
Shiatsu acupressure massage for facial rejuvenation at home

Shiatsu acupressure massage for facial rejuvenation at home

There are 700 places on the body that can stimulate and activate the functioning of organs. You can improve blood circulation and enhance the lymphatic drainage effect by targeting active points on the face. What is the secret of regaining youth - read on.

The essence of the technique

The ancient teaching of influence through biologically active points is called reflexology. This science examines different techniques, focusing on action rather than cosmetics. As a result, cure of diseases and skin lifting effect are guaranteed.

The essence of exposure through active points on the face is to stimulate impulses that are sent to the nerve centers of the brain. A response signal with a solution to the problem enters the cells. They activate the functioning, increased production of useful proteins and enzymes. For skin rejuvenation, these are collagen and elastin fibers.

Location of the "fountains of youth"

The face is a zone of concentration of active places (over 114). The diameter of acupuncture sites ranges from 1 mm -1 cm. In other words, this is a large accumulation of nerves, so it is possible to feel aches and pain with strong pressure.

Points on the face to rejuvenate the sensitive area around the eyes:

  1. “third eye” - located between the eyebrows 1 cm above the bridge of the nose;
  2. two symmetrical zones in the inner corners of the eye slits - regular exposure relieves puffiness and swelling;
  3. the middle of the eyebrow above the pupil;
  4. move your fingers 1 cm from the outer corners of the eye slits to the temples;
  5. parallel to the pupils in the center under the cheekbones;
  6. 1 cm below the lower rim of the eye.

Acupuncture sites in the mouth area:

  1. under the lower lip in the center;
  2. near the folds of the mouth on both sides;
  3. in the center above the upper lip.

The following points will help smooth out vertical and horizontal wrinkles in the frontal area and prevent the appearance of new ones:

  1. on both sides the ends of the eyebrows in the temporal zone;
  2. 1 cm above the eyebrow parallel to the pupil;
  3. 3 cm above the outer corners of the eye slits;

Methods of influence

Modern cosmetology knows the following methods of rejuvenation through acupuncture points on the face:

  • effective acupuncture (find out more);
  • thermal method;
  • exposure to ultraviolet, infrared, laser rays;
  • magnetopuncture;
  • cupping (vacuum) therapy.

All methods involve short-term (3-5 seconds), regular exposure. Adjusted nutrition, adequate sleep, high-quality cosmetics will enhance the effect of the procedures.

Positive effect of rejuvenation, contraindications

Acupuncture face lifting allows you to achieve significant results:

  • skin lifting effect without surgery;
  • reduction of facial wrinkles, with the prospect of complete smoothing;
  • relief leveling, oval correction, double chin removal;
  • color improvement skin;
  • elasticity, increased tightness of the epidermis;
  • getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth;
  • deep frontal folds become less noticeable.

Acupuncture procedures are combined with others (elos-rejuvenation, rejuvenating masks from home-made folk remedies).

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Very popular among oriental women uses acupressure facial massage. Thanks to massaging biologically active points located on the face, women look younger and more beautiful. This technique has spread throughout the world.

There are several types acupressure:

  • Finger massage – zhong;
  • Japanese massage – shiatsu;
  • Korean massage – su-jok;
  • Indian marmatherapy.

The essence of massage is the impact on biologically active points located on a person’s face. The result of the effect is an increased movement of vital energy throughout the body.

Energy circulates along so-called meridians - groups of active points. There are 8 meridians in the area of ​​the face and head, forming a dense energy network.
It is rightly believed that acupressure is the most effective way to smooth out wrinkles and restore firmness and elasticity to the skin.
During it, the effect is on the nerve endings and lymphatic system. The general condition of the skin improves, nasolabial folds disappear, dark circles there is swelling and swelling under the eyes, the muscles are toned.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, acupressure can improve a person’s general condition, and sometimes cure diseases of vital organs.
To achieve the maximum effect from the massage, you need to devote 15 minutes to it daily. Regularity is the main principle of this technique. If you follow this principle, then after two months you will notice:

  • Improved complexion;
  • Restoration of metabolism;
  • Increased blood circulation and microcirculation;
  • The skin becomes elastic;
  • Swelling disappears;
  • Wrinkles disappear.

Proper impact on active points will not only rejuvenate, but also get rid of runny nose, headaches and insomnia, fatigue and even improve vision.


  • There is no pain or discomfort during the massage. Even for people with a high pain threshold, the massage technique will not cause discomfort;
  • High performance. After the first session, you can observe positive changes;
  • Simple technique;
  • Doesn't take much time.

Indications for use

  • The appearance of deep and fine wrinkles;
  • Presence of jowls, age-related folds;
  • Having a double chin;
  • Changes in facial contour, loss of elasticity;
  • Change in complexion, the face has become gray;
  • Bags under the eyes, bruises, dark circles.


