
How to reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester. Safe ways to reduce high fever in pregnant women. Why does the temperature rise

How to reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester.  Safe ways to reduce high fever in pregnant women.  Why does the temperature rise

Body temperature refers to the parameters that the body independently maintains at a certain level. This is ensured by complex connections between the thermoregulation center (a special area in the brain responsible for the constancy of body temperature) and the periphery (organs, tissues). Normally healthy person at rest, the temperature in the armpit is 36.5-36.9 C?.

The regulation of the thermal center is carried out through special biologically active substances that are secreted by cells depending on the condition and needs of the body. These substances enter the brain through the bloodstream, causing it to increase or decrease body temperature. In addition, bacteria and viruses that enter the body from the outside can affect the thermoregulation center. From what has been said, it becomes clear that if the body temperature suddenly rises, this means that something has happened in the vastness of the body. Pregnancy is no exception. An increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman, like any person, is necessarily associated with some reason.

It is customary to divide temperature into normal (36.5-36.9 C?), subfebrile (37.0-37.9 C?) and febrile (fever - above 38.0 C?). Is the condition above 37.0 C? has a common name - hyperthermia.

Causes of elevated temperature during pregnancy

There are many reasons for increased body temperature. These may be diseases of the endocrine glands, infections, inflammation, poisoning, and nervous system disorders. But the most common ones that most women encounter during pregnancy are the following.

First trimester of pregnancy:

  • Physiological hyperthermia;
  • Cold or flu.

II trimester of pregnancy:

  • Pyelonephritis in pregnant women;
  • Upper respiratory tract infections.

III trimester of pregnancy:

  • Respiratory infections (bacterial and viral)
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy;
  • Acute appendicitis.

All pregnant expectant mothers should remember: whatever the cause, hyperthermia is ALWAYS a reason to consult with your doctor.

Of the conditions and diseases listed above, 3 groups can be distinguished:

1. Physiological norm.

2. Conditions that can be treated at home after consulting a doctor.

3. Diseases requiring emergency medical care.

Physiological norm

Hyperthermia in pregnant women

After ovulation of the egg, a corpus luteum forms in its place. It secretes a special hormone - Under the influence of progesterone, intestinal tone and motility decrease, and constipation appears. The contents stagnate in the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, creating conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. As the uterus grows, the position of the sections of the large intestine changes. The disease begins suddenly with pain in the epigastrium (under the stomach), which then moves to the right iliac region, nausea, vomiting, and fever are possible.

If a woman experiences at least some of the symptoms listed above, she should urgently contact a specialist. Self-medication in these cases is unacceptable.

To lower or not to lower the temperature

When the doctor has made a diagnosis, prescribed the necessary treatment, and the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus does not pose a threat, then you can complete your treatment at home. Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question of how to reduce the use chemicals. Is it possible to replace pharmacology? natural means, or maybe endure it altogether - lie down. If in relation to etiotropic therapy (treatment aimed at the causative agent of the disease) it is impossible to make changes on your own or completely refuse, then you can try replacing medications for fever with more “natural” ones.

Not every temperature needs to be lowered. Although it is generally considered to be one of the components illness, but in essence, temperature is the body’s assistant in the fight against infection. Doctors have a saying: temperature - best medicine. Hyperthermia up to 38 C? is a natural activator of the immune system, stimulates the proliferation of protective cells, increases the synthesis of antiviral interferon proteins. Depriving the body high temperature, a person gives a chance to the disease.

Obstetrician-gynecologists have general principles for the management of pregnant women with hyperthermia:

  • in women without concomitant pathology in the first and second trimesters, the temperature is up to 38.0 C? no need to reduce;
  • for pregnant women in the third trimester, it is better not to allow the temperature to rise to 38 C, so as not to overload the heart and blood vessels;
  • For pregnant women with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems, kidneys, and with manifestations of gestosis, the temperature is reduced starting from 37.5 C?, so as not to provoke exacerbations.

