
Shampoo recipe for oily hair. Do-it-yourself natural shampoos. Homemade shampoo recipe for oily hair

Shampoo recipe for oily hair.  Do-it-yourself natural shampoos.  Homemade shampoo recipe for oily hair

Shampoo is a must-have hair care product. On store shelves you can find a huge selection of shampoos for any hair type, with any scent, effect and composition. But modern shampoos contain many ingredients, such as SLS, parabens, thickeners, silicones and many others. Therefore, an alternative to store-bought jars can be homemade hair shampoo, which are easy to prepare at home. Homemade shampoos natural and harmless. You choose the ingredients for this shampoo yourself. Many girls have already experienced all the delights of using homemade shampoo.

There are a lot of recipes for homemade shampoos, some are aimed at strengthening hair, others at nutrition, and others just cleanse hair well. But in any case, a variety of recipes is created on the basis of certain components, which we will consider today.

What you need to know about homemade shampoos?

1. Homemade shampoo should be used immediately after preparation. Use only fresh shampoo.
2. You need to get used to homemade shampoo; after one use, you are unlikely to like the effect, but when the scalp and hair get used to such delicate cleansing, the frequency of hair washing will be reduced. It usually takes a month to get used to it.
3. Some homemade shampoos cannot be used constantly.
4. Homemade shampoo may not wash your hair as perfectly as store-bought shampoo, since it does so very gently.

Homemade Shampoo Recipes

Homemade shampoo with baking soda

Not everyone knows that regular soda is an excellent substitute for store-bought shampoo. How does baking soda work on hair?

Baking soda is an alkali, which removes all accumulated oil from the hair. Soda is not a natural product, it is produced chemically, then what is it better than shampoo? The answer is simple - soda is a mild cleanser without any impurities and additives, which are found in huge quantities in shampoos (thickeners, emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers, etc.)

It will take time to completely switch to washing with soda. Hair and scalp must adapt and get used to it, so after a single use of soda you may not be satisfied. To see results you must use this method for at least 2 weeks. Many girls who have tried this method on themselves say that now it is enough to wash their hair 1-2 times a week, instead of 3-4.

How to wash your hair with soda?

Pour 1-2 tablespoons of soda into a glass of warm boiled water and stir. Apply the solution to your hair Special attention We focus on the scalp. Massage the scalp for 3-5 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water.

Do I need to use balm?

If you want to completely abandon purchased products, then after washing your hair you should rinse with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar. Thanks to this, your hair will be easy to comb and shiny. In 1 l. Dilute 2 tablespoons of 5% apple cider vinegar with water and rinse your hair after washing. It is important to use NATURAL apple cider vinegar, and not a cheap analogue that does not benefit your hair. Read how to choose natural apple cider vinegar.

Pros of homemade shampoo with baking soda:

Fast preparation. Unlike other homemade shampoos, preparing shampoo with baking soda is not difficult or time-consuming.
- inexpensive way. One package of soda will last a long time.
- soda is safe and does not cause allergies.

Disadvantages of using soda:

It takes a long time to get used to it; it will take a month to see a good result and completely give up shampoo.
- some girls complain that their hair lacks nutrition and becomes dry (but homemade nourishing masks can help with this)
- baking soda does not always rinse hair perfectly.

Homemade shampoo with egg

ABOUT beneficial properties a lot of chicken eggs have been said, they contain healthy vitamins and amino acids and are great for hair care. Egg washing is one of the most popular hair washing methods and has received a lot of praise.

It is best to use egg yolk to wash your hair, since it contains all the useful components, and the white is more difficult to wash out of your hair. How to wash your hair with an egg?

First we need to decide how many yolks we need to short hair 1 will be enough, for long hair 2-3 pcs.

It’s quite easy to make your own natural shampoo from an egg. First you need to separate the yolks from the whites. Then you need to get rid of the film that covers the yolk; if this is not done, it will be difficult to rinse your hair. To do this, you can make a small cut and squeeze the yolk out of the film.

Now mix the yolks with a small amount of water (1/4 cup) and beat with a fork or whisk. Apply egg shampoo to damp hair and scalp. Leave the shampoo on your hair for 5-7 minutes, after massaging your scalp. If your hair is very damaged, you can keep this shampoo for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse your hair with warm water until it becomes completely clear.

If your hair is oily, then you can add a little lemon juice to your homemade egg shampoo; for dry hair, add olive oil. The egg also goes well with essential oils, you can add essential oils depending on hair type or desired effect.

Pros of using homemade egg shampoo

The yolk not only cleanses the hair, but also nourishes it.
- it takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare the shampoo.
- eggs are an affordable product.
- no need to use balm after washing.
- suitable for any hair type.

Cons of egg shampoo:

On long hair You need a lot of yolks, which is why this method is not cheap.
- the smell of eggs may remain on the hair, which not everyone likes.
- you need to get used to this method; the yolk may not rinse your hair perfectly the first time.

Homemade bread shampoo

Bread masks are very beneficial for hair, thanks to the content of such substances in bread as: manganese, iron, zinc, vitamins B and E. Most often, bread is used as a component of hair masks, but it also acts as a soft scrub, so it is suitable for washing hair.

For homemade shampoo, rye or Borodino bread is suitable.

How to wash your hair with bread?

Pour boiling water over several slices of bread, having previously separated the crusts from the bread, and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Then mash the bread thoroughly so that there are as few crumbs as possible; this can be done using a blender. Apply the bread mass to damp hair, paying special attention to the roots, and massage the scalp. You can leave this shampoo on your hair for 20-30 minutes, then it will also receive nutrition. Then we rinse our hair with clean water; it is not necessary to use balm.

If you also want to treat your hair, then you can add other useful ingredients to the bread: oils, kefir, sour cream, etc. Also, instead of water, bread can be soaked in a decoction of herbs (nettle, burdock).

If your hair is oily, then the bread mixture may not wash it out; in this case, it is best to soak the bread in 1% kefir.

Benefits of washing your hair with bread

Bread not only cleanses the hair, but also nourishes the scalp, promotes hair growth, and strengthens the roots.
- thanks to bread, hair becomes thicker and stronger.
- this method of washing is suitable for dry hair, as well as for restoring hair.

Cons of bread shampoo:

It takes a lot of time to prepare this homemade shampoo.
- It can be difficult to wash bread crumbs out of your hair.
- such a wash can give light hair an undesirable tint.
- bread shampoo is not suitable for oily skin heads, as it is a very mild cleaner. Therefore, after washing, your hair will not look perfectly clean.

