
Astrologers' tips for birthday. How to arrange an unforgettable birthday for your girlfriend. And now - in more detail about the houses

Astrologers' tips for birthday. How to arrange an unforgettable birthday for your girlfriend. And now - in more detail about the houses

In addition to the birth horoscope, each person also has a Solar horoscope. It is built relative to the position of the Sun at the time of your birth. The sun returns to this point every year. And since it does not always move at the same speed, the very moment of Solar will be floating. And the date and time of Solarium may differ from the date and time of birth within 2 days before and after the birthday. To find out the date and time of Solarium (when the Sun will be in the same coordinates as at your birth), contact an astrologer. But there are other rules available that will help you use the energy of the Sun for your own good.

Solar horoscope shows events and trends that await you during the year after your birthday. According to this horoscope, you can determine whether a happy year is coming or not, you will have to work hard or it will turn out to rest more often, etc. But Solar indicates only the direction, and the predicted will come true or not - it depends on you. This is why it is so important to meet and spend your solar days correctly. They can start 1-2 days before the traditional name day, a couple of days later, or coincide with your holiday. Even if it is not possible to find out the exact time of Solarium, you can simply follow the rules by celebrating your birthday - and thus lay the foundations for positive changes.

When to celebrate your birthday according to the horoscope?

You need to celebrate a birthday on the same day or after the event. And not at all from superstition. Simply, if you celebrate before the onset of Solarium, the energy of the planets will be wasted.


Some time before the calendar birthday (for example, a month), try to reduce the number of contacts, fuss. This is the ideal period when you have the right to rest, recuperation, balance, summing up the results of the year. Take a time to relax, go on vacation or at least go to the pool, tune in to a wave of peace, because very soon you will become a year wiser.


When you relax, throw away the excess, try to digest everything that the year has brought, take stock, think about what you are moving towards and what you want in the next year of life. The main thing is to keep your emotions in harmony and rest more.

How to choose a place for a holiday

Solyar's positive influence on the events of the coming year can be enhanced if you celebrate your birthday not only at the right time, but also in the right place.

It is better to celebrate your Solar birthday in the city where you live, or where you are going to move in the coming year. If you travel or live in several cities, meet where you spend more time.


In what cases is it worth going to a meeting with Solyar in another city or even a country? Firstly, if you were recommended by a professional astrologer who compiled your solar horoscope. Secondly, if a month or two before your birthday you feel dissatisfaction with the way events are developing, and you are not happy about the nearest prospects in work, personal life and other areas.

This may mean that the upcoming Solarium will not be the best, so you should think about meeting your birthday (Solar and calendar) in some other city.

And, thirdly, if your intuition pulls you to meet your birthday in an unusual setting, far from home. Trust your instinct and take action.

Why you shouldn't celebrate your birthday on your birthday itself and why you shouldn't blow out the candles on a birthday cake.

Each of us once a year celebrates one of the most important holidays - Birthday. This is a very important and multifaceted day. This is usually a reason to gather friends, relatives, relatives and how to celebrate, receive well-deserved gifts and congratulations. It is also a reason to rejoice that you have become a year older, wiser or philosophically think about the fact that you are a year closer to the date when you will need to leave this world.

But few people know how important it is to spend 12 days after a birthday correctly, and very few people study what a personal Solarium is).

Solar is the exact rotation of the Sun relative to the Earth, its exact return to the point in space that it was at the moment you entered this world, at the moment of your birth. It is better to be able to calculate it yourself, otherwise you can turn to a specialist, an astrologer for calculating the time of the solarium. This day may coincide with the calendar birthday, or maybe plus or minus one day from that.

It is at this moment of the solarium that special energies are turned on, determining the fate of a person for the coming year.
The sun is the source of life force for all living things and for humans as well. Therefore, at the moment of the solarium there is a kind of "recharging of the battery" of a person, his internal energy.
Therefore, it is so important to properly celebrate your personal New Year.

This is the origin of the ancient saying “as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it”. This applies primarily to the birthday. Any signs are important on this day, a small event can easily be reflected in a large one throughout the year.

So that the recharging is successful, and you have enough strength for good deeds throughout the year, you need to spend your birthday as calm and quiet as possible, preferably in nature.