Non-drug methods of dealing with fever

At home, it is preferable to start fighting the temperature with non-drug remedies. Since these methods, unlike drugs, do not cause quick effect, then they can be used without waiting for the maximum permissible level of hyperthermia. These include: methods for enhancing heat transfer ( physical methods) and medicinal herbs (“traditional medicine”).

Physical methods of reducing temperature during pregnancy

Physical methods are based on increasing heat transfer from the patient. In order to use them correctly, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between “red” and “white” hyperthermia.

“Red hyperthermia” is a state of elevated temperature in which the blood vessels are in a dilated state. The skin becomes hot, moist, and richly pink. To reduce the temperature, you can use lightweight clothing, airing the room (without drafts), a cold compress on the forehead, large joints (elbows, popliteal fossae), wiping the body with water room temperature. Do not use too cold water for compresses or rubdowns, as this will lead to spasm of skin blood vessels. It is better not to use water-acetic, and even more so water-alcohol rubdowns, which are popular among the older generation, since the active substances are absorbed through the skin and can lead to negative consequences. Be sure to drink plenty of cool (not cold!) drinks: sour fruit drinks (cranberry, lingonberry), dried fruit compotes, weak tea with lemon. The menu should consist of light foods without saturated fats and large amounts of carbohydrates.

“White hyperthermia” is an increase in temperature accompanied by spasm of blood vessels. Characterized by chills, pale, cold hands and feet. In this case, physical cooling methods cannot be used! Treatment consists of hot drinks (tea with raspberries, honey, milk), warming the body and limbs (woolen socks, wrapping yourself in a blanket, etc.).

The use of medicinal herbs in the treatment of fever during pregnancy

Many plants used in folk medicine have antipyretic properties. Decoctions and teas made from them can be used to combat hyperthermia.

Paracetamol is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day (every 8 hours) after meals. Please note: it cannot be taken without a doctor’s prescription for more than 3 days.

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to be extremely careful not to get sick, because this will negatively affect the health and development of the fetus, and any medications during this period are contraindicated for a woman. A high temperature during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon and most often indicates the presence of some disease. Regardless of the reason for the rise in temperature, a reading close to or exceeding 38 degrees is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of elevated temperature during pregnancy. Changes in body temperature can be observed in any trimester of pregnancy. There may be several reasons for this - pregnancy itself and various infectious and inflammatory diseases. During the period of hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, body temperature may increase slightly (normally up to 37.4 degrees Celsius) due to the influence of a large amount of progesterone produced, which is responsible for preserving the fertilized egg, and suppression of the immune system.

Due to weakened immune defenses, a woman’s body is susceptible to attacks from various viruses and infections, which is why during the period of pregnancy it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and, if possible, avoid crowds of people. Very often, the measures taken do not have an effect; a woman develops ARVI, influenza or any other cold (most often during epidemics), which may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. Urogenital and intestinal infections are considered more serious, in which an increase in temperature is one of the first symptoms.

Temperature during pregnancy due to illness. In addition to high fever in a pregnant woman due to ARVI, other symptoms of the disease are added, in particular severe headache, drowsiness, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, cough. ARVI is insidious in the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis. Viruses can easily penetrate the placental barrier and negatively affect the fetus. Against the background of emerging infection, spontaneous miscarriage, or various developmental defects occur.

Pyelonephritis or inflammation of the renal pelvis is a fairly common disease among women during pregnancy. The development of the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature; the disease develops due to fetal pressure on the ureters. Against this background, the outflow of urine is difficult, and infection occurs. In addition to high temperature, there is general weakness, headache, pain in the lower back, which can radiate to the thigh or groin, and painful urination. It is quite difficult to detect the disease during pregnancy against the background of low severity of signs of kidney damage. It is impossible not to treat the disease, but later Preeclampsia (late toxicosis) develops, resulting in oxygen starvation and developmental delay in the fetus. In more serious cases, the disease provokes miscarriage.