Homemade hair shampoo with clay

Clay is an excellent natural cleaner, but you need to be careful with it. Firstly, clay has a drying effect, so this method of washing is more suitable for oily hair. Secondly, after such washing, the hair is less shiny.

Which clay to choose?

The most suitable clay for hair is volcanic, it is the most gentle.
Also suitable for washing are green clay (it is rich in minerals), white and blue clay. How to wash your hair with clay?

The clay must be diluted with water until it becomes a paste, then distribute the clay over damp hair and leave for a few minutes. At the same time, the clay should not dry out. Rinse your hair with water until the water becomes clear.

Since clay has a very high pH factor for hair, it needs to be leveled. To do this, you need to rinse your hair with water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (for 1 glass, 1 teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar).

If your hair is very dry, you can add a little vegetable oil to the clay mixture.

Pros of homemade shampoo with clay

Cleans hair well.
- the composition is easy to prepare and convenient to use.
- suitable for oily hair.
- gives volume to hair. Disadvantages of clay cleansing:

Not suitable for colored hair (this does not apply to bleached hair).
- not suitable for very dry hair.
- after washing like this, the hair loses its shine.
- It is better not to use such cleansing constantly.

Homemade soap nut shampoo

Not everyone has heard of this method of washing, but soap nuts are very beneficial for hair and can replace shampoo 100%.

What are the benefits of Mukorossi soap nuts

1. Soap nuts are hypoallergenic and suitable for almost everyone. They do not irritate the skin and do not disturb the pH balance of the scalp.
2. Mukorossi nuts do not dry out hair at all and replace shampoo and conditioner. After them, there is absolutely no need to apply combing aids.
3. They have an antibacterial effect on the skin, eliminate dandruff, itching and flaking, and also strengthen the hair roots and promote growth.

How do soap nuts cleanse hair?

The cleaning effect is achieved due to the content of a substance called saponin in nuts. It is a natural cleanser, so soap nuts are used not only for hair, but also for washing hands and body, for washing vegetables and fruits, for wet cleaning, washing animals and even for laundry.

Saponin is a natural substance and, unlike soap, does not create an alkaline reaction, therefore it is absolutely safe for skin and hair. How to wash your hair with soap nuts?

There are three ways to wash your hair with soap nuts, you can choose the one you like best.

Method 1 – decoction of soap nuts

Take about 10-15 soap nuts and fill them with 1 liter. water. After the water boils, you need to cook the nuts for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth must be cooled and poured into a glass jar with a lid. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Before washing your hair, take a small amount of the broth and heat it in the microwave (the hotter the broth, the more foam). Then apply the decoction to wet hair and massage them in the same way as with shampoo. After this, rinse your hair with clean water.

Method 2 – washing your hair with nuts in a bag

Usually, such a bag comes with nuts. Place a small amount of nuts in a bag and fill it with water (if you are taking a bath, you can put the bag directly in the bath while it is running; if in the shower, then in a separate container with warm water). When the nuts are soaked, they need to be mashed to form foam. I wash my hair with this bag. Method 3 – ground nuts

Take a small handful of nuts and grind them using a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder with hot water and let it brew. The resulting foam can be used to wash your hair. Pros of homemade soap nut shampoo

Nuts cleanse hair well and do not cause allergies.
- nuts are easy to use.
- this type of washing does not require the use of balm or mask.
- hair becomes soft and shiny.
- soap nuts eliminate itching, dandruff and other scalp problems.
- one bag lasts a long time.
- soap nuts are suitable even for children, they are completely natural.

Disadvantages of soap nuts:

Not everyone likes the smell of nuts (but after washing, it usually doesn’t remain on the hair).
- soap nuts are not sold everywhere (but you can always order them from the Internet, for example on the website aroma-zone.com).
- after using this method for a long time, the hair may begin to become electrified.
- Do not let it get into your eyes, it will sting very much.

Homemade shampoo for dry hair with mustard

This shampoo is suitable only for those with oily scalps, but even they are not recommended to use this type of cleansing all the time, since mustard dries out their hair.

Dilute a couple of tablespoons of mustard with water to a creamy consistency. Wet your hair with water and then apply the mustard mixture to your scalp, massage lightly and rinse with water. If the ends of your hair are dry, then do not allow mustard to get on them.

Lately, it has become increasingly difficult to find a shampoo in the store that does not harm your hair. Almost all manufacturers add many harmful preservatives and sulfates to their products, which gradually weaken not only the hair, but also the skin and roots. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, more and more girls are starting to think about how to make shampoo with their own hands. In fact, preparing a healthy mixture at home is not difficult, and there are many recipes for this, which we will consider below.

Shampoo base

It is known that in past times, when there were no shampoos, women used certain products and herbs to wash their hair. But since such natural products do not foam, the procedure becomes boring and even time-consuming. For this reason, not everyone is ready to use these products to wash their hair. But progress does not stand still, and today, in order to prepare high-quality shampoo at home, you can purchase a soap base to which natural substances are added. This important ingredient can be found in specialty stores or in pharmacies. As an alternative, you can purchase a simple shampoo that does not contain all kinds of additives, dyes, flavors and other “useful” ingredients. This is very important because any preservative is harmful. Having found a suitable base, it can be enriched with the necessary herbs, vitamins, aromas and other ingredients as desired.

Cooking principle

How to make homemade shampoos? Everything is extremely simple. Really useful components are added to the soap base: herbs, vitamins and essential oils. But it is not recommended to immediately mix them with the entire base. You need to take a clean bottle and put a little soap component into it so that it is enough only for two times. Our healing preparations are added to this container one by one. After sealing the bottle with a lid, shake it thoroughly. After a day you can wash your hair useful composition. It is important to note that shampoo prepared by yourself cannot be stored. for a long time, otherwise all substances will lose their properties.

Types of shampoos

It is known that depending on the structure and characteristics of the hair, a care product is selected. Each person has a different skin type that requires individual care. There are shampoos for dry, normal and oily hair. There are also anti-fragility, shine, health, growth, dandruff and hair loss products. The interesting thing is that any girl has the opportunity to prepare shampoo at home, which will perform the necessary functions. And also - and this is the most important thing - as long as you use homemade products, your curls will take a break from chemicals, become strong, healthy and beautiful.

The role of vitamin supplements

Typically, vitamins are added to shampoo for a specific purpose - to make hair strong and prevent it from becoming brittle. But not everyone knows what role this or that component plays.