On the contrary, we have a tradition to spend this day as noisily as possible, to celebrate "properly." we feel weak, lack of strength, we are sick, because our batteries are not charged.

Better to celebrate your Birthday on the 3rd day after turning on the Solarium.

It is important that a fire (candle, lamp) burns in the house on a birthday. Fire is a reflection of your inner fire, it is symbolically connected with your creative principle, with spirit, the divine spark of universal Fire.

Therefore, in no case should you blow out the candles on the cake on your birthday !!! It is better to take them out of the cake and let them burn out completely, and looking at how the fire burns, put your desire in it.

And blowing out a candle you will symbolically extinguish your fire, your development. The tradition of blowing out the fire on this day is artificial and very harmful, specially introduced by unclean forces….


Solar: bookmark the birthday program of life.

Every year a person, as is customary, celebrates his birthday, sometimes without even realizing the full significance of this event. Since childhood, he has become accustomed to considering this holiday something special and memorable - when people around him give him gifts, they say kind words. With age, his feelings become not so strong and vivid.

And the days of his birth are no longer so remembered by him - as if they are becoming something ordinary. But the time of the new "birth of the Sun" is the most significant event of the year! However, no one taught him how to spend this day correctly, did not teach him to understand that this was the time chosen by the ancient wise people in order to change the course of a person's life for the better. After all, it is by the Sun that all living things on Earth determine the cycles of their Life. At this time, a person can perform a special "magic" ritual and start a new life.

And for this it is good, of course, to know the exact time of your birth and the position of the degree of the Sun in the horoscope. Every year your Sun falls into this degree at different times and even sometimes on different days. Without this knowledge, it is more difficult to book a strong Solarium. But if you cannot consult with an astrologer, do not be upset.

We will help you to do our best to make the year following your birthday a Successful and Happy Year! This requires only one thing - your desire. Among your acquaintances, for sure, the overwhelming majority habitually celebrate their unique birthday: they prepare a table for guests or spend large sums on a good restaurant, try their best to cheer up the guests, so that the next day they almost get sick from such a "holiday". However, the result of these efforts is only the next year, similar as two drops of water to all the other years lived.

What is SOLAR - from the astrologer's point of view, this is the exact time of the conjunction of the Sun with the degree of its natal position - the position at the time of a person's birth. But you can consider the day of Solarium - your birthday, and the ritual itself begins in time a little earlier - early in the morning. Although it is better to find out from the astrologer the point of turning on your Solarium, it happens at any time.

For many people, the period before SOLYAR or Happy Birthday - especially the last week, is not by chance the most difficult of the year - after all, you need to let go, finish many unresolved cases in a year, forgive someone, remember someone, pay back your debts and get someone else's. Throughout the year a person could live in a hurry and accumulate small debts to the world because of his ignorance, laziness, inattention ... And now, the hour is approaching when everything old, obsolete, needlessly must go away. And it is useful for a person to start to remember what this year was like, what special events, achievements, victories and defeats he had before laying down his solarium.

So what else does a person need to know in order to competently carry out a ritual to attract success, luck and health in the coming year? He can write down all the events of the past year on paper, he can even create a special viewing album, where all pictures are removed from him in reverse order - so that the events clearly emerge in his memory. In this work, his friends and relatives can help him. Together with him, they can remember many events of this year - and talk to him about what was hidden, about which they did not want to talk about before. At this time, a person must constantly remember that it is important for him to open up, not to keep resentment against the past, not to hide what he really feels, but to be SINCERE and HONEST - WITH YOURSELF FIRST.
It is best to do this based on the position of the planets in the horoscope during the period when the past year is remembered. But if this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a simple recapitulation.
Before Solyar himself - early in the morning - stand for 10 minutes in cool salty water, presenting. How the water "takes" the past year and everything that should go away with the snaps. It is good to hold a church wax candle in your right hand.

After that, you can proceed to the Solar ritual itself, which is designed for 12 days and helps a person to bring something new into 12 spheres of his life - astrologically 12 houses. Each "house" denotes one sphere - unique, inimitable for its owner - so you need to carefully read, it means. Every day, starting from the first day, you must live very actively - after all, how you live it, this will be the whole year.

So the FIRST day corresponds to 1 house, the Second day to the second house, etc.
Houses describe the structure of a person's being.