  • Damage to the skin. These can be: burns, wounds and scratches, ulcers and inflammatory processes;
  • Viral and infectious diseases. For example, inflammation of the facial nerve. After the session, the disease may worsen;
  • Presence of cancer or blood diseases. Carrying out a massage can provoke the spread of cancer cells through the bloodstream and lymph nodes;
  • Abundant hair growth;
  • Cuperosis.

Tricks of acupressure

Before the session, you must thoroughly cleanse your face and wash your hands. The massage itself is performed with pads thumbs hands They should be strictly perpendicular to the skin. One pressure lasts from 3 to 7 seconds. Only on the neck pressure is applied to a certain point for 4 seconds. Total time The process takes approximately 10 minutes.

It is best to perform the procedure every day for two weeks. But, if for some reason daily sessions are not possible, they should be performed every other day for 1 month.


  • If desired, exfoliate your face or apply a mask;
  • The skin should be cleansed using facial lotion, toner or other favorite product. You can also use a tincture of medicinal herbs, dry white wine and pure water in a 3:1 ratio;
  • Warm up the facial muscles so that they are relaxed and the blood vessels dilate. To do this you should do hot compress or a steam bath for 10 minutes;
  • 5 minutes before the massage, apply moisturizing cream or oil to your face. The oil can be any - olive, flaxseed, grape seed and others. This will make the procedure even more effective and provide the skin with the necessary vitamins.

Massage points on the face

  1. We start from the middle of the forehead, this will help us get rid of wrinkles on the forehead;
  2. In the center of the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows - helps relieve fatigue, significantly improve overall well-being and reduce vertical wrinkles;
  3. The point at the beginning of the eyebrow will also smooth out wrinkles and have a positive effect on lacrimation;
  4. A place located above the eyebrow on the pupil line will increase the tone of the frontal muscles, and actively massaging it will help relieve drowsiness;
  5. The point at the end natural line eyebrows - will help relieve headaches in case of diseased blood vessels and will have a positive effect on vision;
  6. In the temporal fossa, located between the top of the ear and the outer end of the eyebrows - you need to influence both points on both sides - simultaneously. Relieves sleep disorders and headaches;
  7. Opposite the upper edge of the ear there is a depression - it will help with emotional instability, migraines, and eye diseases.
  8. Down along the ear to the next hole, in the recess between the jaws, located near the ear canal;
  9. The angle of the lower jaw, under the earlobe, will help eliminate wrinkles;
  10. Under the chin in the cavity - muscle stimulation;
  11. Under the lower fangs on the chin - helps improve the tone of the skin and chin muscles;
  12. Located in the center of the inner part of the chin, under the lower lip, it is important that the pressure is directed to the chin bone and not to the teeth
  13. 13-1 under the tip of the nose in the upper third of the vertical groove upper lip– will help smooth out wrinkles around the lips. Also, massaging this point will have a positive effect on swelling of the face and nervous tics of the muscles in the eyes and mouth, fainting, shock, and hysteria.
    13-2 is located in the very center under the lower lip and will help remove wrinkles around it;
  14. Located just above the corners of the mouth, it helps to raise them;
  15. Above the upper lip under the nostrils - will prevent the formation of wrinkles around the mouth;
  16. Near the wings of the nose - getting rid of nasolabial folds;
  17. On both sides of the midline of the nose - a cure for nasal problems such as runny nose, sinusitis, and will also help get rid of bags under the eyes and swelling. To work on this area, you need to slide your thumbs under the eyebrows to this point and press upward.
  18. Located under the pupils, under the middle of the eye sockets - maximum exposure time is 8 seconds. It is believed that this point will soften the face and help preserve youth for a long time. The most favorable time for working out is morning.

Japanese Shiatsu massage

It is one of the most popular acupressure techniques.

  • Using the pads of your thumbs, you need to gently massage the active points located between the eyebrows;
  • Then you need to lower it to the points located on the wings of the nose. Massage them;
  • Referring to the diagram of the location of active points, find the point under the lower lip and act on it;
  • Then massage the temporal lobes;
  • Completion of the session - impact on the points near the ears.

The features of the Shiatsu technique can be found out in more detail in our article on this topic.

Finger massage – zhong

Performed using not only thumb, but also with the index and middle. With this technique Chinese massage your face will look youthful and healthy. Thanks to the effect on active points, the aging process of the skin slows down. There are two types of massage - a tonic method and a soothing method.
With the soothing method, the fingertips continuously act on active points. Pressure on the point occurs with increasing force and retention of the fingers. This action must be repeated 3-4 times. After completing the previous time, you should begin repeating the procedure from the initial pressure level. Approximate session time is 3-7 minutes.