Intestinal infection is also a common disease among pregnant women. It manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting; the symptoms are, in principle, similar to the symptoms of pregnancy. The addition of other manifestations to existing symptoms should be alarming - loose stool, pain and cramping in the abdomen, and, of course, fever.

A high body temperature always indicates an infection; both of these factors are dangerous.

It is difficult to treat infections in the first trimester of pregnancy in conditions where almost all medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers. Therefore, do not delay, do not self-medicate, it is better to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

The danger of fever during pregnancy. In the first trimester of embryonic development, temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius are perceived by experts as the norm; there is no need to worry. It’s another matter if its indicator approaches 38 degrees. In this case, the fetus and its development, as well as the nervous system, begin to suffer. The formation of many organs and systems of the baby occurs precisely in the first few months of gestation; an increase in temperature above 38 degrees during this period leads to various developmental defects and mental retardation of the child. If the temperature above 38 degrees does not subside within 24 hours, the brain, limbs, and facial skeleton suffer (defects in the development of the jaw, palate and upper lip are most common).

High temperature leads to disruption of protein synthesis, impairs blood supply to the placenta, which provokes miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, and in later stages - premature birth.

An increase in body temperature, even a slight one, is dangerous before childbirth, as it can cause the expectant mother to develop various complications from the heart and nervous system. There is a risk of infection for the baby during childbirth.

What to do if your temperature rises during pregnancy. So, if the temperature has risen to 37-37.6 degrees, you shouldn’t be afraid, it’s normal phenomenon, unless, of course, there are other signs that worry you. If the temperature is close to 38 degrees (37.7-38), or exceeds this figure, you should consult a doctor. A gynecologist (if necessary, together with specialists) will conduct a full examination in order to identify the cause that provoked the increase in temperature. You should lower your temperature yourself only after consulting a doctor!

Remember, in the second half of pregnancy, progesterone no longer affects the woman’s body, so temperature during this period is the main symptom of infection or inflammation. If, in addition to high temperature, there is a gradual or sudden deterioration in general health, accompanied by vomiting and pain in any area, call an ambulance without delay.

How to reduce temperature during pregnancy? Let me remind you that any antipyretic medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Aspirin and drugs based on it are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy; in the first months there is a high risk of miscarriage when taking it, and in the later months it provokes bleeding and delays the birth process. The drug can also cause fetal malformations and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to bleeding.

If the temperature quickly approaches 38 degrees, you should take half a tablet of Paracetamol or another drug based on it (Panadol, Efferalgan, Paracet, etc.), and call a doctor. I repeat, tablets should be taken in exceptional cases; it is advisable to get by with a single dose of medication. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of Paracetamol during pregnancy leads to anemia and causes bleeding.

Folk remedies for reducing body temperature. Increased body temperature (up to 37.6 degrees) does not require any treatment, you can simply use folk remedies. To begin with, you should drink more warm (not hot!) liquid. Suitable for this purpose green tea, linden blossom with raspberries or lemon, cranberry juice, chamomile infusion, milk with honey and butter. If you have a problem with edema, you will have to be extremely careful; excess fluid is not advisable, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

At low temperatures, herbal infusions will help: place two tablespoons of raspberries, four tablespoons of coltsfoot, three tablespoons of plantain in a glass jar (0.5 l) and brew with boiling water, let it brew. Drink a tablespoon four times a day.

Or this recipe: place a teaspoon of crushed white willow bark in a small jar, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave until completely cooled. Take a tablespoon four times a day.

You can bring down the temperature by simply wiping with vinegar solution, lemon juice, cold water, cold compresses on the forehead.

If these measures do not help you, moreover, your condition worsens, call a doctor. It also happens that the use of these methods is a waste of precious time in situations where you need to act immediately. Therefore, be attentive to yourself; during pregnancy, any delay can cost the fetus its life.

Prevention of fever during pregnancy.

  • If possible, avoid crowded places, especially during epidemics.
  • Thoroughly ventilate the apartment several times a day.
  • After going outside, rinse your nasal passages and wash your hands with soap.
  • Accept vitamin complexes and compositions to enhance immunity, but with the permission of a doctor.