Vitamin A (or retinol) has the property of activating and accelerating metabolic processes, so it is added to provide nutrition to the hair.

Vitamin C is indispensable in the fight against fragility. This ingredient makes hair stronger and more elastic.

B vitamins normalize the sebaceous glands and also reduce allergies, which is very important for sensitive skin.

Vitamin E is also important because it inhibits cell aging. But dandruff, various diseases and damage to the scalp, hormonal imbalance- all this can cause hair loss.

By the way, note that shampoo can be mixed with either one vitamin component or several at once.

The role of plant components

You can add not only vitamins to homemade shampoos, but also other products that also perform one or another function.

To speed up hair growth, people have long resorted to using burdock and nettle roots.

If inflammatory processes or irritation occur, chamomile and string are used.

Juniper and rosemary help solve the problem of dandruff.

You need to add very little broth to the base, so it is prepared highly concentrated. In addition to herbs, essential oils are added to hair shampoo. They have different effects on the strands, so their properties must be taken into account.

If the hair is dry, add rosewood, sandalwood, mandarin, chamomile, lavender, myrrh, and jasmine oil.

For oily hair, use clove, almond, tea tree, lemon, mint, lemon balm, cedar, geranium or grape seed oil.

For hair loss, cypress, ylang-ylang, tea tree, pine, incense.

As you can see, the range is very wide, so anyone can prepare a hair and scalp care product in accordance with their tastes and needs. Many people have already experienced the effects of such natural detergents. It should be noted that often such mixtures may lack a soap base.

Normal hair

This shampoo recipe suggests taking as the main component baby soap. It needs to be grated or chopped in another way, add 1 tsp. borax and a glass of chamomile flower decoction. Stir the mixture and set aside for a couple of hours. If desired, you can put mother of pearl. We wash our hair as usual. By the way, based on such soap you can prepare shampoo for children, to which you can add yolk, herbal decoction or other ingredients.

Dry hair

Recipe No. 1. The base here is a glass of plain water. You will need to crumble two slices of rye bread and soak it in boiling water. The gruel should be infused for a day in a closed container in a warm place. A day later, grind two yolks and add to the prepared mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed (you can use a blender), after which the hair shampoo is ready. After application, hair should be washed thoroughly under running water.

Recipe No. 2. You will need 2 tablespoons of castor oil and an yolk. The mass is mixed well. The product must be rubbed not only into the hair, but also into the skin, after which the head must be washed under running warm water.

Recipe No. 3. This oil shampoo gives health to dry and weak hair. You will need three types of oils: olive, castor and burdock. Take a teaspoon of each. The yolk is added and everything is mixed. Rub the resulting mixture onto your hair and rinse with water. Finally, rinse your head with chamomile infusion or lemon water.

Recipe No. 4. Now the base will be a shot of vodka, which is mixed with 50 ml of water. Beat two chicken yolks into the liquid and add 5 ml ammonia. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, apply the product to all hair. Rinse off under regular warm water.

Medicine for oily hair

The following homemade hair shampoo is prepared on the basis of baby soap (100 grams). It needs to be crumbled and diluted with boiling water (take ½ glass of water). The mixture is filtered and 25 g of alcohol is added to it. After the “shampoo” has cooled, rub the beaten egg into the scalp. You need to moisten a towel in warm water and wrap it around your hair for five minutes. Having removed the “turban”, wash off the egg with the prepared soap solution. Finally, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar “conditioner” (2 liters of water with 1 tablespoon of vinegar).

Another relevant and healthy recipe prepared from Art. spoons of tansy and two glasses of boiling water. Mix the two ingredients and leave for two hours. In addition to combating oily hair, this product helps get rid of dandruff.

A simple recipe using yogurt. Whipped egg white is poured into it and mixed. After rubbing this mixture into the head, it is washed off, and the hair is rinsed with water with the addition of fresh lemon juice.

This infusion is used as shampoo three times a week for a month. Proportion 1:10. Birch buds are dipped in hot water and infused for 20 minutes. The product is ready.

A mustard shampoo option for oily hair. Heat two liters of water slightly and dilute a spoonful of mustard powder in it. Wash your hair thoroughly with this mixture, then rinse it with water and drops of lemon juice.

For any hair type

Every woman can make gelatin shampoo with her own hands. To do this you will need baby soap and an yolk. First, in 3 tbsp. Add a spoonful of gelatin to the water. The preparation is infused for 40 minutes. After this ingredient is completely dissolved in a water bath. When the liquid has cooled slightly, add 1 tbsp. l. grated soap and yolk. Leave the mixture on your hair for 10 minutes. The shampoo is removed with warm water.

There is a recipe for mustard shampoo that increases blood flow to the head, thereby strengthening the hair roots. Prepare 50 grams of one of the following components: henna, bran or clay. To this ingredient add a teaspoon of mustard and three drops of your favorite essential oil. The mixture is diluted with a small amount of running water. After applying to the head, leave the mixture for 15 minutes. You can wash off the shampoo either with a prepared herbal decoction or with plain water.

Another option for mustard shampoo. A spoonful of our powder is added to kefir, after which the liquid is brought to the state of sour cream. Pour 2 tsp into the prepared mass. any oil (vegetable) and yolk. Apply the well-mixed mixture to a slightly damp head and leave for about 15 minutes. Afterwards the shampoo-mask is washed off.

The following remedy is prepared from 3 tsp. rum, 4 tbsp. l. flax oil and two yolks. The components are rubbed well and left on the hair for an hour. The shampoo-mask is washed off with warm water.

This option is ideal for daily use. It can be interpreted by preparing shampoo for children. First, we prepare a decoction of herbs, which will be considered the base. Take a spoonful of one of the following ingredients: basil, sage or rosemary. Dry grass is filled with 200 ml of water. The container is placed on low heat and the contents are brought to a boil. Cool the broth and filter, meanwhile grind the olive or glycerin soap on a grater. As a result, we get a third of a glass of crumbs. Drop 15 drops of jojoba and ylang-ylang essential oil into it (can be replaced with cedarwood). All components are mixed with each other. Close the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a cool, dark place. The finished shampoo can be stored in this state for seven days.