1 - appearance, character, temperament of a person;
2 - money, valuables, movable property;
3 - close circle, neighbors, contacts, schooling, short trips;
4 - parents, home, family, real estate, end of life;
5 - creativity, love, children, childbirth, entertainment, art, speculation;
6 - work, service, health and illness;
7 - marriage, partners, obvious enemies;
8 - sex, other people's money, psychological crises, death, inheritance, occultism;
9 - worldview, religion, philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel;
10 - career, recognition, honors, goals in life, bosses;
11 - hopes, friends, surprises;
12 - secret in life, isolation, monastery, serious illness, mysticism.

If you want all these parts of your life to be in order, then you need to live each of the 12 days very actively. And since every person has a unique horoscope, then you need to be careful to fulfill all your wishes. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you have the NEW CHARACTER QUALITIES you need, so that you do not just "shoot", but whether these qualities would feel inside you.

And now - in more detail about the houses:

FIRST HOUSE - denotes the impression that a person makes on others: this is a person's appearance, his personal ideas about himself, his talents, temperament, activity, the ability to be first.
On this day, creativity and activity should be shown in everything. You get your future health through dousing, exercise. You SHOULD BE very independent and try to become noticeable within your environment - but that does not mean that you need to suppress others and be overly selfish. Women are advised to dress up and paint to create a new strong look. Maybe even completely change in appearance. On this day, it is better not to invite guests - to try to pay more attention to yourself.

SECOND HOUSE - denotes property, the ability to earn and spend money, practical knowledge and skills obtained by one's own efforts, business activity, property, prosperity and wealth.
On this day, it is not very useful to accept gifts, be greedy, be proud of your material property. It is good to make a donation or give out with all sincerity what is of value to you. If you consider yourself a "silly man" and making money is given to you with great difficulty, you, on the contrary, can devote the whole day to earnings. Try to understand that you simply “invented” your poverty and from that day on you have every right to wealth. On this day, you must definitely earn something and be sure to spend it usefully, check all your accounts, debts, - do not borrow on this day and do not lend money to others;

THIRD HOUSE - denotes brothers and sisters, neighbors and relationships with them, exchange of thoughts, curiosity, speech, contracts, agreements, news. Near travel.
On this day, in order to avoid "punctures", it is best to be silent most or to speak very little and to the point. The motto of this day is "ANSWER FOR THE BAZAR." You can go on a short trip. The most beneficial thing on this day is to do the opposite of what you usually do when communicating with other people. If you are “silent” by nature, it is useful to communicate more, to exchange your thoughts and ideas. It is good to refrain from watching TV and reading on this day. Better to spend this day in nature or with brothers and sisters.

FOURTH HOUSE - denotes parents, your roots, ancestors in general, home and family, the end of life, peace of mind, familiar environment, emotional security, support for survival.
Observe where you want to go during this day - you may want to spend the day in the forest or in nature, or in a place where you can remember your family, ask him for help and support.

It is best to visit relatives on this day. It is good to do homework, to put the garden in full order, the vegetable garden. On this day, it is better not to start anything new, not to be active, but it is better not to allow inaction, laziness, sadness, tears on this day, so that they accompany you throughout the next year.

FIFTH HOUSE - denotes children, creative professions, creativity itself, hobbies, hobbies, free time, random happiness, love, romantic adventures, the desire to be noticed and appreciated in society, popularity, spending on entertainment.
On this day, it is better not to get carried away by love adventures, not to be seduced by the image, if there are strong temptations and temptations, you should not gamble and make expensive purchases. It's good to be with children - watch their game and you will see how much joy, attention and spontaneity there is in it. You can also do something that you have never done before this day. We advise you to remember your childhood years - to do something like that, that then your parents categorically forbade you. In love affairs, on the contrary, you need restraint - then you will catch up. An important place is occupied by natural communication with your own or other people's children.

SIXTH HOUSE - denotes your health and care for it, service and daily work, caring for others, and responsibilities, subordination, discipline, relationships in the service, work environment, professional skills, work with tools and mechanisms

THIS IS A DAY TO CARE FOR YOUR HEALTH. A day when you can fully devote yourself to business, everyday worries. You can move up the career ladder on this day as for years of hard work. A DAY OF Tranquility. But try to beware of the routine. See if you are being sucked into the maelstrom of small daily activities, where it is easy to miss the main thing. It is good to try a new diet on this day or arrange a light meal for yourself.

