeal.

Speed \u200b\u200bCanoe Competition

This is a team competition. First, put the children in two groups and line them up in two lines. Place the same amount of fruit on the ground a few meters away.

Each team receives an inflatable mattress on which one of the members of each team lies down. The essence of the game is to transport fruits from one shore to the other shore on an impromptu canoe. Only now you cannot take more than one fruit on board at a time. One player, one fruit.

Ask how to get around in this canoe? It's very simple: one sits or lies on the mattress, and the other pushes or pulls in the right direction. Whoever carries all the fruits faster wins.


You have stocked up on fruits,
But where are they going without souvenirs?
So that the memory of Hawaii remains forever,
We will make everyone get the Hawaiian.

Master class "Hawaiian shirt"

Competitions are good, but it is somehow worthless to go empty-handed. Therefore, invite the children to make a Hawaiian shirt applique. Make the necessary preparations in advance. Print the templates of the shirts themselves on colored paper. Get curly hole punches in the form of different flowers. You can also stock up on sequins and sequins. And forward.

Of course, there can be many more contests. Anything that you find interesting will do.

Prizes and souvenirs

Don't forget to stock up on sweets and toys. After all, it will be necessary to somehow encourage the winners of the competitions. Also for this purpose, you can use magnets, notepads, calendars and other stationery with the image of palm trees, flowers, the sea, the beach ...

The holiday can take place in any expected circumstances: in a restaurant, cafe, office ... But it is better if this party is held near the water: an embankment, a motor ship, a swimming pool. Yes Yes! Why not in the pool ?! And extraordinary and original.


Half an hour before the start of the holiday, participants and guests gather at the designated place. They are greeted by girls in parero who greet everyone in English and Hawaiian and distribute carnival paraphernalia to participants and guests: multi-colored foil caps, decorative feathers, beads made of paper or plastic flowers, etc.
A “welcome drink” is organized in the foyer or in a special room: a separate table with aperitifs and fruits. Here, the musician plays Hawaiian ethnic rhythms on drums. If it is not possible to invite a musician, the drums should sound in the audio recording.
15 minutes before the start of the party, the presenter greets all the guests and participants of the holiday.
The host should be dressed, so to speak, in Hawaiian style: bright jeans, a Hawaiian shirt, lace - beads made of flowers, a bright summer cap or hat.

Leading. Dear friends! We are very glad to welcome you in our hall (on board the ship, on the embankment ...), which will turn into the mysterious island "Hawaii" for several hours!

Hawaii is a fabulous paradise!
Hawaii is your dream!
Only here have fun, rest!
Hawaii is the star of the radiant sea!

Since we invite you to make a kind of journey through time and space, we wish each other a good journey, but always in Hawaiian style.
I tell you: "Aloha, dud!" - and you answer: "Yes, kaine, bra!". Ready! ... Aloha, dud!

Participants. Yes kaine, sconce!

The presenter introduces everyone to the comic duties of the “residents” of the island of Hawaii, announces the corporate event program and invites everyone to gather in the banquet hall of the “island” in 15 minutes, according to the “location” of their seats at the festive tables.

Leading. The law of any holiday is to have fun and don't think about anything. But there are certain responsibilities of the Hawaiian holiday pastime. Listen to them carefully.

Today the law is simple:
Have fun, dance and sing!

You need to try very hard
Ringing, laughing fun!

Hawaiians are always friendly people
Try not to swear in public.

It is not fashionable to be shy at our holiday,
You can safely declare your love!

Have fun yourself and have fun with another,
Being in Hawaii cannot be otherwise!

Hawaii is coconut palms, mango trees, pineapple plantations, tropical forests, colorful rainbows, active volcanoes, sea turtles and beautiful legends ... We do not promise you all this, but nevertheless, the festive program will include:

Fun Hawaiian dancing
Culinary and alcoholic tales,
Holiday greetings,
Hawaiian games and entertainment,
Bartender show and billi dance,
Cute black men
Exotic guests ...
So, put your doubts aside -
Hawaiian party with us,
Only today and only now.

Dear friends, “dont worry be Hawaiian” which means “don't hesitate to be Hawaiian”. Exactly in a quarter of an hour we will meet at the festive table, according to the price list for the allocation of seats.

Music. Free communication 15-20 minutes.


The official part begins in the banquet hall. The host opens a corporate Hawaiian party and conducts an impromptu game Hawaiian Welcome.