Strengthening recipe

Girls whose curls have become lifeless and weakened can prepare a strengthening shampoo with their own hands. For it you will need to stock up on a liquid base, vitamins E and D, castor and burdock oil, and rosemary tincture. In addition, you need a clean 250 ml jar. It is necessary to measure 150 ml of the base and pour it into the prepared container. Rosemary tincture, approximately 80 ml, is poured in first. It can add shine to hair and provide it with a pleasant aroma. But this tincture, if desired, can be replaced with another component - aromatic liquid of lavender or rose water. Next, castor oil is poured in. A small spoon will be enough. Burdock oil is also measured (two small spoons). Finally, there are vitamin E (one capsule) and D (five drops). Screw the lid on the container and stir until all the ingredients are mixed. This burdock shampoo is suitable for use every other day.

To strengthen hair, some people prepare a herbal mixture. Take equal parts of hop cones, birch leaves, calendula flowers, burdock root - a total of 50 grams of herb should be obtained. Place the collection in a vessel and fill it with hot light beer. Leave the mixture for a few minutes, then apply it to your hair and rinse with plain water.

Another popular burdock shampoo. To prepare it, you need to stock up on dried or fresh burdock leaves. We need one hundred grams of grass, a liter of water, a glass of vinegar. These ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and simmered slowly for half an hour. The product is filtered, after which the resulting two glasses are used to wash your head. After washing, rinse hair with water. In addition to strengthening, the shampoo prevents the formation of dandruff and gently cleanses the scalp. Curls acquire shine.

For dandruff

If you are tormented by dandruff, try preparing the following shampoo. Pour medical alcohol into a small container (a teaspoon is enough), add essential oils to it - five drops of sage and a drop of rose. Using a mixer, beat 2 yolks and pour them into the prepared mixture. The product should be used as shampoo.

From falling out

This shampoo is suitable for any type of hair. You will need 50 grams of white clay, which is mixed with one hundred grams of warm water. The mass should have medium thickness. The product is applied with massaging movements and washed off with plain water. The composition can be stored for no more than fourteen days, of course, if the container is sealed.

Sea buckthorn oil is famous for its excellent characteristics. It treats the roots and scalp, making hair elastic. But the disadvantage of this oil is that it is very difficult to wash off, so not everyone will risk making sea buckthorn shampoo. But for preparing a mask that is then washed off, this ingredient is simply precious! It’s worth mentioning right away: the obvious result will be noticeable only after several procedures. Sessions are held regularly once every 14 days. We take a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, cognac, and soap base. The latter can be replaced with the following composition: juice squeezed from half a lemon, chicken yolk and a spoonful of honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, apply to hair and leave for 20 minutes. The mask must be washed off well. With patience, over time you will become the owner of thick and strong curls.

A few secrets for beautiful hair

I would like to note that the use of homemade shampoos is necessary not only to solve the main problems, which are often dry or greasy hair. Such products additionally produce a healing effect.

If you want your curls to remain shiny and comb well at the same time, you need to crush and add a regular aspirin tablet to your shampoo.

Try to rinse your hair with herbal infusion every time. Chamomile, celandine, oak bark, and nettle are suitable as the main components.

To improve the condition of the hair follicles, you need to do a light scalp massage once a week. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before washing your hair.

Many girls dry their hair by wrapping it in a towel. It is advisable not to do this, since the fungus can spread rapidly under such a damp hood.

If you are the owner blonde hair, you can make dry shampoo for yourself. To do this, purchase regular starch and rub it into the scalp and hair. After waiting about ten minutes, you need to wipe your hair well with a dry towel and comb out any remaining starch. True, you can use such an express product a couple of times a month, not more often.

To ensure healthy hair, you also need to control your diet. Try to give up unhealthy foods and don’t forget about vitamins.

We all want to have long and luxurious hair, so we try to choose special cosmetics to care for it. But you don’t have to buy expensive shampoos at the pharmacy or on store shelves, because some of them are just a well-promoted brand. You can quite easily and quickly prepare a miraculous suspension at home.

Homemade shampoos

Many women and men are faced with the problem of poor hair growth and excessive hair loss. This happens due to:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • constant stress;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • presence of dandruff;
  • poor blood flow skin scalp;
  • incorrect functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Therefore, you need to choose a shampoo that would establish the regeneration of the epidermis, improve skin microcirculation and nourish hair follicle vitamins and minerals. If you prepare it at home, then:

  • you will know for sure that the hair wash does not contain preservatives, lauryl sulfate and harmful parabens;
  • you will be able to improve your curls with the help of natural ingredients donated by nature itself;
  • get significant savings, because home-made shampoos for hair growth are several times cheaper than store-bought analogues;
  • choose exactly the ingredients that suit your skin and hair without causing irritation.

Important point! Natural shampoos made by yourself do not last long. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend preparing a new portion of shampoo before each wash, especially since the process will take no more than five minutes.

Pros and cons of using

Shampoos homemade:

  • are universal means(affect the dermis, hair follicle, hair structure and sebaceous glands);
  • completely natural, because they are prepared on the basis of oils, ethers, decoctions of herbs and roots;
  • are applied and washed off as standard;
  • can be prepared based on a variety of recipes that will provide effective fight with skin and hair problems;
  • are safe for the human body;
  • emit a pleasant aroma that lingers on the hair for several more days;
  • are inexpensive.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • poor foam, because many of them are prepared on a soap base;
  • poor dirt removal (therefore we recommend applying the product several times in one go);
  • overdrying of the scalp (precisely because of soap, but the problem is easily solved by rinsing with citric acid or adding natural moisturizers, for example, aloe juice);
  • short shelf life.


Contraindications for such shampoos directly depend on the ingredients you use. They come down to individual intolerance to the components of the prepared suspension. That is why it is mandatory to undergo a rapid test for allergic reactions before the first use.

A few drops of the product are applied to the skin of the wrist or inner side elbow bend. Wait for about 10 minutes and observe the condition of the skin: the absence of any changes on it is a “green” light for the use of drugs.

Homemade shampoos to activate hair growth can be used:

  • children;
  • nursing mothers;
  • pregnant women;
  • diabetics;
  • people who have serious kidney and liver diseases.

Important! If you have dandruff and dermatitis, carefully select the composition so as not to overdry or injure the dermis of the scalp. For example, if you have ulcers and redness on the skin, avoid sea salt, which can corrode the wounds.

Rules of application

Basically, Using homemade shampoos is no different from washing your hair with cosmetics:

  1. Apply to damp curls, slightly dried with a terry towel.
  2. Actively rubbed into the scalp for better penetration of healing components.
  3. Stay on the hair for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Wash off with plenty of water.
  5. If necessary, the procedure is repeated one more time.
  6. You can rinse with herbal decoctions or water with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar. It is not recommended to use conditioners and balms purchased at the pharmacy (they can reduce the expected result to “no”).
  7. It is advisable to dry your curls naturally, without using a hair dryer.