The tonic method uses short and strong pressure on the points with a sharp distance from the fingertip. The impact occurs within 30-60 seconds. You should not put too much pressure on the point. Pressing should not cause pain.

  • Press with your thumbs on the points of the temporal lobes. At the same time, move your index and middle fingers a little higher to stroke your forehead. Movements should be made upwards, then to the sides, towards the temples;
  • Pressure on the same points of the temporal lobes. Index finger massage the eyebrows, stroke from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  • Pressure again on the temporal lobes. Close your eyes and alternately massage the inner and outer corners of your eyes with your index and middle fingers. Then the eyelids - upper and lower. Direction – from the center to the edge;
  • Using your thumbs, massage the outer corners of your eyes towards your temples;
  • Rub the points on the wings of the nose, the base of the nose and the point under the nose with your fingers;
  • Temporal lobes. The massage is performed in a circular motion with the index and middle fingers;
  • Cheek massage is performed at points located from the cheekbones to the neck;
  • The procedure must be completed by lightly tapping your fingers on the face;
  • Then rub your palms over the skin to feel the warmth.

Indian marmatherapy

IN Indian massage biologically active points are called marmas. In India, since ancient times, knowledge of marma has been highly valued. The massage is carried out in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. Hands should be parallel to each other. You should start with a small circle, then enlarge it a little. The cycle of circular movement is 5 expanding circles and 5 narrowing ones. They must be repeated 3 times each.

  • The massage begins with impact on the points of the right eyebrow. Circular movements- down, left eyebrow, up, right eyebrow - counterclockwise movement;
  • Then you need to make the opposite movement - right eyebrow, up, left eyebrow, down, right eyebrow - clockwise movement.

In this way, all active points are worked out. Before the session, be sure to apply to your face nourishing cream or oil.

Training video of acupressure from Galina Dubinina


Women all over the world use facial acupressure to restore youth and a healthy complexion. If you look at the reviews of ladies who use this massage, you can see a lot of positive feedback. All of them confirm the complete disappearance of fine wrinkles. Women have forgotten what swelling and bruising under the eyes are. In addition, many claim that their overall health has improved.

The most important thing in acupressure is to carefully study the location of all biological points.

And also, according to some ladies, generously applying cream to the skin so that your fingers glide with ease.

Acupressure came to us from Tibet. Where it is practiced by traditional healers for all sorts of ailments. The principle of its action is based on the effect on biologically active points of the body. At the same time, the internal forces of the body are activated, the tired parts are “resuscitated” and the correct functions of the glands are restored.

In cosmetology, such a massage (also called Shiatsu massage) has received a wide vocation due to its effectiveness in the fight against skin aging. Of course, he is not able to turn back time, but he can significantly slow down irreversible processes, return the oval of the face to its former clarity, smooth out fine and deep wrinkles and force the cells of all layers of the skin to work at full capacity.

It is quite possible to carry out acupressure facial massage for wrinkles at home, the main thing is to do it regularly (2-3 times a week) and in such a way that nothing distracts you, and your thoughts are completely at peace.

What is this mysterious and magical technique?

First of all, sit up straight and comfortable. You can do a massage while lying down, but practice shows that the greatest rejuvenating effect is achieved when conducting sessions in a sitting position.

Consistently go through all the biologically active points described below, influencing them as follows: treat paired points with the fingers of both hands at the same time, single points with the fingers of your dominant hand.

The technique is this: place your finger on the next point, lightly press on it (not too much, but noticeably). Keep this pressure constant for 5-7 seconds, then press firmly and release. The final pressure should be as if you were pressing a pushpin into a board - not sharp, but strong enough. As a result of this massage, the activity of subcutaneous vessels is activated, lymphatic drainage is improved and the process of exfoliation and regeneration of the skin is accelerated.

Now let’s list all the biologically active points (BAP) used in the technique of acupressure facial massage for wrinkles.

The first point is located approximately 1 cm above the bridge of the nose.

The second points are at the beginning of the eyebrows.

The third points are at the inner corners of the eyes.

The fourth points are at the end of the natural eyebrow line.

Fifth points are at the outer corners of the eyes.

(The impact on points close to the eyes should be directed to the edge of the eye sockets of the skull, that is, the bone should be felt under the finger).

The sixth points are the temporal fossae.

The seventh points are under the middle of the eye sockets, on the upper part of the cheekbone.

The eighth points are near the ear canals.

The ninth points are the angle of the lower jaw.

The tenth point is the middle of the chin, under the lower lip (pressure should be directed to the chin bone, not to the teeth).

The eleventh points are the corners of the mouth.

The twelfth point is above the upper lip.

The thirteenth points are at the wings of the nose, the very beginning of the nasolabial triangle.

The fourteenth points are on both sides of the bridge of the nose, where the cartilage connects to the bone.