Impromptu "Greetings in Hawaiian".

In the phonogram (or live), a drum rhythm sounds, to which the leader in the style of rap conducts an impromptu.

Leading. Good evening, good hour!
I greet all of you!
Vari good, salam aleikum,
Bona sir, wats from das!
More bozhur, shalom and chao,
Buonas diaz, sveiki, sane!
Gomarjoba, buna, yeti,
Namaste, aloha, tervist.

According to the principle "more or less" the host determines the winner of this impromptu. Correct answer: in 17 languages. The author of the correct answer is awarded a prize.

Leading. Now, try to guess which of the greetings sounded is Hawaiian ...

The host again conducts the competition, identifying the most attentive or quick-witted. The correct answer is "aloha". Whoever guesses the Hawaiian greeting is awarded a prize.

Leading. In general, the Hawaiian word for "aloha" is universal. It is both a greeting, and a wish of all the best, and thanksgiving, and even a declaration of love ...
Right now, I am pleased to give the floor, both for greetings, and for thanksgiving, and for congratulations, and possibly recognition of that very love, to the head of the company (name of the organization) Mikhail Edin.
Aloha, Mikhail Nikolaevich!

The word for greetings and congratulations is given to the company's management, officials and guests of honor. Speakers greet all those present and congratulate them on their professional holiday.
Then the presenter conducts a comic dedication of the head of the company to the "Supreme Hawaiian Leader"

Initiation ceremony.

Leading. For the initiation ceremony, we need two assistants from among the company's employees. Dear Mikhail Nikolaveich, identify these two representatives of the fair sex, with whom you, as they say, both in intelligence and in Hawaii ...

The head of the company designates two assistants to conduct the initiation ceremony. One of them is awarded a "lace" - flower beads, the other "rod" - a fake banana and a toy drum.

Leading. Friends! We begin the most important ceremony,
We dedicate Michael to the Supreme Hawaiian Leader.
(Drum beats sound.)
The rhythms of the drums sound in your honor,
Take the attributes of power from the girls.

The assistants present the "named leader" with the "attributes" of power.

Leading. And now our esteemed Leader will deliver a welcoming speech. As soon as he, that is, the Leader, hits the drum, everyone needs to shout "Hey!" and raise your right hand up.

The "leader" is presented with the text of the welcoming speech. After each phrase, everyone shouts "Hey!" and raise their right hand. After each block of "welcoming speech", the presenter "translates" the meaning of what the leader said.

Leading. So, Lord Leader, start ...
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey!
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey!
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey! Hey! Hey!
Leading. The chief said the following:
“We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time,
We dreamed about it for a long time! "
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey!
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey!
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey! Hey! Hey!
Leading. I translate what was said:
"Let's sing and dance
And congratulate each other! "
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey!
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey!
Leader. Param parero!
All. Hey! Hey! Hey!
Leading. Attention, who did not understand - I am translating:
“I really need to raise my glasses,
Let's all drink for the holiday together! ".

The head of the company - the "leader" makes a toast, everyone supports him. The ceremony of awarding the best employees of the company for the year is also held. The Hawaiian party opening ritual, that is, the official part ends.
Banquet break 15-20 minutes.


The festive feast lasts 1.5 hours, with a short break after 45 minutes. The program of the banquet part consists of: 4-5 concert numbers, table games, draws, quizzes, toasting, background music during banquet breaks.

Leading. The holiday, before it starts, is already in full swing. And what a festive feast without congratulations and toasts ... If any of you, dear Hawaiians, wishes to make a festive speech, please, but only with the consent of the Supreme Hawaiian Leader.
Small bars with exotic cocktails and drinks are an invariable feature of all Hawaiian beaches. Drinks are on your tables. But I don’t promise a Hawaiian bar ... But the bartender show is already an invariable feature of our party.

Demonstration performance - bartender show (5-10 minutes).
The bartender's performance consists of preparing “exotic” cocktails in front of the participants of the party, tasting the prepared drinks, juggling, dynamic background music, dance animation of the bartender's assistant (it is desirable that the assistant be of southern blood).

Test quiz "Hawaii! ... What is this?"

Leading. Dear friends, now we will try to find out which of you knows about Hawaii, if not everything, then at least practically everything.
I ask a question, there are three possible answers to it, but only one of them is correct. So, let's start the intellectual competition "Hawaii! ... What is this?"