Low temperature during pregnancy. A decrease in body temperature can also be observed during pregnancy and is a feature of a woman’s body. However, this symptom may be a sign of toxicosis (due to dehydration and electrolyte disturbances) or the presence of endocrine pathologies, which requires hospital treatment. This kind of reaction of the body may also indicate an immunodeficiency state. In any case, it is necessary to inform the doctor leading the pregnancy about this.

Pregnant women for the most part try to protect themselves and protect themselves from possible dangers associated with various diseases. An increase in body temperature usually indicates the onset of an inflammatory process. The higher it is, the worse the body copes. For pregnant women, a temperature above 37.8°C already becomes dangerous. It can have a very bad effect on the formation and health of the fetus. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor. He will be able not only to identify the reasons for the increase in temperature, but also determine whether and how it is possible to reduce the temperature during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester.

What can cause fever?

The temperature can rise in any trimester of pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is no absolute protection against this. Temperature surges can be caused by:

  • The pregnancy itself, which is associated with hormonal changes occurring in the expectant mother. Thus, during the 1st trimester, increased secretion of progesterone is observed. This is important to ensure the safety of the fertilized egg. At the same time, it suppresses the immune system, which causes a slight (up to 37.5°C) increase in temperature.
  • Viruses and infections provoke ARVI, influenza and other types of colds. Due to the weakened function of the body's defenses (as discussed above), pregnant women are more susceptible to such diseases. Their occurrence is inextricably linked with an increase in temperature. In addition, other symptoms may appear. These include headaches, runny nose, body aches, drowsiness, and cough.
  • Pyelonephritis of pregnant women (kidney inflammation) – common occurrence associated with infection. Fetal pressure impedes the normal circulation of waste products. As a result, infection occurs. The disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pain below the waist, painful sensations when visiting the toilet, weakness and headaches.
  • Intestinal infection is manifested primarily by nausea, which is similar to toxicosis. It is accompanied by sharp abdominal pain, frustration and fever.

Possible consequences of high temperature

If in the first stage of pregnancy there is an increase in temperature to 37.5 ° C, there is no need to worry too much. But when it starts to approach 38°C, risks for the fetus appear. Its proper development and formation becomes threatened. The first trimester is characterized by the intensive structure of a new organism. A strong increase in temperature can lead to defects, and as a result, to mental retardation. A day with a high temperature is enough for the brain, skeleton, and limbs to suffer.

Exceeding 38°C is fraught with disruption of protein production. This leads to poor blood circulation. Oxygen starvation can cause miscarriage (in the early stages) or premature birth (in the later stages). There are also increased risks last weeks pregnancy. For a woman, a high temperature can result in problems with the nervous system and heart, and for a child - in infection during childbirth.

Huge risks require a clear understanding of how to lower your temperature during pregnancy. It is important to quickly identify the causes and eliminate them. Don't forget about possible harm self-medication. It is better to contact specialists immediately.

When and how can you lower your temperature during pregnancy?

It is necessary to reduce body temperature in the following cases:

  1. if its level exceeds 38°C;
  2. with angina (intoxication of the body caused by the disease carries extremely high risks for the mother and child);
  3. When traditional methods do not give results;
  4. if medications do not stop the increase;
  5. at a temperature of 37.5°C, in case of late pregnancy.

The appearance of a temperature and its rapid rise should cause concern for a pregnant woman. It is important to consult a doctor promptly for advice. If the mark of 37.8°C is reached, it is best to start knocking it down and immediately be examined by a gynecologist and specialists (if necessary). This is the only way to identify the true reasons that caused the temperature jump. Self-medication is not recommended. During pregnancy, the risks are very high. Moreover, not only the mother suffers, but also the child.

The progesterone mentioned above cannot affect body temperature in the second half of pregnancy. Therefore, its increase during this period indicates the presence of an inflammatory process or infection. If the temperature is accompanied by sharp pain, vomiting, or feeling unwell, you should call ambulance. This is the only way to protect yourself and your child from serious consequences.