Cooking tips:

  • To obtain a homogeneous consistency, it is best to beat the suspension thoroughly with a whisk or blender;
  • if shampoos contain oils, then it is advisable to heat them in a water bath (temperature 65 degrees);
  • essential oils must be added at the very end;
  • if you use an egg as part of the product, then your hair should be rinsed with slightly warm water;
  • try to prepare a little product - for 1-2 times.

After using a homemade product, rinse your curls with warm water with the addition of lemon juice or any fruit vinegar that you can probably find in your kitchen (apple, grape, etc.).

Most popular recipes

To make homemade shampoo, you will first need to make a base. It can be obtained by grating regular baby soap and adding water to it (for 3 tablespoons of soap you will need 1 liter of water). There is another simple way: purchase a special foundation at the pharmacy (it should not have preservatives, fragrances or parabens).

Attention! Cosmetologists recommend using natural olive or glycerin soap as a base. You can also use soap grass root.

Shampoo with the addition of mumiyo

Mumiyo is nothing more than frozen mountain resin that flows from the mountains. It is completely organic, since it contains traces of plants and animals (scientists have not yet managed to create mumiyo in the laboratory).

It has been noticed that the natural product stimulates hair growth, strengthens it and prevents flaking, since the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.


  • 2 tablets of mumiyo, 0.2 g each;
  • soap solution - 0.1 l;
  • a few drops of orange essential oil;
  • egg yolk.

Preparation and use:

  1. The first step is to crush the tablets to a powder.
  2. Add them to the soap solution prepared in advance. Add the yolk and a few drops of ether. Your shampoo should get a light cognac tint due to mumiyo.
  3. Apply the healing suspension to damp curls.
  4. Rub it into the dermis of the head with active massaging movements. Leave the shampoo on your hair for another 5 minutes so that the beneficial components reach their target - the hair follicle.
  5. Rinse off with regular warm water.
  6. If necessary, repeat the procedure one more time.

Wash your hair with this product every 3 days for a month.

Burdock shampoo with nicotinic acid

You've probably already heard about the beneficial effects of burdock oil on curls. Burdock root extract, rich in vitamins and minerals, stimulates hair growth due to the fact that the hair follicle receives the necessary nourishment. After this shampoo, your curls will radiate beauty and shine.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 50 mg soap solution;
  • 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid;
  • a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine all the above stated components.
  2. Wet your curls with water.
  3. Distribute the prepared shampoo on the surface of your hair.
  4. Actively rub it into the dermis with massage movements.
  5. Leave on your hair for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Rinse off with plenty of water.

Do you know that Head massage and frequent brushing also stimulate hair growth. Read more about these procedures and how to achieve good results on our website.

Gelatin shampoo for hair growth

Gelatin helps glue the scales together and penetrate deeply into the hair follicle. If you regularly wash your curls with a similar product, you can achieve a lamination effect and get maximum volume.


  • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • soap base – 25 mg;
  • 2 yolks;
  • a few drops of ylang-ylang ether.

Preparation and use:

  1. Beat the yolks and add gelatin.
  2. Add soapy water.
  3. Heat castor oil in a water bath. Combine it with a healing suspension.
  4. Enter ether.
  5. Carry out the standard procedure for washing your hair, while trying to keep the prepared mixture on the dermis for at least 7 minutes.

After a few sessions of use, you will notice how your curls begin to grow faster, acquire a beautiful and rich color, and also increase in volume.


Nettle and chamomile are excellent growth activators. In addition, they ensure disinfection of the scalp and form a protective film around each hair. If you use a self-prepared shampoo based on them, you don’t even have to rinse with herbal decoctions.

You will need:

  • 3 tsp. dried nettle leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • 200 ml water;
  • soap base (120 ml).

Preparation and use:

  1. Place the herbs in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  2. Let the broth brew for 30 minutes and filter it through cheesecloth.
  3. Dilute the honey in the soap base and add the decoction, varying the consistency. If there is a little herbal potion left, then simply rinse your hair after completing the procedure.
  4. The mixture is applied to the hair and distributed throughout the curls. Lather a little, massage the dermis and leave to absorb for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash with copious amounts of water.

Regular use of the product will help solve the problem of excessive hair loss and weak hair growth.

Tea mustard mask

Mustard perfectly warms up the skin, bringing the hair follicles out of sleep.


  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tea;
  • 2 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil;
  • 50 ml. soapy water or baby shampoo.

Preparation and use:

  1. Brew black tea by pouring 50 ml of boiling water over it. Let cool and strain through cheesecloth.
  2. Combine mustard powder with egg yolk and beat the resulting slurry well.
  3. Mix soapy water, egg-mustard mixture and 25 ml of freshly brewed tea.
  4. Heat burdock or castor oil in a water bath and add it to the resulting shampoo.
  5. The miraculous suspension should be rubbed into the dermis of the head, and the remainder should be distributed over the surface of the hair.
  6. Leave the shampoo mask on for 20 minutes.
  7. Then rinse thoroughly in warm water.

Note, During the use of the medicinal product, a slight burning sensation is possible - this is how mustard activates the capillaries. When severe itching immediately wash off the prepared mixture.

What can you add to shampoo?

To activate hair growth, it is recommended to add to the healing suspension:

  • red capsicum or mustard powder to warm the skin;
  • honey to nourish follicles;
  • burdock or olive oil;
  • herbal decoctions to add shine;
  • esters that can accelerate the growth of curls;
  • mumiyo, which improves blood circulation and brings the skin into proper condition;
  • alcohol, which allows all beneficial components to penetrate deeply into the epidermis;
  • aloe juice to moisturize the dermis;
  • birch tar, which cleanses the dermis of the head from impurities and keratinized scales.

Shampoo based on the stated ingredients can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Also included cosmetic product Various vitamins can be administered:

  • vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant;
  • retinol (vitamin A), which improves skin regeneration;
  • nicotinic acid (PP), which activates dormant hair follicles, prompting them to release new hairs, and also improves microcirculation of the skin and oxygen saturation of the dermis;
  • B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on hair structure.

You can purchase all these components at the pharmacy - they are sold in ampoules. For one serving of shampoo, 4-5 drops will be enough.

Effect of use

You shouldn't expect instant results. This is explained by the fact that the hair follicle must become stronger and gain strength in order for the new discarded hair to be healthy and strong. It will also take time to awaken the “dormant” follicles.