SEVENTH HOUSE - denotes a spouse, partners and enemies, personal relationships with people, responsibility to the front; marriage, divorce, separation, breakup, litigation, trade, deals, competition, co-authorship.

If you live with a partner, it would be very nice to spend this day together and discuss joint plans for the future - they may consist in the fact that you will start doing something that you did not dare to do. Maybe you will finally speak up directly and clarify a lot in your relationship. It's good to remember all your partners and understand what worked out for you and what didn't and why. Better not to sue, not to get divorced, not to conclude contracts. But if on this day you still have to sign important papers, be sure to check them more than once.

EIGHTH HOUSE - denotes death, changes, trials, crises, the end of old conditions, the beginning of new ones; conception and birth, sex; losses and gains for reasons beyond the control of a person; values \u200b\u200bof other people.
THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT DAY - it needs to be spent alone - to recapitulate yourself in order to get serious changes in behavior and thoughts. Sex, interference in other people's life and jealousy are contraindicated on this day. It is especially important to learn how to control your emotions and feelings. Be prepared for the fact that on this day something outdated, although still expensive, will leave your life. Losing this means liberation and is a good omen. You shouldn't be afraid on this day.

THE NINTH HOUSE - denotes knowledge that expands the horizons, worldview, higher education, travel, distant relatives, people from afar, with a different view of the world, long trips and travel, especially with a cognitive purpose.

You CAN learn something new - it's very good! It's good to meet guests from afar, to go on a long journey if you intend to travel all next year. It is important not to sit at home on this day. Go to a museum, an exhibition, a library, read an educational magazine. But it is on this day that you cannot teach anyone yourself. You cannot teach relatives, friends and even children, although you can be very attracted to this.

TENTH HOUSE - denotes power, embodiment of ideas, profession, career, social status, authority, practical goals and results in life, assessment of your merits - both fame and shame, relations with bosses, government authorities, personal power and its use, manifestation of ambition, strategy of moving towards the goal, practical life choice.

DO NOT OWN, DO NOT BE Proud, DO NOT SET GOALS WHICH ARE FALSE. On this day, a strong desire may arise to feel like a boss, but initiative is undesirable. If you are a person who is not at all ambitious in life, then on the contrary, you need to reach the heights, set high and difficult goals and objectives, plan real actions and look at the possibility of achieving practical results. Be sure to remember all your bosses and mentally thank them for the "science".

ELEVENTH HOUSE - denotes friends, hopes for the future, plans, faith and dreams of a person, his idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, patrons.
This is the day of changing your Destiny. It's good if your hopes come true - then you can make new plans! On this day, you can FINALLY COLLECT ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND MAKE A GREAT NAME DAY! From whom on this day it literally - SICK, - that and not your friend! You don't even need to invite guests to your place, but to check who will come to you today, even without an invitation, means he is your real friend.

THE TWELFTH HOUSE - means restriction, renunciation and liberation from the old, unnecessary, purification, religious activities.

DAY OF PRAYER, RETURN AND REST. It is good to take stock of the whole Ritual. Feel your strength, visit the Temple. On this day, you need to be patient, be peaceful, compassionate to the needs of others. It is very good to help someone in a difficult situation and completely free yourself from the burden of memory, from all past years, forgive your offenders, feel love for the whole world, for all people.
When you spend all 12 days following these rules, you definitely need to remember them throughout the year. Try to live the way you did in those 12 days. The easiest way is to write down the events of these days in a diary and re-read it. But there is one more way. Each of the 12 months following the birthday is also connected with Solar - the first month - 1 house, the second month - 2 house, and so on. You can continue to live by these rules throughout the year. And then a lot will start to change in your life. A new love may come to you, a new job. You can become more successful, happier, and healthier.

In fact, this short article is just an attempt to get you serious about the topic of your birthday. Be attentive to this day!

", for me there was still a question, is there any point in celebrating a birthday in a certain place, or rather, to look for this place, and then strive for it. Probably most of you are now confused and led away in an incomprehensible direction. order.