The fifteenth point is under the chin, where the depression is felt (where the second chin begins to grow).

The impact on each point for cosmetic purposes, as already mentioned, should not exceed 7 seconds. If painful sensations are present, you should definitely contact a specialist in acupressure, as this may indicate serious abnormalities in work. internal organs.

The total duration of the procedure is from half an hour to an hour. You can do from one to three approaches per session.


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Among the many techniques of therapeutic massage, the Japanese shiatsu system ranks special position. On the one hand, it is hardly possible to find today modern woman, who at least once in her life would not have heard that acupressure facial massage using the shiatsu method can work wonders: restore youth and beauty of the skin, as well as treat all sorts of ailments - from migraines to angina and spastic paralysis. And at the same time, few non-specialists can distinguish shiatsu from other types of oriental massage. Therefore, today we will tell you about what this method actually is, who developed it and when, and how to use acupressure facial massage for wrinkles. self-treatment and rejuvenation. And for “dessert” we chose a very interesting video about shiatsu facial massage, from which you can also learn a lot of necessary and useful information about this wonderful direction in oriental medicine.

  • Video lesson of Japanese self-massage Shiatsu
  • Shiatsu acupressure – Japanese pressure method
  • Homework: “massage for wrinkles using the Shiatsu method”
  • Shiatsu massage technique
  • Preparing for a massage

Video lesson of Japanese self-massage Shiatsu

Our dossier:
Shiatsu (Japanese: 指圧) - a system of healing wellness massage, developed in the first half of the 20th century by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi. In 1919, Dr. Namikoshi published the book “The Shiatsu Method,” which outlines all the basic principles and techniques for using this massage. Six years later (1925), the first specialized Shiatsu clinic was opened, and in 1940, an educational institution for training specialists in Shiatsu therapy - the Japanese Shiatsu College, which still exists today. At the same time, the first professional community was established - the Japanese Shiatsu Association. In 1964, the Japanese Ministry of Health officially included shiatsu in the list of medical disciplines as an independent therapeutic method.

Shiatsu acupressure – Japanese pressure method

Agree that the very word “shiatsu” is filled with some hidden mysterious magnetism. Images in the style of traditional Japanese painting meisho-e involuntarily appear in your head - a neat chashitsu house against the backdrop of the sacred Mount Fuji, a branch of cherry blossoms, the slightly tart aroma of ceremonial tea...

The creator of the shiatsu method, Dr. Namikoshi (1905-2000), treats the absolute world boxing champion Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali)

In fact, everything looks very prosaic. The name "shiatsu" (there is no "sh" sound in Japanese) is formed from two words - 指 si - finger and 圧atsu - to press, press. This, in fact, is the main difference between shiatsu and other types of oriental massage, which Dr. Namikoshi defined with purely Japanese laconicism: “Press, not massage.” That is, during a treatment session, the shiatsu therapist presses with his fingers or palm on certain areas on the human body. And no stroking or rubbing! The strength and time of exposure depends on the specific diagnosis, and with the correct technique, even strong “deep” pressure does not cause discomfort in patients.

The next feature of shiatsu is that this massage itself does not cure the disease, but eliminates its cause. The goal of shiatsu therapy is to awaken internal forces organism and direct their action along the desired path. To do this, the doctor acts on special active points - tsubo. Thus, the natural “mechanism” of healing inherent in us by Nature itself is launched.

And one more important point: Shiatsu is not only a treatment method, but also a diagnostic system. And the most interesting thing about this is that the diagnoses made by an experienced shiatsu therapist in 94.7% of cases are exactly confirmed by modern hardware and laboratory tests.

Notes in the margins
The shiatsu method owes much of its popularity in the West to... Marilyn Monroe! In 1956, during a trip to Japan, the film star became seriously ill. Drug treatment it didn’t help, and then Dr. Namikoshi was invited to the actress, who soon got her back on her feet. And although by that time this method was already quite well known, after Marilyn’s recovery, a real shiatsu boom began in the United States.

Tokujiro Namikoshi with his student, famous shiatsu therapist Shigeru Onoda. The year this photo was taken was Dr. Namikoshi's 90th birthday.

Today there are three directions of shiatsu in the world:

  • Western school (based on a scientific approach to the method from the point of view of modern medicine);
  • classical school (actually, the school of Dr. Namikoshi);
  • Zen Shiatsu (intuitive, sensory method, largely “involved” in bioenergy).

Homework: “massage for wrinkles using the Shiatsu method”

In the East, from ancient times they said: “Your own hand is the best healer.” Therefore, it is not surprising that within the framework of shiatsu there is a set of techniques for self-massage, among which, perhaps, the most popular and in demand is acupressure facial massage. Shiatsu therapists specifically recommend to their patients a number of simple techniques that are successfully used when necessary:

  • relieving headaches;
  • eliminating sleep disorders;
  • improved vision;
  • combating chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • treatment of runny nose and some other manifestations of colds.