It will be good if hair length increases by 1 cm in a month. But you must understand that no one will guarantee a specific result, because hair growth depends on many factors.

You will notice the following changes:

  • the dullness will go away, and the curls will acquire a beautiful shine;
  • the skin on the head will stop flaking, and the hair will split less;
  • the number of hairs falling out on the comb after combing will be reduced;
  • the amount of dandruff, if any, will decrease;
  • the hair will begin to increase in volume.

Advice. You should not use such products often, otherwise your skin will get used to them. It is recommended to alternate homemade shampoo with regular cosmetic shampoo or change the composition of the product you prepare yourself each time.

Thus, preparing special shampoos that will ensure accelerated hair growth is quite possible at home. You simply dilute the soap base or purchase the base at the pharmacy, and add various infusions, decoctions, mumiyo, hot pepper and others to it. healthy foods, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

After just a few weeks of washing your hair with the suspension you prepared yourself, you will not recognize your hair in the mirror - your hair will grow, split ends will go away and a healthy shine will appear.

Useful videos

Natural shampoo made from yolk for rapid growth, shine and health of hair.

DIY hair growth shampoo.

Our grandmothers knew very well how to make shampoo at home. 36 simple and easy recipes for making homemade hair shampoo
Cosmetic companies supply the market with a great variety of shampoos for various purposes and prices. And yet the question: how to make good shampoo yourself continues to remain popular. Why is this happening?

Companies use high technology, healthy competition forces them to constantly improve the quality of their products. And yet, we continue to look for the recipes that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to make shampoos or their substitutes.

All this is understandable - we began to turn our face to nature and natural products.

You can easily make good homemade shampoos yourself. There are many different recipes for natural shampoos, so it’s quite possible to choose the one that best suits your needs. beautiful hair.

In addition, sometimes your hair needs not just a good shampoo, but a natural medicinal shampoo that will help solve the problems that have arisen. And in this case, homemade shampoo is indispensable, since it will not contain chemical components, preservatives or substances harmful to you.

If you want to have beautiful hair, you need to regularly and properly care for it.

How to make natural shampoo at home

Before deciding which one to do, you need to determine your scalp type (colloquially, hair type): normal, dry or oily skin.

In order to finally choose a homemade hair shampoo, you need to test it on yourself, your loved one, for at least a month.

If after a month of use the result does not satisfy you, move on to the next natural shampoo recipe.

Sometimes you will immediately see that some shampoo is not suitable for you: there will be allergic reaction either the hair will not be washed, or it will be difficult to comb afterwards.

In this case, there is no need to wait a month - immediately abandon this method of washing your hair.

How to make shampoo at home with aroma oil

In order to make store-bought shampoo better, they often add natural oil, herbs and essential oil.

The type of oil also depends on the hair type:

Dry hair – grape seed oil and jojoba, nettle, calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot, lavender. Essential oil: jasmine, orange, ylang-ylang, myrrh, neroli, lavender, rose, geranium and rosemary.

Normal to oily hair – grape seed and almond oil, chamomile, calendula, nettle, mint, sage, thyme and burdock. Essential oil: ylang-ylang, basil, cedar, bergamot, tea tree, grapefruit, orange, lemon, neroli, cypress, rose, geranium, cedar and pine.

Jojoba oil, castor or grape seed oil, chamomile, nettle, calendula and burdock are added to anti-dandruff shampoos. Essential oil: eucalyptus, cedarwood, lavender, cypress rosemary and tea tree.

In addition, it gives good results.

There are several nuances when using homemade shampoos:

- these shampoos will hardly foam, since in factory shampoos the foam is produced by special chemical compounds, but in natural, self-prepared shampoos there are none.

- homemade natural shampoos are applied only to well-moisturized hair, especially those that contain oils.

This rule, of course, does not apply to so-called dry shampoos.

After washing your hair with natural shampoo, it is advisable rinse your head with herbal decoctions recommended for your scalp type.

How to make homemade shampoo for dry hair

1. Egg-oil shampoo

Mix the yolk and a teaspoon of castor or olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to damp hair and massage your head for two to three minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

2. How to make egg shampoo at home

Mix two yolks with a little water room temperature and apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

3. Shampoo serum

Take enough serum to completely wet your hair and heat it to 35-37 degrees Celsius. Apply warm serum to damp hair and wrap it for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

4. Natural kefir shampoo

Mix a quarter cup of full-fat kefir with the yolk, add a little salt. Apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

5. Kefir-rye moisturizing hair shampoo

Pour thin slices of rye bread with full-fat kefir so that the kefir covers the bread, keep in a warm place for 3 hours. Mash and apply bread and kefir shampoo to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse with warm water, add to rinse water lemon juice.

6. Gelatin-vinegar hair shampoo

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with water at room temperature and leave for 40 minutes. Heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and cool to room temperature. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 drops each of rosemary or jasmine and sage oil, stir well. Apply to damp hair for 10 minutes, massage your head. Rinse off with warm water.

7. Make your own oil shampoo

Mix a tablespoon of olive and castor oil, add 3 drops of lavender oil and a teaspoon of shampoo for dry hair. Apply to damp hair, massage and wrap your head for 2 hours. Rinse off with warm water.

8. Good egg-camphor shampoo

Mix the yolk with two tablespoons of water and add 10 drops of camphor oil. Apply to damp hair, massage for a few minutes and rinse with warm (not hot!) water.

9. Natural shampoo with aloe moisturizing

Mix 100 ml of aloe juice, olive oil and liquid Castile soap (you can buy it in online stores for soap makers; castile soap is prepared from coconut and olive oil). Add half a teaspoon of glycerin. Shake well in a shampoo bottle.

Apply the required amount to damp hair, massage and rinse with warm water.

10. Good egg shampoo with avocado oil

Mix 2 yolks thoroughly with one tablespoon of avocado oil. Apply to damp hair, massage and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Natural hair shampoos at home for oily hair

1. Mustard shampoo for thicker hair

Dilute a tablespoon of mustard in two liters of warm water, apply to damp hair and massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

2. Make your own kefir shampoo

Mix a quarter cup of low-fat kefir with the yolk, add a little salt. Apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

3. Kefir-rye moisturizing shampoo

Pour thin slices of rye bread with low-fat kefir so that the kefir is 1 centimeter higher than the bread, keep in a warm place for 3 hours. Mash and apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse with warm water, add lemon juice to the rinse water.