In astrology, there is one of the forecasting methods - this is Solar. Every year, each person "receives" a Solarium on his birthday - this card determines what the coming year will be like. The time at which the solar chart is built is determined by the coordinate of the Sun in the natal chart of a person. Therefore, for example, you were born on December 5, but the Sun can return to its place, as in your birth chart, on December 5, and on December 4, and even on the 6th. I know that there are people who like to congratulate others at the hour and minute when a person was born. This is erroneous, since the "birth" of the Sun can "float". You were born on the 5th, but this year your "birthday" falls, for example, on the 4th. This is a digression in order for you to better understand Solar.

The second moment required for building a map is the place where you find the very "birth" of the Sun. The place determines the grid of houses, houses, in turn, show the eventfulness, that is, WHERE certain events will take place. Sadness if you are in space on your birthday - there is no grid of houses there. And if you are where there is a polar night and day, since there is no grid of houses either, the Sun does not set below the horizon, it does not cross it, which is necessary to build a grid of houses. Of course, then we take an equal-home system, there are other ways, but personally, I think you need a lot of experience working with these people, for example, take astrologers who live in that area, they, I think, have the vast majority of cards that they work with like that. I myself get lost when people born in the Arctic Circle come to me. Roughly speaking, you don't understand what to do with them, how to treat them. The situation is the same with Solyars. And if suddenly you are in space or even on an airplane at the moment the Sun returns to its place, then there is also a big question of how to be and what to do. It is necessary to observe, analyze, collect huge databases of such cases in order to draw some conclusions. Thank goodness it's rare. By the way, in the place where you celebrate your birthday, it is advisable to stay a day after the return of the Sun.

Since the solar map is built on the place where you are, it means that the grids of houses can be different. Naturally, the planets will not change their places in the zodiac, but the houses will change, which is what the emphasis is on. Astrologers disagree, someone believes that the place does not matter, someone is actively choosing where to be on the next birthday in order to guess a better card for themselves. And for me, before writing the last article, there was a question, there was no inner certainty, how to relate to this, whether it is worth thinking about it or just living as it is necessary. And not so long ago it dawned on me, the very certainty appeared, which I will explain to you. I do not urge everyone to follow my example, since each person must decide for himself what he is leaning towards.

I have no doubt that we are building the Solar Map to the place where we were at the moment of the return of the Sun. In fact, it is she who works. I had another question - is it worth counting in what place the best grid of houses will be, and then rush there to raise glasses to their health. My answer is no. I am inclined to believe that fate is predetermined. Yes, indeed, if you suddenly celebrate your birthday in another place, this is predetermined, the universe knows this in advance. Your choice and dances with tambourines around solar cards are also predetermined. But here already my words smack of fatalism. This is how I do not relate to life, if possible I change what is given by fate and what does not suit me very much. Here the situation is different. The solarium will tell you what will happen to what people around, in what areas, and so on. You understand that the destinies of other people are reflected in your Solarium. For example, you notice a threat to the life of your relative, your right to move houses and the picture will change. BUT, in theory, this threat also exists in your relative's card. So, if it is, then you will not go anywhere (the universe will not allow), and if it is not, then you will leave and think that it was you who changed your fate. Okay, even if we assume that you are in control of your destiny and your cards, how can that make other cards play differently? No way. We again return to the fact that our power is illusory. Our trips and movements are laid out from the beginning. But if you look from the outside, too much fuss will turn out around the Solyars - a choice, a trip, when, perhaps, this is not at all for you at the time and place. And, let me remind you, forecasting is not limited to Solariums, there are other methods that are laid down at our first breath.

The only thing that I would pay attention to is your desire to celebrate your birthday in another place, that is, you yourself wanted to fly somewhere. Then I would advise you to see if the map to a new place is worse. If so, I would postpone the trip or consider other cities and countries. It is not that difficult and does not take a lot of energy, time and money. It's like choosing the timing to buy something, start a business, and so on. Here the question is whether it is worth going and "write down" there the card of your Solarium.

By the way, I know astrologers who believe in predestination, but at the same time "dance" around the Solyars, constantly go somewhere, get their relatives and their clients into it. Well, this is a personal matter for everyone, but I'm not ready to make so many body movements, because I just don't believe that I can change a lot of destinies in one fell swoop. We are intertwined with too many people, it is impossible to pull on one thread, so that the whole system does not collapse. And the universe will definitely not allow anyone to do this.

