
Children provide first aid. Providing first aid to children. – fracture or sprain

Children provide first aid.  Providing first aid to children.  – fracture or sprain

Providing first aid to children

A universal first aid kit is designed to provide first aid in kindergartens and at home. Listed below are the medications that should be in it.

  • For the treatment of minor wounds and burns - brilliant green (brilliant), furoplast, Novikov liquid, bactericidal adhesive plaster, potassium permanganate. The latter is stored in the form of a 2-3% solution, which is intended for treating skin. To treat mucous membranes, this solution is diluted 10 times, for gastric lavage - 100 times.

  • To wash festering wounds and soak dried sores (for any wounds on the head and face, the presence of a doctor is desirable) - solutions of hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, furatsilin tablets (one 0.02 g tablet dissolves in a glass of boiling water).

  • For the treatment of minor suppurations - ointments "Fastin", Vishnevsky, erythromycin, tetracycline, ethonium.

  • For washing the eyes - zinc drops.

  • To treat inflammation and accelerate the healing of non-purulent wounds - butadiene ointment, methyluracil ointment, Propoceum and zinc paste. (Ointments containing hormones, such as Fluorocort, Sinalara, Flucinara, should be used with great caution!)

  • To treat sprains, bruises, inflammation of muscles, nerves, tendons and joints, ointments are used that are intended for rubbing and producing the phenomenon of skin irritation - “Efkamon”, turpentine, balm “ Golden Star", as well as menovazine solution, liniment capsin, etc.; ointments containing snake or bee venom: “Apizartron”, “Vipratox”, “Viprosal”. Mustard plasters or pepper plaster are also used for these purposes. Orally to relieve pain - ibuprofen (Brufen).

  • When fainting - ammonia(carefully let it smell on the cotton wool).

  • For acute hypertension - cordiamine drops (30-40 drops per dose).

  • Painkillers (they can also be used as antipyretics) - paracetamol, phenacetin and tablets containing it (sedalgin). Analgin and its drugs have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. It is most pronounced in preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid. Askofen, Ankofen, Novocephalgin, Citramon are intended for the treatment of headaches. Painful spasms are eliminated by baralgin and tempalgin.

  • For acute poisoning - activated carbon (carbolene), sodium sulfate (bitter laxative salt, Glauber's salt) - one tablespoon per half glass of warm water; sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
In addition, the first aid kit includes an individual dressing package, sterile bandages, cotton wool, napkins, a bactericidal adhesive plaster, a rubber hemostatic tourniquet, a splint for applying to the limbs for fractures and dislocations, a medical thermometer, eye pipettes, a heating pad, an ice pack, and a drinking cup medicines (measuring beakers) and an eye wash bath.

Cut or wound

Description: any damage to the skin (abrasion, tear, puncture, cut, scratch).

What you need to know:

  • panic and fear increase the heart rate and accelerate blood loss, so keep your child calm;

  • in most cases, simple and affordable measures can be effective.
Contact your doctor if:

  • the wound is deep or longer than 2 cm;

  • pain persists for more than 12 hours;

  • the edges of the wound have separated;

  • you applied pressure to the wound area, but bleeding continued for more than 15 minutes;

  • the last tetanus vaccination was given more than 5 years ago;

  • the wound is dirty or may have become infected.
Essential supplies: clean cloth, ice in a plastic bag, 3% hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, gauze, bandage, thermometer.

Your actions:

  1. If the wound is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound area for 15 minutes with a clean cloth. If possible, elevate the limb above heart level.

  2. If bleeding is not heavy, apply ice in a plastic bag to reduce swelling. If the wound is dirty, wash it with 3% hydrogen peroxide and make sure that all dirt is removed.

  3. Treat the skin around the wound away from the edges with iodine solution. Apply a bandage.

  4. If a finger or toe is cut, bandage it to the adjacent ones. You don't have to bandage it, but it is necessary to keep the wounded finger motionless.

  5. Change the dressings daily and watch for signs of infection (redness, swelling, and fever after 24 hours).
Trauma to the nail or fingertip

Description: Injury to the fingertip causing severe pain, swelling, and black or blue discoloration of the nail.

What you need to know:

  • more than 90% of fingertip injuries do not require medical attention;

  • after a strong blow to the finger, the nail turns black or blue within several hours. Severe pain is caused by blood pooling between the nail and the bone.
Contact your doctor if:

  • bone deformation gives reason to suspect a fracture or dislocation;

  • the child cannot straighten the finger, which suggests a tendon injury;

  • severe pain does not go away;

  • finger movements are painful;

  • skin sensitivity is impaired.
First aid: ice or cold water.

What to do: Apply ice or cold water as soon as possible to reduce swelling.

Foreign body in the eye

Description: a foreign body is a so-called speck (a speck of dust, a grain of sand, dirt). What you need to know:

  • do not allow your child to rub the injured eye;

  • do not try to force open the injured eye;

  • Wash your hands before providing assistance;

  • the eyes move synchronously, so if you want to limit movement in one eye, you need to blindfold both;

  • Blueness around the eye a day after injury should not be a cause for concern.
Contact your doctor if:

  • the eye is damaged;

  • you cannot remove the foreign body yourself.
Essential items: cloth, cotton swab, water, bandage, cold compress, sterile wipe.

Your actions:

  1. Gently pull down the lower eyelid and try to see the foreign body. If you see it, remove it with a corner of the cloth.

  2. If you do not see a foreign body, inspect the upper eyelid by “twisting” it by the eyelashes. The foreign body may come out on its own.