4. Recipe for a good rye shampoo for oily scalp

Mash the rye bread and mix with hot water to form a liquid porridge, leave for 15 minutes and rub it through a strainer. Apply to damp hair for 10 minutes. Massage your head well and rinse with warm water and rinse well so that no crumbs remain.

5. Cognac-egg shampoo

Dilute 50 g of cognac with two tablespoons of water and mix with the yolk. Apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

6. Good mustard shampoo with clay

Dilute two or three tablespoons of mustard with two tablespoons of warm water until the consistency of sour cream and add blue or green cosmetic clay. Apply this homemade shampoo for hair growth to damp hair for 5 minutes (do not keep it longer to avoid scalp burns), massage your head and immediately rinse with plenty of warm water.

7. Gelatin shampoo

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with water at room temperature and leave for 40 minutes. Heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and cool to room temperature. Stir in the yolk and beat the resulting mixture. Apply to damp hair for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

8. Good tansy shampoo

Pour a tablespoon of dry tansy with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Wash your hair with this infusion every other day for a month. The infusion also helps against dandruff.

9. Natural shampoo from oak bark

Pour three tablespoons of oak bark into a liter of cold water and boil for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with this decoction for two months, and then just rinse with oak bark decoction after each wash.

10. Cognac-mustard shampoo for thicker hair

Dilute 150g cognac with half a glass of warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of mustard to this mixture and stir well. Transfer to a tightly sealed jar. Apply to damp hair for 3 minutes, massage your head. Rinse off with warm water.

Shake the jar with the mixture well before each use.

11. Good clay-chickpea shampoo

Dilute four tablespoons of clay (blue or green) with warm water until the consistency of sour cream, add a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and chickpea flour and a few drops of rosemary. This mixture can be made for future use and placed in a tightly sealed jar.

12. Mix two teaspoons of shampoo for oily hair with a pinch of green clay, add two drops each of lemon and lavender oil, mix well. Apply to damp hair and massage your head for a few minutes. Rinse with warm water and rinse well.

13. Good shampoo with pomegranate peels.

Pour three tablespoons of pomegranate peels into a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with this decoction every three days for two months. Then, once a week, rinse your hair with this decoction after washing.

Natural shampoo for normal hair

1. Mix 50 ml of odorless soap base and boiled water, add half a teaspoon of olive oil. Shake well in a shampoo bottle. Shake before use.

Apply to damp hair and massage your head for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

2. Natural rye shampoo

Mash the rye bread and mix with hot water to form a liquid porridge, leave for 15 minutes and rub it through a strainer. Apply to damp hair for 10 minutes. Massage your head well and rinse with warm water. Rinse well so that no crumbs remain.

3. Mustard shampoo

Dilute a teaspoon of mustard in a glass of warm water, apply to damp hair and massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse off with warm (not hot!) water.

4. Mustard shampoo with honey

Dilute a tablespoon of mustard with kefir until the consistency of sour cream, add the yolk and a teaspoon each of honey and olive oil, stir well. Apply to damp hair, massage your head for a few minutes and wrap for 10-20 minutes, as long as you can stand it. Rinse with warm water, rinse with water and vinegar.

Strengthening natural shampoo

1. Shampoo with white clay

Dilute one or two tablespoons of white clay with warm water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to damp hair. Massage your head well and rinse well with warm water. Rinse with water and lemon juice. The same recipe is used for dandruff.

2. How to make beer shampoo at home

Apply half a glass of beer to damp hair for 15 minutes and massage your head. Rinse off with warm water and reapply beer. Don't wash it off! There will be no beer smell as the beer is absorbed well.

3. Nettle shampoo

Pour 100g of nettle into a liter of water, add half a liter of vinegar and simmer over low heat for half an hour, strain. Add 2-3 glasses of broth to a bowl of warm water and dip your hair in it.

4. How to make natural hair shampoo with nettle and yolk

Mix 50 ml of neutral shampoo with two tablespoons of nettle decoction and yolk. Add half a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil, a teaspoon of honey, vodka and olive oil, a tablespoon of aloe juice and glycerin. Mix well, place in a tightly sealed jar and store in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Apply the required amount of the mixture to damp hair, massage your head well and rinse with warm water.

5. Herbal shampoo

Mix equal amounts of dried calendula flowers, birch leaves, hop cones and chopped burdock root.

Pour 50g of this mixture into a glass of light beer and leave for an hour. Strain and wash your hair with this mixture.

Natural anti-dandruff shampoo

1. Mix in a mixer 50 ml of soap base and boiled water, half a teaspoon of olive oil, a pinch of ground cloves, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and three tablespoons apple juice. Beat for at least 30 seconds.

Can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

Apply to damp hair for one to two minutes, massage your head well and rinse with warm water.

2. Tansy anti-dandruff shampoo

Pour a tablespoon of dry tansy with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Wash your hair with this infusion every other day for a month. The infusion also helps against dandruff.

3. Homemade shampoo with white clay.

Dilute one or two tablespoons of white clay with warm water to the consistency of sour cream and apply to damp hair. Massage your head well and rinse well with warm water. Rinse with water and lemon juice.

4. Mix 100 ml of Castile soap, thyme and rosemary infusion with a teaspoon of olive oil and three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.

Keep refrigerated.

Apply the required amount of shampoo to damp hair. Massage your head well and rinse well with warm water. Rinse with water and lemon juice.

You can read about recipes for dry shampoos in the next article.

In this article you learned how to prepare homemade shampoo - 36 recipes.

You can also find out how to prepare homemade shampoo and how to make it.

Almost every day we are faced with the need to wash our hair with shampoo. However, few people know what harm unnatural shampoo can cause to already weakened curls. After all, convincing advertising and a beautiful jar do not always indicate high quality, effectiveness and naturalness of the product.

Therefore, more and more women are choosing homemade hair shampoo, which is so easy to prepare at home. There are a huge number of homemade shampoos, which are based on natural and affordable ingredients. Some of them are suitable for dry and weakened hair, and some solve the problem of excessive greasiness in hair. Let's look at the simplest, most effective and natural homemade shampoos that are suitable specifically for your curls.

The harm of regular hair shampoo

The most harmful component, which is found in almost all cosmetic shampoos, is sodium lauryl sulfate. This component destroys the structure of hair and skin. Therefore, its use leads to drying out of the strands, split ends and other negative consequences. However, due to the fact that this component is the cheapest base for shampoo, most manufacturers continue to use it.