How to reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman? Dangerous drugs

We have discussed the importance of consulting a doctor. But when the temperature is very high, it is sometimes recommended to begin to bring it down even before the ambulance arrives. It is important to understand what pregnant women can do for fever, and what can harm or worsen the situation. Let's start with dangerous medications.

Everyone knows that the main remedy for fever is antipyretic drugs. But are they all harmless? Pregnant women are not recommended to use medications that have a teratogenic effect. They can provoke various abnormalities in fetal development. Also side effect Some medications cause bleeding, which is extremely dangerous for a woman.

Aspirin and other drugs based on it are considered the most dangerous medications. Acetylsalicylic acid Na early pregnancy poses a threat to the development of defects in the child and can provoke a miscarriage. At a later stage, its use quite often causes intrauterine bleeding.

Drugs based on ibuprofen are dangerous for use in the last trimester of pregnancy. They can provoke the development of kidney problems in the child and bleeding in the mother. Also, such drugs complicate labor and increase its duration. To reduce fever during pregnancy, you can use them only in the early stages if the risk is less than the benefit of use.

Antibiotics can also cause complications during pregnancy. They can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and very carefully. It is often recommended to start taking half a tablet.

Safe antipyretics for pregnant women

Almost all medications carry risks for the child and mother. But you need to fight the temperature if it is very high. What can pregnant women drink if they have a fever? The only group of drugs that can be taken by pregnant women are paracetamol-based drugs. There are quite a lot of them. For example, Paracetamol Extra, Panadol, Tylenol, Paracet, Efferalgan.

The use of such products is allowed during pregnancy, but there are still risks. Scientific research indicate the possibility of liver and kidney disorders. Therefore, the reception must be balanced and careful. It is recommended to start with half a tablet, even in case of urgent need. Taking paracetamol during pregnancy should be sporadic. Only a doctor can determine the correct dosage. Therefore, if you have a high temperature, you should take half a paracetamol-based tablet and call a doctor immediately.

Traditional methods of eliminating fever

In the early stages of pregnancy, a slight increase in temperature is not dangerous, so you can use folk remedies to reduce it. It is important to take into account your general health and the presence of other symptoms. If there are any, it is better to consult a doctor.

What can be done from traditional medicine for fever during pregnancy? The first step is to drink plenty of fluids. This is permissible in the first trimester. In the second, third, such a remedy can lead to swelling. Therefore, it is worth monitoring fluid intake, and it is better to resort to other methods of treatment.

  • warm milk with honey;
  • tea with lemon and sugar;
  • weak decoctions of chamomile or linden;
  • fruit drinks;
  • raspberry tea.

The drink should be warm, but not hot. The proposed drinks are very easy to prepare. They lower body temperature well, strengthen the body and have an anti-inflammatory effect. If you have an allergic reaction to the components of the drinks, you should refrain from using them. The amount of liquid consumed should reach two liters. This will provide an antipyretic effect. But do not forget about possible swelling.

To get rid of fever during pregnancy, it is important to remember the dangers of overheating. You should not wrap yourself up if your health allows. After removing excess clothing, you can use apple cider vinegar. This technique allows you to effectively lower your temperature by accelerating sweating and heat transfer. You can replace apple cider vinegar with lemon juice diluted with water. But we should not forget about the possibility of acid entering the mother’s body through skin covering. She is also capable of providing Negative influence for the fruit. Therefore, it is worth weighing all the risks before using this antipyretic method.

An alternative to rubbing can be a cold compress on the head or a cabbage leaf. This treatment does not harm the baby. But you also need to be careful with a cold compress. The body has an elevated temperature, and cold is applied to it. This causes vasospasm, which can adversely affect the mother's condition. The safest remains the cabbage leaf, which is capable of drawing out excess heat and transferring it to itself.

When the temperature rises significantly, herbal tea is used. To prepare it you will need plantain leaves, oregano, mother and stepmother and raspberries. The proportion should be 3:2:4:2 respectively. The decoction should be drunk 4 times a day, a tablespoon.