1) There is such a thing as "Hawaiian time". What do you think this means:
no one is in a hurry;
afternoon nap;
rush hour.

2) Kilauea is the name:
an active volcano in Hawaii;
one of the Hawaiian Islands;
the deepest lake in Hawaii.

3) In the Hawaiian pantheon, the Goddess of Volcanoes is depicted as a woman with developing black braids and fiery eyes. And the name of this Goddess:

4) Agualoa - literally in Hawaiian means:
huge lizard;
mare's milk;
long hill.

5) Hawaiian Islands are:
sovereign state;
uS state;
state of Australia.

6) The highest inactive volcano on the island of Hawaii is Mauna Kea, which means "white mountain" because its peak is often:
constantly in the fog;
covered with white edelweiss flowers;
covered with snow.

7) "Hula-hula" is:
national Hawaiian dance;
national Hawaiian bread;
national Hawaiian clothing.

8) The capital of Hawaii is the city:
Baden Baden;
Hawaiian City.

9) The first name of the Hawaiian archipelago was:
Banana Islands;
Hamburger Islands;
Sandwich Islands.

10) Hawaiian Islands discovered:
Earl Sandwich;
Christopher Columbus;
James Cook.

11) The famous naval base is located on the Hawaiian Islands:
Guan Tanamella;
Pearl Harbor;
Black Jack.

12) In Hawaii, the time difference with Moscow is:
13 hours;
9 hours;

The presenter conducts a test quiz, in such a way that he determines the most active company at the common table by the correct answers, and then identifies the winner at this table.

Leading. Happy to congratulate our winner in the Hawaiian Intellectual Marathon! A prize from me, applause from everyone ... And our program continues with a performance in a dance style that is popular both throughout the world and in Hawaii - billi-dance (belly dance).

Concert number - belly dance (5 minutes).
Each number of the show program should preferably be with elements of interactivity. The first part of the number "belly dance" is a dancer's performance, that is, the dance itself. The second part of her performance is to involve the party participants in the "art of belly control." The involvement of the male part of the company's employees in this interactive process is especially spectacular and successful.

Impromptu "Name the weight of the coconut."

Leading. The Hawaiian Islands are called the crown of the "South Seas" because most of the plants that grow here are found nowhere else in the world.
I cannot say that coconuts grow only there, but the fact that one of you will become the owner of a coconut that I have in my hands is obvious. We will play it not simply, but very simply ...
I will gladly hand over this exotic nut to the one who will name its exact weight ...

The host conducts an impromptu. The author of the correct answer is awarded a prize - a coconut, the weight of which was guessed. Do not forget to weigh the coconut beforehand. By the way, so that there are no misunderstandings, seal the card with the correct answer in an envelope and open it when the winner of the drawing is revealed.

Leading. It is impossible to feel the unique sunny aroma of Hawaiian beaches without enjoying the exciting rhythms of Hawaiian drums. Just for you friends, and only for today - the Hawaiian drum show.

The performance of the musician on the Hawaiian drums. First, you need to agree with the performer so that in his performance he also uses interactive - to attract the participants to the "mastery of rhythmic drawing" on percussion instruments.

Impromptu "Thirteen Coconuts".

Leading. Now I want to offer you the popular game of the Hawaiian natives "Thirteen Coconuts". Between two players, 13 coconuts are laid out, in turn, each player takes one, two or three nuts, whoever has the last one, that is, the thirteenth nut, loses.
Let's get to know the popular Hawaiian fun in practice. I have a string in my hands, there are exactly 13 balls on it - this will replace the required amount of coconuts. So, let's start ... What exotic fruits, fruits, plants live in Hawaii? ...

The presenter conducts the game according to the following technology: who calls exotic plants become players; the game is always played in pairs, that is, two people participate; they hold a string with 13 balls; in turn, they move 1, 2 or 3 balls to themselves; to whom the last ball remains - loses. The impromptu is held between 3-4 pairs, then the winners play. This is how the absolute winner of this fun is determined.

Impromptu "Hawaiian Karaoke".