In addition, correct influence on biologically active points located on the face and head has a positive effect on improving the emotional state and helps with facial nervous tics.

Proper thumb pressing technique. Please note that pressure on the skin is applied with your fingertips.

IN home cosmetology Shiatsu massage has been successfully used to improve general condition facial skin, and as a prevention of age-related changes. To be convinced of its effectiveness, just look at Japanese women who are over thirty. Agree, sometimes it seems that women in this country have discovered the recipe eternal youth. This is partly true. It has been proven that systematic shiatsu sessions dramatically slow down the aging process of the skin. Collagen and elastin are produced twice as fast. As a result, new wrinkles do not appear, and existing ones are smoothed out.

With the help of rejuvenating procedures, facial muscles are strengthened and capillary blood circulation is improved. The first leads to restoration of the shape of the face, and the second returns the skin to a healthy tone and speeds up the treatment of acne. Of course, performing these procedures requires certain knowledge and skills. But don't be alarmed. This is not difficult to learn.

Commentary from a dermatologist. Like any other medical procedure, shiatsu massage has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • decreased intracranial pressure;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • rosacea;
  • hemophilia;
  • herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • furunculosis and any other inflammatory processes;
  • open wounds (and not only on the face).

Correct technique for placing three fingers. And again, the pads work

In addition, there are people with individual intolerance to this massage, so before starting home treatments, you should consult with your family doctor or visit a specialized specialist - a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Shiatsu massage technique

As we noted above, shiatsu massage is not stroking, but pressing.

There are three ways to click on active points:

  • pads of the thumbs;
  • three fingers at the same time (index, middle and ring fingers);
  • palm.

Hand movements should be slow and clear. Try to avoid "rolling" as this causes unnecessary stretching of the skin, which can cause wrinkles.

The pressure force is adjusted depending on the condition of the subcutaneous fat layer. The larger this layer, the stronger the impact should be. However, even with pronounced facial fatness, you should not press on the points as if your task is to make holes in the skin. Remember that where the pain begins, the treatment ends. If both hands are used simultaneously during the procedure, the force of pressing should be approximately the same.

You can do shiatsu acupressure facial massage yourself

The duration of impact on one point during cosmetic acupressure should not exceed 4-7 seconds. This is quite enough to obtain the desired effect, which will last throughout the day. During treatment sessions, the pressure time can last several minutes. But it is advisable to trust such procedures to professional shiatsu masters.

The best time for a shiatsu cosmetic session is considered to be morning. To perform this “charge” for the face you will need 10-15 minutes, plus about the same amount of time for preparation.

Correct palm pressing technique

Notes in the margins. Of course, before practicing shiatsu, it makes sense to take at least one look at how professionals do it. In search of a decent video about shiatsu acupressure facial massage, we diligently scoured the entire RuNet but, alas, to no avail. I had to bow to the “bourgeois” and, as it turned out, not in vain. In a word, as they say, watch and learn (video from Madrid).

Preparing for a massage

We recommend starting your preparation for a shiatsu session by treating your facial skin with lotion or other cleanser - herbal infusion, dry white wine diluted with filtered water in a ratio of 3x1, etc. Then the skin needs to be warmed up. This will relieve muscle tension and dilate blood vessels. To do this, it is convenient to use a hot compress or steam bath at a temperature of 45 to 50°C. The compress will take you 2-3 minutes, the bath – at most 10 minutes. Before starting the procedure, you need to relax.

Light the aroma lamp, turn on soft, calm music, lie down on the sofa and just relax for 5-7 minutes. By the way, this relaxation can be completely combined with a hot compress. This way you will save time. And one last thing. 5 minutes before the start of the session, apply a vitamin moisturizer to the skin. This will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

In some cases, pressure on the point can be increased

Shiatsu complex for facial wrinkles

Now let's get acquainted with the simplest and most affordable complex for wrinkles and crow's feet from the Shiatsu arsenal. Let’s make a reservation right away: “simple” does not mean “weak”. Try it yourself, and you will see the result of your daily procedures in the mirror in just two weeks.

Figure 1

Press on the skin and hold the pressure for 7 seconds. After this, we move our fingers to the eyebrows and repeat everything from the beginning. Thus, in four steps we reach the temples.

Figure 2

We lower three “working” fingers onto the eyebrows (Figure 2, points No. 2) and press for 7 seconds. Then, using the pads of our thumbs, we act on point No. 3 and then on point No. 4.

Figure 3

Again we use three fingers. For 5-7 seconds, depending on the degree of comfort, press points No. 5 (Figure 3). The area above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows is known for its tendency to form wrinkles. Therefore, here you can slightly increase the pressure.