A decoction of white willow bark also helps bring down the temperature. It needs to be crushed and brewed with boiling water. For 1 tsp. bark will need a glass of water. It should be taken chilled, one tablespoon 4 times a day.

An effective antipyretic traditional medicine is a pine cocktail. It contains the following ingredients: raspberry root (50 g), pine buds or fir shoots (100 g). Everything needs to be crushed, put into a glass vessel and covered with sugar. Next, add a tablespoon of boiling water. The cocktail is left for a day, after which it is simmered in a water bath for 6-8 hours. The product must be infused again for another 2 days. The separated saturated raspberry-colored liquid is drained and stored in a cool place. You need to take the medicine one tablespoon up to 5 times a day.

When using folk remedies as antipyretics, you should definitely take regular temperature measurements. Despite the fact that taking medications during pregnancy is extremely undesirable, sometimes it is impossible to do without them. High temperature is a big risk for proper development child.

It is known that not all medications can be used during gestation. Therefore, if you feel unwell, including fever, you should consult a doctor, even if the woman successfully dealt with the problem on her own before conception. You should figure out what pregnant women can take for fever. Armed with such information, the expectant mother will feel more confident.

Traditional methods

Expectant mothers always want to avoid taking medications. Therefore, many are trying to find an alternative among folk ways fight the fever. There are several popular methods worth considering:

  • you need to drink plenty of fluids. Suitable tea with lemon, raspberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, viburnum, compotes, water, linden blossom infusions, birch buds,
  • the diet should contain a large amount of fruits;
  • wiping with warm water.

But before drinking tea with berries or a decoction of herbs, you need to consult a doctor, since the chosen medicinal plant may have contraindications for the expectant mother. For example, raspberry tea is usually recommended to be drunk in the later stages, as the drink can trigger labor. Blackcurrant can increase the tone of the uterus, which is why doctors may also not recommend its use. If the doctor says that a pregnant woman can drink such a drink for fever, then only then can it be used.

Pharmacy drugs

Sometimes traditional methods do not help, so there is a need to use medications. Only a doctor will tell you exactly what you can drink for fever during pregnancy. Typically, specialists prescribe drugs containing paracetamol. This could be Panadol, Efferalgan. Your doctor should tell you the exact dosage and administration details.

Some women believe that it is better not to take the medicine at all, but to wait until the fever goes away on its own. But prolonged fever can harm the expectant mother and her baby. Thus, pathologies in the formation of organs and systems are possible; the placenta is harmed, which increases the fever and can cause problems in the mother’s cardiovascular system.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body experiences a double load, expending additional energy to ensure the growth and development of the baby. It is especially easy for a woman to catch a viral infection during this period. With ARVI, fever often occurs, cough, runny nose and sore throat appear. Let's find out how to lower the temperature of a pregnant woman with a cold without harming the fetus.

A high temperature during ARVI causes a lot of trouble, but it must be brought down correctly

A pregnant woman has a small choice of medications, because many of them have an extensive list side effects and can negatively affect the baby's health. Viral diseases are especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy, when a tiny person is developing all his vital important systems. Prevention of ARVI is of great importance. The expectant mother should avoid visiting crowded places, avoid hypothermia and take vitamins prescribed by the doctor.

Note: Nazaval PLUS nasal spray based on wild garlic is considered an excellent barrier agent for the prevention of influenza and ARVI. It does not enter the bloodstream and can be used during pregnancy.

If the thermometer shows just above 37°C, but there are no symptoms of a cold, it is premature to panic. A woman often has a low-grade fever in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and does not require treatment.

Well, if infection could not be avoided, every effort must be made to get better as quickly as possible. It is not recommended to lower the body temperature to 38°C in order to give the body the opportunity to cope with the aggressor on its own. If it has risen above this mark, it is time to take measures to prevent fetal malformations. In the early stages, high fever can cause miscarriage, and in the late stages, premature birth.