Leading. One of Hawaiians' favorite leisure activities is drumming, singing folk songs, and dancing to the beat of drum and song rhythms. With the drums we have a lot of stress, the season is all the same. Dance passions are ahead. And it's time to show vocal creativity.
We are starting the Hawaiian Karaoke contest. Companies compete among themselves at tables. As soon as the melody of the song begins to sound, it must be immediately sung by the whole company. Whichever table sings first will be credited with the winning banana. It is very simple to determine the winner - on whose table there will be more winning bananas. We have several tunes in our arsenal, so everyone has a chance of winning. Attention, first melody ...

A competition is held: phonograms of famous songs are played in the "minus voice" format, company tables are trying to guess the song and immediately sing it, whoever manages to do it first - receive a victory point and a banana from the presenter.
Several melodies, several rounds, the leader is constantly changing, the leader keeps track of the score in this situation ... It is not necessary for the whole song to be played, the verse and chorus are enough and immediately move on to the next version. There should be no less than 5 melodies and no more than 9 melodies. The winning company is awarded a prize and given the right to perform a song of their choice, or the choice of the host.

Party surprise.

Leading. My motto is
I hope everyone understands it:
A prepared surprise
Should be pleasant to friends.
Indeed, a holiday without surprises, not a holiday. Dear friends, welcome the exotic guests of the party ...

Music. Guest performance - Negro musical rap show group.
After the performance of the guests, a short break is announced. During the break, dance music sounds for those who want to dance. It is appropriate to organize photographing, especially since the appearance of black artists always causes a certain revival among the participants of the holiday, and many are in a hurry to be photographed with them as a souvenir.
For photographing, you can use the tantamaresque principle - prepare a shield with painted images of Papuans among the palms in advance, but leave oval cuts instead of faces. Those who want to capture themselves in a photo put their faces into the holes, and the photo joke is ready.

Further, the party is built on the principle of "happening", that is, everyone is resting and having fun for their own pleasure, there is no "obligatory program". Someone "lights up" on the dance floor, someone takes part in games and competitions, someone indulges in eating their favorite dishes at the table ...
The so-called "free" part of the festival unfolds in three directions: drinking, play, dancing. An atmosphere of freedom and ease should reign everywhere.


"Hawaiian shape shifters".

Leading. Hawaiian aborigines, in order to speak evil spirits, have a habit of speaking in a confused way, that is, turning words over to the opposite in meaning. Will you be able to deceive evil spirits and master the so-called Hawaiian shape-shifters ...

Hanging from a palm tree was a monkey that did not at all look like a yellow banana.
(A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, just like a cucumber, it was green.)

It’s sad to sit on a desert island alone and mumble poetry under your breath.
(Together the weight ate to walk across the open spaces and, of course, it is better to hum along in chorus.)

They float, float from the nearest hut, bad natives, sad invaders.
(We are driving, driving, driving to distant lands, good neighbors, funny friends.)

The ocean ends in a black swamp, and parting ends in tears.
(A river begins from a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile.)

"Dance with a coconut".

Leading. How many letters are included in the word "coconut"? ... Not five, but three! Letters "k", "o", "s". Dear ladies, whose names begin with these letters? ... please come to me ...

3-5 participants are determined.

Leading. Are there those among men whose names begin with the same letters? ... I invite you to join our company ...

3-5 participants are determined.

Leading. Now you need to pair up according to the initial letters of your names ...

Participants are assigned in pairs.

Leading. I give each pair a coconut ...

Couples are presented with coconuts. Coconuts can be real or substitutes, such as balls. But real coconuts are more interesting.

Leading. Dear contestants, you will take part in a small dance marathon. Each couple, performing this or that dance, needs to hold the coconut without the help of hands. If the coconut falls, then this pair goes out of range. The winners will be those who master all three rounds without losing the southern exotic nut. Attention, let's start ...

Round 1: lambada (coconut is held by the stomachs).
Round 2: macarena (coconut held by backs).
Round 3: tap-hole (the coke is held in the "locomotive" position).

Pass the coconut.

Those wishing to take part in the fun (from 7 to 14 people) line up in a line or in a circle. The game is played on the basis of the play-off principle, that is, elimination.
Music sounds, players pass the coconut from hand to hand - having received a coconut from a neighbor, you need to make a turn around yourself and pass it on.
The music stops periodically. The player who has a coconut in his hands at the moment the music stops is eliminated from the game.
The game is played until the last player remains - that is, the winner. The prize is a coconut that was passed from hand to hand by the players.