Happy weekend to everyone, more interesting discoveries and clear thoughts!

Albina Sozanskaya, professional astrologer and astropsychologist.

In astrology, the day and hour of birth have an important sacred meaning. The whole further life of a person depends on this moment.

The sun in the horoscope is a symbol of how a person sees the world around him, a symbol of his Spirit, his consciousness and awareness, his True Self and ego. The symbolic designation of the Sun in astrology and astronomy is a point within a circle. This symbol not only depicts our solar system, where the Sun is the center and all the planets move around it, but also a symbol depicting the person himself, who is at the epicenter of all his life events, for which he came to this world, because all situations in our lives are not accidental!

“There is me - and there is the world around me (☉), there is no me - and there is no world around me (o)” - this is how the essence of the Sun in the birth chart can be characterized.
A circle without a point o is a symbol of the eternal, infinite and omnipresent Spirit.

The dot in the circle ☉ is a symbol of awareness of ourselves and our place in life - this is what gives us the opportunity to realize ourselves as a person, it is for this experience that the Spirit comes into the physical body. Thus, everything related to the natal Sun is vital, because it is about Life Energy (vitality) and human health.

That is why, before a birthday, in a couple of weeks, and to a greater extent in a few days, many notice fatigue, loss of strength, apathy, depression, despondency, blues, irritability and other manifestations of lack of vitality and optimism.
The month before the birthday can be symbolically called the 12th sign of the zodiac, completing the circle.

The symbolism of the Pisces Zodiac Sign is the unity and struggle of two opposites, two fish swimming in different directions, but connected by one ribbon, which means the "death" of the old circle of life and the "birth" of a new one. One cannot be without the other. Birth presupposes death, and death presupposes rebirth. The seed dies in the ground to be born a new sprout. So a person, shortly before his birthday, experiences all this "struggle" of the old and the new within himself. The “Old Sun” is fading away, therefore it is not particularly cheerful and sparkling, as usual, but soon the “New Sun” will be born, full of strength, hopes, desires to shine, warm and again be the center of your life.

That is why, a few days before the birthday, you want to protect yourself as much as possible from the outside world, be alone with yourself, and any intrusion into this fragile inner harmony is regarded as aggressive, therefore, due to his psychotype, a person can react in different ways: someone scandals , someone cries, someone just silently withdraws into themselves.

How to properly spend this difficult time and properly celebrate your birthday?

Try not to take on large-scale projects at work a month before your birthday, because this can threaten physical and mental distress and exhaustion. It's good to go on vacation at this time, so that the transition from the old to the new is as pleasant as possible. If this is not possible, just protect yourself from unnecessary stress.

Do not get fooled by emotional provocations and do not get involved in conflicts - take care of your already small reserve of strength. Be wiser, because the 12th Zodiac Sign is also the Wisdom of all previous signs, their common rich Ocean of Wisdom. Try to understand and realize this right now. Be a Zen Buddhist - just observe and practice whatever helps you to be in balance and harmony with the world and yourself.

This period before the birthday can also be compared with the 29 lunar day, when we can all experience a lack of energy, apathy and depression. So the rules of behavior are the same that we use on critical lunar days - to be a light for ourselves and others, and for this it is important to keep inner balance, not to conflict, not to provoke and not get involved in emotional provocations, only love for everything and everyone and faith into tomorrow's dawn.

Every year we celebrate our birthday, but we do not even suspect that we can miss an important sacred moment in our life - consciously change our life for the better, believing in our strength and receiving energy for all our undertakings! In astrology, this moment is called the Cosmic Birthday or Solar (Solar). What is it?

This is the moment of recharging your natal Sun with the Life Energy of the Cosmic Sun for the new year of life (solar year). In astrology, this is the moment when the transit Sun on the ecliptic enters your natal degree, minute and second!

Due to the small difference between the calendar terrestrial year and the sidereal year, the Solar may fall on adjacent calendar dates. So, for example, solar may be tomorrow, and today you accept congratulations in your address, but there is still no feeling of joy, because your New Sun has not yet been "born" this year. That is, you seem to have already begun the countdown of the new year of life, but in fact, you still have an internal summing up of the results of last year, the very peak of the "fading Sun".