If the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, it is not recommended to bring it down

Traditional methods

The question arises: how to reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman with a cold? The expectant mother should first consult with a doctor so that he can choose the right one for her. suitable remedy. While waiting for a therapist’s visit, the following traditional medicine recipes will help alleviate the condition and reduce the fever:

  • Drink plenty of warm drinks. A cup of tea with raspberries, linden blossoms or a glass of milk with honey will not only help bring down the temperature, but also reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It is useful to drink berry fruit drinks and infusions of medicinal herbs during illness. A decoction of rosehip, rich in vitamin C, will strengthen weakened immunity.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, fluid intake should be limited so as not to increase the load on the urinary system and not increase swelling.

  • Wiping the body with an aqueous solution of alcohol or vinegar. This remedy can be prepared as follows: slightly heat 0.5 liters of water, add 2 tbsp to the container. l. natural apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. vodka. With a towel soaked in the solution, first blot the armpits, popliteal and elbow folds, then wipe the entire body with light movements. It is recommended not to touch the heart area.

This method should be used with caution during pregnancy, as these ingredients are absorbed through the skin and can cause intoxication. An alternative is wiping with cool water.

  • Compresses. This method is slower than the one described above, but is considered safer. A cold compress applied to the forehead or to the area where large vessels are projected will help reduce the temperature of the expectant mother. A towel soaked in cool water must be turned over as it heats up. Relief will come in half an hour.

In extreme heat, it is not recommended to cover yourself with warm blankets, so as not to provoke an even greater rise in temperature. Regular ventilation of the room will help maintain an optimal level of air humidity and reduce the number of harmful microorganisms in it.


If folk remedies do not bring relief, medication is required. A difficult task arises: how to bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman with a cold without negative consequences for a child? Let's consider the safest antipyretic drugs approved for use during this period:

  • Paracetamol and its analogues(Panadol, Efferalgan, Daleron). It can be used in small doses. The period of taking the drug is reduced to a minimum and should not exceed two to three days. The expectant mother is first recommended to take half the tablet and wait for the effect. According to the instructions, a single dose for adults is 500-1000 mg, the frequency of administration is up to 4 times a day.

Combined preparations containing not only paracetamol, but also other active and auxiliary substances are prohibited for use during pregnancy. This group includes, in particular, Ibuklin, Rinicold, Coldrex, Rinza, Rinzasip, Solpadein, Fervex, TeraFlu.

  • Viburkol. This homeopathic medicine contains components of plant and mineral origin and can be safely used during pregnancy. It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, and also helps improve immunity. Viburcol is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, which are inserted into the rectum 2-3 times a day. In more severe cases, the dosage may be increased.

Taking other antipyretic drugs is contraindicated for pregnant women. Particularly dangerous is aspirin, which can cause bleeding and miscarriage in the expectant mother, as well as provoke fetal malformations.

Viburkol is an effective antipyretic drug that is safe for pregnant women

Childbirth and ARVI

By the end of the third semester, a pregnant woman’s body becomes especially vulnerable. If the expectant mother happens to be infected with ARVI before giving birth, she is hospitalized in the observation department, which is also called the second obstetric department. Women in labor who pose a potential danger to other pregnant women are admitted there.

If there is still time left before childbirth, ARVI treatment is carried out medicines as prescribed by a doctor. Symptomatic therapy is used to relieve nasal congestion, sore throat and cough.

Childbirth during influenza and ARVI requires special attention and care from doctors, because the expectant mother’s body is weakened by the fight against the disease. Medical staff monitor the process closely as the risk of weakness increases labor activity– a pathological condition characterized by decreased contractions and delayed dilation of the cervix. If such signs appear, the woman is provided with medical assistance.

Childbirth during ARVI in the absence of indications is carried out naturally. Illness is not a reason for a cesarean section.

The woman who has delivered her pregnancy is returned to the observation department. Question about staying together mother and baby are decided individually. If the patient's condition has stabilized, the child can be with her. In this case, the woman needs to take measures to prevent the child from becoming infected: wash her hands before picking him up, wear a multi-layer medical mask. If the risk of infection of the baby is high, he is placed in the children's department.