Figure 4

We lower the fingers of both hands onto the eyelids just below the eyebrows (Figure 4, points No. 6), but so as not to touch the eyeball. Press gently for 5 seconds. Make sure that during this exercise the skin does not move towards the bridge of the nose. This is important.

Figure 5

Now we act on the area of ​​the lower eyelid (Figure 5, points No. 7). The rules for performing this exercise are similar to the previous ones.

Figure 6

We press with three fingers on the points located under the cheekbones (Figure 6, points No. 8). Hold the pressure for 7 seconds and move on to the next exercise.

Figure 7

Using the pads of your thumbs, press on the points near the nostrils as shown in Figure 7 (points No. 9). Adjust the exposure time yourself, within 5-7 seconds.

Figure 8

Press point No. 10, located above the upper lip (Figure 8), with your thumb for 7 seconds.

Figure 9

For this exercise we again use our thumbs. Gently press on the paired points along the edges of the lips (Figure 9, points No. 11) and hold until we count to seven. Here it is important to feel the muscle and not go beyond it.

Figure 10

For 7 seconds, press the point located under the lower lip (Figure 10, point No. 12). Attention! You need to press on the gums, not on the teeth.

Figure 11

We raise our heads a little up. We place the fingers (the working trinity) under the chin (Figure 11, point No. 13), press for 5 seconds, and then in 4 movements we pass in this way the entire edge of the lower jaw.

Figure 12

We move our fingers to the sides of the neck (Figure 12, point No. 14) and press on it for no more than 3 seconds. We perform this exercise carefully so as not to compress the carotid artery.

Figure 13

With the thumb of your left hand, lightly press on the jugular cavity for 3 seconds and gently release (Figure 13, point No. 15).

Figure 14

The final exercise of the complex. Using the pads of your thumbs, we synchronously press on the paired points located in the area of ​​the base of the ear. Another 7 seconds “under pressure” and the session is over for today.

P.S. Of course, within the framework of one article it is impossible to talk in detail about all the practical usefulness of shiatsu therapy. But if you find this topic interesting, write in the comments and we will definitely continue this interesting topic. We wish you beauty and health!

Acupressure facial massage - an effective effect on the skin, improving overall health and good mood. Among a large number in various ways and the technician should separately highlight shiatsu massage (you can often find another version of the name - siatsu). Almost everyone has heard at least once about the magical properties of this procedure. It restores youth and elasticity to the skin, significantly improves complexion, can relieve severe headaches and even has a beneficial effect on the body after paralysis and stroke.

However ordinary people For those who have not studied massage techniques, it is quite difficult to distinguish shiatsu from ordinary effects. Acupressure facial massage is a gift of oriental cosmetology, which has many positive qualities. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at it and understanding exactly how it works.


The health massage system was developed in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century by physician Namikoshi Tokujiro. After several years of research, he published his findings in the book The Shiatsu Method. It describes in detail all the possible techniques and techniques that are used in this type of massage, and also talks about the methods of influencing the human body.

6 years after the publication of the book, a hospital was opened specializing in treatment using the shiatsu method, and then an educational institution in which young people were taught how to properly perform massage. This college still exists today. The Japanese Ministry of Health has adopted shiatsu as an official medical practice.

Features of massage

It’s not for nothing that acupressure massage for facial rejuvenation is called shiatsu. Translated from Japanese, this word, consisting of two parts, means “finger” and “press.” This is the hidden feature of massage. During the procedure, the therapist uses his fingers and palm to apply pressure to certain areas of the face and head. In this case, no rubbing with the entire palm or stroking movements is performed.

The time and strength of the effect depend on the effect to be achieved. At the same time, shiatsu masters do not make the patient experience discomfort even with strong and deep pressure.

Another important feature is that the massage itself is not, in fact, therapeutic. But it allows you to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, which is much more important. After all, proper treatment involves identifying and getting rid of the root cause.

Release of energy

Acupressure facial massage is an effective effect on the skin, which awakens strength and restores energy. This helps the body quickly cope with viruses and various nervous diseases. In order for the reaction to proceed correctly, the doctor starts the regeneration mechanism by pressing certain points, called “tsubo” by the Japanese.

Shiatsu also allows masters to accurate diagnosis the whole body. More than 90% of diagnoses are confirmed by research using modern devices and analyses.


Today there are 3 different directions of shiatsu:

  1. Western (based on a scientific approach and relies on modern means).
  2. Classical (original school of Dr. Namikoshi).
  3. Zen (bioenergetics and intuitive method of studying the patient’s body).


Massage for facial rejuvenation from wrinkles and swelling can be done independently. Many different techniques have been developed for this. In addition to the effect on the skin itself, such a massage will help:

  • relieve migraine;
  • get rid of insomnia;
  • improve vision;
  • get rid of stress and constant fatigue;
  • cure runny nose and other minor colds;
  • cheer up.