"Turtle Race"

To carry out the game, it is necessary to prepare the props in advance: toy turtles, bamboo sticks, rope. The rope is cut 3-4 meters, one end is tied to the bamboo in the middle, the other to the turtle.
Rules of the game:
participants are determined, the number of which depends on the prepared props;
all participants line up with bamboo sticks in their hands;
"running turtles" are equidistant on the ropes;
at the command of the leader, the participants begin to wind the rope around a bamboo stick, from which the turtles begin their "race";
the winner is the one whose turtle reaches the finish line first.

"Fruit trap".

Fruits are put into a dark cloth bag: coconut, banana, pineapple, kiwi, avocado, quince ... Outside on the bag there is a pocket with phantom tasks. This will be the "fruit trap".
The participant, without looking, puts his hand into the bag, takes one of the contents in his hand and guesses the name of the fruit by touch. Guess he takes it as a present. If the participant is mistaken, he takes out the pocket of the phantom task and performs it.
For "fun" in the bag, you can add other objects that resemble any fruit in shape and structure (ball, soft toy, ball of yarn, dishwashing sponge ...).
perform a Hawaiian dance - "hula" ("hula" - slow swinging of the hips in a turn to ethnic music);
confess love to all women (men) as a Hawaiian aboriginal (aboriginal) - with gestures, shouts, facial expressions;
give kisses to all men (women) on the cheek;
surprise everyone present with your vocal abilities;
depict a monkey eating a banana ...


For this game you will not need real coconuts, but their "substitutes" - children's balls.
The number of balls determines the players who need to carry the "coconut" in a certain way at a given distance and not drop it. The winner is the fastest, but never lost a coconut ball.
Job options:
carry a coconut on your head:
carry a coconut, squeezing it with your knees;
carry a coconut, holding it with your ankles;
carry the coconut, squeezing the shoulder blades leaning forward;
carry the coconut, holding it with one leg bent, jumping on the other leg.

Fun dance "Hawaiian Limbo".

Dance entertainment "Limbo" is one of the most popular at various parties. We will add our own flavor to it.
You will need a bamboo twig (at least 1.5 m long) and coconuts, or balls replacing them.
Two participants are holding a bamboo, the rest, to the music, take turns under the bamboo twig. With each new entry of the participants, the bamboo sinks lower, and there are fewer and fewer participants, since the lower the obstacle, the more difficult it is to overcome it.
The main condition: you need to pass under the bamboo stick, holding the coconut in any way, but without using your hands. When overcoming an obstacle, you cannot touch the floor with your hands and other parts of the body (except for the legs, naturally).
The competition is held until the last participant.


The party ends with the final ritual dance "Giant Lambada". Everyone knows what "lambada" is and how it is performed. And why "giant" ... The organizers and the host of the party should try to combine all the party participants into a single "lambada", capturing as much space as possible, that is, dancing it not only on the dance floor, but traveling throughout the entire "festive" space - thus it turns out a huge A "snake" that engulfed everything and everyone.

After the "lambada", all parties are treated to cool tropical tea and fruits. The final speeches of the firm's management are delivered. The boom fetty goes off, table fireworks are lit on the tables. The rhythms of Hawaiian drums are played by a musician who "travels" among the tables. The presenter thanks everyone for their participation and attention, says the words of farewell. The Hawaiian party is over.

A corporate Hawaiian party can be timed to coincide with any event: company day, professional holiday, New Year's, family event for company employees, out-of-town vacations, etc.
If the party has a targeted purpose, then it needs to be filled with the necessary attributes, characters, rituals ... If the New Year's party is Hawaiian, Santa Heat can come instead of Santa Claus, and instead of the traditional song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sing "A palm tree was born in the jungle." If it is the birthday of the company, then here you can play a tour to Hawaii, bring out a birthday cake decorated with exotic fruits. If this is a family event for the employees of the company, it is necessary to consider entertainment for the children of the employees.

To create a festive Hawaiian atmosphere for this party, you need to pay attention to the entourage and content of the show program:
it is desirable that all participants and guests be in light-colored summer dresses;
use balloons, fake flowers, artificial palm trees in the design of the festive space;
musical design must also correspond to the declared theme;
on the set tables there are more fruits and light cocktails decorated with straws, umbrellas, tinsel, paper figures;
it is necessary to carefully consider the content of the show program: inviting black performers, Latin American dances, circus acts (juggling, hula-hoops, yoga), song hits about the summer, the sun, the sea - all numbers should be bright, colorful,