Besides, harmful substances shampoos end up in the environment, polluting natural resources. Not to mention the fact that the human body is already constantly exposed to the influence of chemicals, therefore, if we are able to use natural products to cleanse our hair, then why not arm ourselves with natural recipes.

Benefits of homemade hair shampoo

    Environmental friendliness. Natural shampoo is an environmentally friendly and safe cosmetic.

    Availability. Making homemade shampoo is quite simple, and available and inexpensive ingredients are used for this.

    Versatility. There are many recipes for natural shampoos, so you can find exactly the one that is optimal for your type and condition of curls.

    Ease of preparation. Natural shampoos do not last long, but their preparation takes a matter of minutes, so you can easily prepare a new batch immediately before washing your hair.


Do-it-yourself shampoo at home is completely safe and environmentally friendly. However, individual intolerance to certain components may occur. Therefore, before using it, apply it to a small area of ​​skin.

Making and using homemade shampoo

The most in a simple way To make natural shampoo is to use a shampoo base, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It does not contain fragrances or dyes, which can harm the hair and cause allergic reactions.

You can add to the shampoo base:

  • any infusions and decoctions of herbs;
  • aloe juice;
  • other natural ingredients.

If you don't want to use a shampoo base that still contains chemical ingredients, you can use olive soap, glycerin soap, or soap grass root as a base. This shampoo will be more natural, safe and effective. Shampoo prepared with these ingredients can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Homemade shampoo should be used in the same way as regular shampoo.. After using shampoo, it is recommended to rinse your hair with warm water and a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice or fruit vinegar. This is due to the fact that shampoo is alkaline, which is the normal environment for hair to be acidic. Using an acid rinse seals the hair flakes, giving them shine, strength and a healthy appearance.

A few centuries ago, the most popular hair cleanser was a mixture of water and rye bread. You can prepare this shampoo now. To do this, just steam the bread for several hours. Additionally, you can add bran to the shampoo. To thoroughly cleanse your hair, it is recommended to apply the resulting paste for 10–15 minutes, massage the scalp and rinse. The only drawback of this recipe is the crumbs, which are quite difficult to wash out, especially from long hair.

Another option for natural shampoo is to use mixtures based on fermented milk products. Such shampoos only protect curls from drying out and negative influence environment. It is recommended to use a rinse with vinegar or sour juice after this shampoo. Next we will consider best recipes natural hair shampoos that you can make yourself.

Dry shampoo recipe

Recently, dry shampoo has been increasingly used to instantly refresh curls and remove oily shine. However, few people know that you can also use homemade dry shampoo.


  • Oatmeal – 60 gr.
  • Soda – 15 gr.

Oatmeal should be ground in a coffee grinder. Add a small amount of soda and mix thoroughly. Use for normal to oily hair. Helps normalize greasiness and instantly makes hair fresh and clean.

Another dry shampoo recipe for hair

In cosmetology, starch and feed grains are often used to cleanse curls. This dry shampoo has a beneficial effect on the condition of any type of curls.


  • Corn starch – 50 gr.
  • Feed grain – 50 gr.
  • Orris root powder – 10 g.

The feed grain should be ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with starch. Additionally, you can add a small amount of orris root.

Instructions for use. Before applying shampoo, comb your hair. Apply the mixture and leave it for 5-10 minutes. After that, the strands should be dried with a towel and combed again.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair

Caring for hair that is highly oily requires the use of deep cleansers. Therefore, using conventional hair shampoos, as a rule, only aggravates the problem and also damages the hair structure. Also, regular shampoos deprive hair of moisture, which leads to its fragility.

You can prepare shampoo for oily hair with your own hands, using only natural and healthy ingredients.


  • Lemon juice – 40 ml.
  • Vodka – 15 ml.
  • Almond oil – 10 ml.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.

First you need to prepare lemon juice. You can also use ready-made natural lemon juice. Add vodka, almond oil and yolk to it. All components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to damp curls. With regular use of shampoo, your hair will become fresher and more voluminous, greasy shine and the need for daily hair washing will disappear.

Homemade shampoo for dry hair

Every woman who is faced with the problem of excessively dry and lifeless hair knows that no cosmetical tools unable to quickly solve this problem. In addition, the use of conventional shampoos very often aggravates the problem, because chemical components deprive the hair of moisture and nutrition. However, when using homemade shampoos, medicinal properties which have been proven by thousands of users, you can give your curls the much-needed moisture and nutrition.


  • Castor oil – 40 ml.
  • Egg.
  • Essential oils.

Mix castor oil with an egg, you can add some of your favorite essential oils. To make the shampoo have an airy, creamy structure, you can beat it into foam using a blender. Apply the finished shampoo to the curls along the entire length. If necessary, the remaining shampoo can be used the next time you wash your hair, but you need to store it in the refrigerator.

DIY soap shampoo

If you want to make your own natural hair shampoo that can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks, give preference to soap shampoo. It is suitable for any hair type, perfectly cleanses curls and scalp and is much cheaper than regular shampoo.


  • Soap – 100 gr.
  • Water – 2 glasses.
  • Essential oils.
  • Cosmetic oil – 50 ml.

Melt the soap in a water bath and add your favorite essential oils. The resulting shampoo is much safer and more effective than store-bought ones, and its final cost will pleasantly surprise you.

Homemade shampoo for hair growth

To speed up the growth of curls and prevent their loss, it is recommended to use homemade gelatin shampoo. Indications for the use of this shampoo are dull curls, slow hair growth, fragility and hair loss.


  • Gelatin – 15 gr.
  • Yolks – 2 pcs.

Mix gelatin with yolks and apply to damp hair. Homemade shampoo for strengthening hair with gelatin, after just a few uses, noticeably strengthens curls, accelerates their growth and gives incredible volume.

Homemade anti-dandruff shampoo

Tansy has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. Therefore, based on this plant, you can prepare an excellent homemade hair shampoo.


  • Dried tansy – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Honey – 15 ml.

Brew tansy in a glass of water and let it brew. Add honey and use for regular hair washing.

Video: Recipe for natural hair shampoo

Homemade shampoos: reviews of use

Galina, 27 years old

Homemade egg shampoo has become a real salvation for me. Not only does it perfectly cleanse your hair, but it also costs a pretty penny. I just add gelatin to the eggs and wash my hair. My hair became much fuller and stopped falling out.

Natalya, 21 years old

I liked the bread shampoo recipe. Cleanses hair very well. They stopped falling out and became shiny.

For dessert, video: Natural remedies for washing hair at home