During the massage, pressure is exerted exclusively by the pads of the thumbs. Regular massage sessions will not only improve the color and condition of the skin, but will also slow down its aging due to the accelerated production of elastin and collagen without any cosmetics. Expression wrinkles are strengthened, and blood circulation in the head is noticeably improved, which will help avoid problems with blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

Terms and Conditions

The massage should be performed with clear, smooth movements. It is necessary to avoid rolling and pulling the skin, as this will have the opposite effect. The force of pressure directly depends on the fat layer located under the skin: the thicker it is, the more powerful the pressure should be. However, the impact should not cause any discomfort or pain.

The movements are performed with both hands at once equal strength impact. At cosmetic massage pressure is applied for no more than 5 seconds. The effect of such manipulations will last for the whole day. During therapeutic massages, the duration of pressure can range from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, but it is better not to try to do it yourself, but rather trust the master.

There are many videos that demonstrate how to do this procedure correctly. However, only shiatsu masters know reliably about acupressure facial massage, so before you conduct such a session yourself, you should watch as many videos as possible and read about its features.

Preparing for a massage

Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation, the discussion of which has become quite popular both in beauty salons and on television, should be carried out in the morning. In general, it takes about 15 minutes for the entire session and almost the same for the preliminary warm-up.

First of all, your face needs to be treated with a cleanser. It is advisable not to use alcohol solutions, as they are very drying and damage the skin structure. It is best to use herbal lotions, infusions of medicinal plants or filtered water.

After this, the skin of the face needs to be slightly warmed up. Steam bath it's impossible would be better suited for such a case. This will relieve tension. In addition, you can light scented candles or play pleasant music. Then you need to treat the skin with vitamin cream. Now you can start the massage itself.


Despite many advantages, Japanese anti-wrinkle facial massage shiatsu has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • neoplasms on the facial skin;
  • herpes, dermatitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • open wounds on the body.

The simplest option

Acupressure facial massage is an effective effect on the skin, which will give results in just 2 weeks.

This completes the session. After such a massage, you should take a short rest or just lie on the sofa for about 5 minutes.

Acupressure facial massage is an effective effect on the skin that will restore youth and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Just a few minutes a day will help you maintain youth and attractiveness. However, in addition to performing the massage yourself, it is worth going to an appointment with a specialist at least once to understand with what force and on which points the pressure is applied. In addition, high quality therapeutic massage Only a professional can do it.

Since ancient times, Easterners believed that the best healer for any person is his own hand.

It was this judgment that formed the basis of shiatsu massage, the birthplace of which was Japan.

The simple technique of its implementation helps not only to eliminate headaches, improve sleep and emotional state in general, and also contributes facial rejuvenation and the fight against expression wrinkles.

Feature of the technique

What is the technique of rejuvenating shiatsu acupressure? The meaning of this technique lies in the process of influencing specific points with your fingertips, as a result of which activation hidden energy flows inside the body aimed at its rejuvenation and healing.

The difference between this technique and other types of Japanese massage is that the influence on the points occurs through pressure rather than massaging.

Efficiency Shiatsu facial massage can hardly be overestimated:

Besides this is improving functioning of other systems and organs.

Layout of the “three royal points”

There are three main points, influencing which with your fingertips you can prolong youth and beauty for many years.

Royal Tenyo Point. It is located between the jaw and the lateral neck muscle, at a distance of one and a half to two centimeters below the earlobe. When pressing on it, pain appears, which disappears after several acupressure procedures.

Impact on this point improves complexion and helps get rid of swelling of the face and neck.

Royal Point Korea. It is located under the cheekbone perpendicular to the pupil. You can also recognize it by pain when pressed. Impact on this point helps eliminate wrinkles and removes sagging cheek skin.

Royal Point Sokkoku. It is located at the height of two fingers from the top of the ear, in a small depression. Using this point you can not only tighten your facial skin, but also get rid of headaches.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


How to do it yourself at home? The main element of the shiatsu massage technique is pressure, carried out in three ways:

Don't do it sudden movements. No need "scroll" the skin over the points as this may cause more wrinkles to appear. When operating with both hands, it is important to ensure that the pressing force is the same in both hands.

Shiatsu massage is the most beneficial in the morning, after waking up. This procedure will take no more than fifteen minutes, but the effect will last for the whole day. Before you begin the acupressure procedure, you should prepare a little:

  1. Cleanse your face with lotion.
  2. Warm up the skin over steam bath five to seven minutes to relax the muscles and blood vessels.
  3. Five minutes before the procedure, apply cream to your face.
  4. Light the aroma lamp, play calm music and relax.

How to do it?

The easiest thing to do at home and one of the most effective is massage, which affects the three “royal” points.