Childbirth during influenza and ARVI requires special attention and care from doctors

The decision on the possibility of breastfeeding a child during illness is made by doctors. If the birth took place without complications, after recovery the mother and baby are discharged home.

In conclusion, we note that Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. When planning a pregnancy, a woman is recommended to direct all efforts to strengthen the immune system, and during the period of bearing a child, carry out disease prevention.

Temperature during pregnancy is not the norm. The causes of this symptom may be diseases completely unrelated to pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s immunity is weakened, so it becomes easier to “catch” the disease.

NOT dangerous causes of fever during pregnancy

The most common, relatively harmless and easily treatable causes of fever during pregnancy include:

  • UTI - infections urinary tract(urethra, Bladder, kidney). Infections are usually easily treated with antibiotics and drinking plenty of fluids. By the way, about 10% of women experience UTIs during pregnancy.
  • Flu. Out of 12 months of the year, 9 women are pregnant: the chance of being targeted during epidemics is quite high
  • Cold(respiratory tract infections). In addition to high fever, it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, but can be treated very successfully at home.
  • Intestinal infection or virus.

Dangerous reasons.

Dangerous causes of fever in pregnant women include:

  1. Chorioamnionitisbacterial infection membranes. If left untreated, damage to the fetus (meningitis, respiratory problems, sepsis) and uterus (endometritis, blood clots) is possible.
  2. Listeriosis– an infection that spreads in the body of a pregnant woman as a result of drinking contaminated water or food. If left untreated, the condition can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, or a baby with serious illness.

How is high fever treated during pregnancy?

No matter how much the expectant mother would like to protect her child from medications, in most cases she still has to resort to drug treatment, because the benefits outweigh it possible risks.

Depending on what is causing the fever, a single antipyretic drug or a combination of drugs may be prescribed to treat the problem. Let us immediately note that, a popular medication for fever, cannot be used - it can disrupt the course of pregnancy, especially with long-term use. It is better for expectant mothers to refuse this option, especially when there are so many safe means.

In mild cases, take the following antipyretics:

This drug is one of the most harmless and can be used at all stages of pregnancy. You can also use other paracetamol-based medications (Tylenol, Panadol, Efferalgan, Paracet), after discussing the dosage and treatment regimen with your doctor.

  • Acetaminophen

This medication is also considered safe at all stages of pregnancy. Following the dosage, future mom get rid of unpleasant symptoms without compromising the child’s health.

  • Ibuprofen

This drug is safer than Aspirin, but it must be taken with caution (especially in the third trimester), strictly following the instructions received from the doctor.

When a pregnant woman’s temperature is caused by more serious problems (viruses and infections), a combination treatment is prescribed, which includes antibiotics. Many medications in this group are contraindicated during pregnancy due to certain risks, but an untreated infection is much more dangerous.

Medicines for fever during pregnancy: contraindications and precautions

It is necessary to undergo treatment. If left untreated, for example, if a urinary tract infection is ignored, serious complications can occur - premature birth, sepsis, low birth weight, etc. Similar complications can arise from dehydration if intestinal infections are ignored.

If you have a fever for a long time Don’t knock it down, believing that it will be more beneficial for the fetus if the mother’s body copes with the problem itself, you can only harm both yourself and the unborn child. Consequences that can lead to elevated temperature(for a long time) in a pregnant woman:

  • facial or central nervous system defects in a child,
  • mental retardation,
  • fusion of fingers,
  • muscle hypotonia, etc.
  • syndactyly (fusion of fingers).

In case of a slight increase in temperature (37-37.5 degrees), you can initially use folk remedies - teas and decoctions with honey, raspberries, etc. If the fever does not respond to treatment or gets worse, you need to consult a doctor and, most likely, drug treatment.

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor even with a slight increase in temperature - the doctor, like you yourself, is primarily interested in preserving the health of his patient.