It is morally easier, of course, when the solar passed yesterday and today, on your usual birthday, you are really joining the new year of life with renewed vigor. But, even if the calendar day coincides, the time of the solar each year will always differ from the natal one.

An astrologer can calculate the exact time of Solara. You can also use astrological programs, but many of them, alas, make mistakes. It is also important for an accurate meeting of your Solar to work with the corrected natal time, otherwise there may be errors in time, especially if you practice forecasting according to Solar.

Knowing the exact time of your Solar, you are ready to receive vital energies for a whole year of life! Why is it so important?
Because at the moment of this recharging, you receive exactly as much energy as is needed to solve the tasks that you want to set yourself this year. Therefore, it is very important to approach Solar with a ready-made plan for the year! It shouldn't be big, but it should be specific and clear. This is not a game of wishes and there will be no goldfish to fulfill your wishes. You yourself will be a goldfish, and the Universe will support your endeavors!

It is believed that the moment of recharging your natal Sun is a secret and intimate moment, and therefore you should meet your Solar in solitude. If you are at work or in a circle of friends celebrating your birthday, then at least 5-10 minutes before the exact time of Solara, retire. If you are at home, then this process can be given a little more time. Light a candle, thank the Universe and the past year for everything that was in it, because everything that happens to us is for our Good. And let some of what happened was pleasant, but something useful, like a bitter potion for healing, and after all, for healing you need to Bless the Space. You can once again think over all your plans for the year, having precisely adjusted and prescribing them, you can do this in advance, but at least read what you wrote before Solar. Now you are ready to accept energies for all your good deeds of the coming year of your life! Those who work with energies can feel this sacred moment very well with literally every cell of their body. As soon as you feel that you are ready to go out to people, return to the circle of friends or to the workplace.

Now you can safely accept congratulations and best wishes! They also have important energetic significance. As a rule, on your birthday you are remembered by those for whom you are dear and important, like the Sun in our solar system, as well as those whom you once warmed with your warmth, like the Sun. Therefore, by right, everything that you gave to people returns to you - you again understand how important you are in your circle of relatives and friends, colleagues and those with whom Fate brought you at least once. So you gradually return to your sunny mood, the joy and fullness of life return to you. Your Sun was born and came to life! It's ready to shine again for one more year!

There is no need to be upset if you do not know the exact time of your birth at all, then perform this Solara mystery in the morning, after waking up. An important point here is Gratitude for the past year and making plans for the coming year. Of course, your attitude and your desire to be the Sun are very important!

Remember, if there is a sun, then there is a solar system, which means you are important and very necessary for your system!

Birthday is a special holiday. Therefore, it must be held in such a way that pleasant memories of this day warm the soul for a whole year. Now we will find out what astrology says about this. How to celebrate your birthday according to your zodiac sign.


Spend this holiday with people close to you. Do not throw a fancy party. Let it be a simple party with a glass of wine and sincere conversations.


Do not sit at home on this day. Go on a trip, cafe or nature. Dance, have fun, relax.


Reschedule your birthday celebration to another day. Spend this day in calmness and meditation.


a lion

It is best to spend this day with your loved one. Organize active leisure time - go to the movies, go rollerblading or ice skating. The main thing is not to sit in one place.


Representatives of this zodiac sign do not like to celebrate their birthday. But ... this year, be sure to throw a grand party. Do not spare your money!


Do whatever your heart desires on this day. If you can't get time off from work, don't be discouraged. Celebrate this weekend.


This birthday is best spent with a family. Warm atmosphere will brighten up this day. Be sure to invite your parents.


Try not to drink this day, otherwise adventures of a different nature are possible. The stars recommend meeting this day somewhere in warm places. If this is not possible, then organize a party at your home.


Stubborn Capricorns consider this holiday an ordinary day. But this year you should definitely meet him cheerfully and noisily. Throw away all your doubts and have a bright and emotional day.


Spend this day in relaxation. Forget the hustle and bustle. Visit spa treatments, get a massage, watch an interesting movie, eat your favorite treats.


Don't be discouraged on this day. Spend the holiday the way you want. If you want silence, please, if you want fun - go ahead. Do whatever comes to your mind.