Technique its implementation is quite simple:

  • find the desired points with your thumbs;
  • Smiling, take a deep breath through your nose;
  • exhaling through your mouth, press the point from bottom to top for about three seconds;
  • relax.

This massage should be done in three approaches for each point.

  • place the pads of your middle fingers on points located at a distance one centimeter from the outer corner of the eye;
  • press on the point, direct the movement slightly upward and to the side;
  • act on the points for about three seconds;
  • do three approaches.
  • place the pads of three fingers between the eyebrows;
  • press on the points, moving as if a little in a circle;
  • do two sets of seven seconds.
  • use the pad of your middle finger to press on the point above the upper lip;
  • hold for about seven seconds;
  • then use the pads of your middle fingers to simultaneously press on the points in the corners of the lips;
  • adding small massaging movements, hold for seven seconds.

You can learn how to get rid of Demodex mites on your facial skin from our guide.


How effective is Japanese acupressure for the face against wrinkles? Performing acupressure at home requires at least a little skill. Learn this technique easy enough, receiving in return beautiful and well-groomed skin.

Regular shiatsu massage treatments give colossal effect:

Before starting the shiatsu massage procedure, it would be useful to consult a dermatologist, due to the existence of both general contraindications and possible individual intolerance.

Acupressure not worth doing in the following cases:

  • if there is a tendency to decrease intracranial pressure;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • for viral diseases and poor health in general;
  • if the skin has damage, inflammation or allergic reactions;
  • if there are manifestations of rosacea on the face.

Acupressure is a truly miraculous procedure that helps without any financial costs prolong the youth and beauty of your skin.

The main condition for its effectiveness is regularity of implementation.

Give yourself some time about twenty minutes every morning, and the result in the form of tightened skin and a beautiful complexion will not take long to arrive.

Training in shiatsu acupressure rejuvenating facial massage in this video:

Acupressure facial massage promotes powerful muscle relaxation of the whole body, relieves tension and spasms, improves microcirculation, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. One of the methods of acupressure is applying pressure to the point with the index finger or thumb. It can be used in combination with harmonizing rotational movements in the area from a selected point.

First you need to apply light pressure to the selected point for 30 seconds - this improves local blood circulation. After this, make nine rotations clockwise, and vice versa, the same number of rotations. The duration of massage of one point should not exceed 3-4 minutes.

1. A very important point: located on the top of the head in the parietal fossa in the center of the line connecting the upper points of the ears. Indispensable if you have insomnia, neurosis, headache, vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine. It is not for nothing that ancient doctors called this point “the point of a thousand meetings.”

2. At the inner corner of the eye, approximately at a distance of 0.3 cm, there is a “clear light” point. The name itself speaks for itself. Massaging this point improves visual acuity; affecting it also helps with nasal congestion.

3. At the beginning of the eyebrows, above point 2 (clear light), point 3 is located, this point is very effective for dizziness, for pain in the front of the head of vascular origin.

4. On the outside of the eyebrows there is point 4, called “bamboo thread” - this point helps with poor vision and relieves headaches of vascular origin.

5. A very commonly used point: it is located in the center of the bridge of the nose, on a vertical line coming from the tip of the nose. This point has the poetic name “meeting with the temple.” Helps with insomnia, headaches, dizziness, massage of the point significantly improves the general condition.

6. For migraines, relief comes from massage of point 6, located approximately 0.6 cm from the outer corner of the eye.

7. This point is called the “sun”: it is located in the temporal cavity between the top of the ear and the outer end of the eyebrows. Effective for emotional instability, eye disease, migraine or headache.

8. This point is located 1 cm below the level of the pupil. Massage of the point will provide an invaluable service if you have tics of the upper eyelid, headache, speech disorder, or dizziness. Pain at this point may indicate sinusitis or problems in the stomach. Try to help yourself by massaging this point.

9. The ninth point is called the “cheek axis” and is located above and in front of the angle of the lower jaw; a small depression is felt in place of the point. It is used in acupuncture for goiter and speech disorders. Impact on this point helps with cervical myositis - difficulty turning the neck, forced tense position.

10. In case of fainting, shock, or a hysterical attack, point 10 will help; the point is located under the tip of the nose in the upper third of the vertical groove of the upper lip. The Chinese called this point the “middle of a person” point. Massage of the point is recommended for swelling of the face and nervous tics in the eyes and mouth.

11. Point 11 has similar indications. Simultaneous action on both points relieves swelling of the face. Also, massage of these points activates the functions of internal organs and the brain. Point 11 is effective for loss of voice.

12. Point 12 is called “anti-stress” and is located in the center of the inner part of the chin. In case of fear, high emotional intensity, negative unexpected news, you need to massage this point using pressure with the thumb of your right hand.