  3. If these actions have no effect, wrap the upper eyelid on a spatula or spoon handle wrapped in cotton wool. Remove foreign body with a corner of tissue or by rinsing the eye boiled water.

  4. If you cannot see the foreign body or it cannot be removed, apply a sterile napkin, then a bandage over both eyes and consult a doctor.
Nose bleed

Description: bleeding from the nose, from the vessels of the nasal passages.

What you need to know:

  • nosebleeds occur easily because the small vessels of the nose are easy to damage;

  • dry air, frequent nose blowing or nose picking are the most common causes of nosebleeds;

  • blood loss is usually insignificant;

  • Lubricating the nasal passages with ointments or Vaseline and moist air help prevent nosebleeds.
Contact your doctor if:

  • bleeding continues for more than 30 minutes (call " emergency assistance»);

  • repeated bleeding occurs from the same nostril;

  • nosebleeds occur frequently;

  • blood constantly flows into the child’s throat;

  • blood appears in urine or stool;

  • bruises easily.
Essentials: emollient medicinal ointments or Vaseline, moist air.

Your actions:

  1. Make sure there is no foreign body.

  2. Calm your child: crying increases bleeding. Ask him to sit down, leaning forward slightly.

  3. Pinch your child's nose (the entire soft part) for 10 minutes to give time for a blood clot to form.

  4. If this doesn't help, try again, but for 20 minutes.
First aid should be provided calmly, without fussiness. An injured child must be treated with care, warmth, encouragement and reassurance. Any injury is accompanied by sharp pain - when providing first aid, when there are no pain-relieving medications at hand, the word addressed to the victim is effective means easing suffering.

Unfortunately, in life the opposite often happens: the injured child begins to be reproached for his carelessness, inattention, and the anxiety he caused to others. This approach is, of course, wrong. If there are such people among the first aid providers, it is better to ask them to leave or at least shut up.

A calm atmosphere and a sincere attitude towards the victim are the first conditions for providing first aid in case of serious injuries. Of course, other necessary measures must be taken at the same time.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that even seemingly minor domestic injuries must be treated

seriously and when providing assistance, follow certain rules to prevent various complications. You must always remember that the success of further treatment will depend on timely and correctly provided first aid at the scene of the incident.

LEGAL ASPECTS OF FIRST AID Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation» Article 31. First aid, before the provision of medical care, is provided to citizens in case of accidents, injuries, poisoning and other conditions and diseases that threaten their life and health, by persons obliged to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule and with appropriate training, including employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees, military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service, rescuers of emergency rescue units and emergency services. 4. Drivers of vehicles and other persons have the right to provide first aid if they have appropriate training and (or) skills. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

LEGAL ASPECTS OF FIRST AID Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 N 477, Moscow “On approval of the list of conditions for which first aid is provided, and the list of measures for providing first aid “List of conditions for which first aid is provided* 1. Lack of consciousness. 2. Stopping breathing and blood circulation. 3. External bleeding. 4. Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract. 5. Injuries to various areas of the body. 6. Burns, effects of exposure high temperatures, thermal radiation. 7. Frostbite and other effects of exposure low temperatures. 8. Poisoning. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

LIST OF FIRST AID MEASURES Measures to assess the situation and ensure safe conditions for first aid Calling emergency medical services and other special services whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule. Determining whether the victim is conscious. Measures to restore airway patency and determine signs of life in the victim Measures to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation until signs of life appear Measures to maintain airway patency Measures for a general examination of the victim and temporary stop of external bleeding Measures for a detailed examination of the victim in order to identify signs of injuries, poisoning and other conditions that threaten his life and health, and first aid in the event of detection of these conditions Giving the victim optimal position bodies. Monitoring the victim’s condition (consciousness, breathing, blood circulation) and providing psychological support. Transfer of the victim to an emergency medical team or other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or a special rule. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RF Article 125. Leaving in danger Deliberately leaving without help a person who is in a condition dangerous to life or health and is deprived of the opportunity to take measures for self-preservation due to childhood, old age, illness or due to his helplessness, in cases where the culprit had the opportunity to provide assistance this person and was obliged to take care of him or he himself put him in a condition dangerous to life or health, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory labor for a term from one hundred twenty to one hundred eighty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to three months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RF Article 28. Innocent causing of harm 1. An act is recognized as committed innocently if the person who committed it did not realize and, due to the circumstances of the case, could not realize the social danger of his actions (inaction) or did not foresee the possibility of a public dangerous consequences and, due to the circumstances of the case, should not or could not have foreseen them. 2. An act is also considered committed innocently if the person who committed it, although he foresaw the possibility of socially dangerous consequences of his actions (inaction), could not prevent these consequences due to the inconsistency of his psychophysiological qualities with the requirements of extreme conditions or neuropsychic overload. Article 39. Extreme necessity 1. It is not a crime to cause harm to interests protected by criminal law in a state of extreme necessity, that is, to eliminate a danger that directly threatens the personality and rights of a given person or other persons, the legally protected interests of society or the state, if this danger could not be eliminated by other means without exceeding the limits of extreme necessity. 2. Exceeding the limits of extreme necessity is considered to be the infliction of harm that is clearly inconsistent with the nature and degree of the threatened danger and the circumstances under which the danger was eliminated, when harm was caused to the specified interests equal to or more significant than that prevented. Such an excess entails criminal liability only in cases of intentional harm. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

LEGAL ASPECTS OF PROVIDING PP An unconscious person can be assisted. If the person is conscious, then it is necessary to ask whether he needs help. If you refuse, you should not help. If a child under 15 years of age needs help, and there are no relatives in the immediate vicinity, assistance can be provided, otherwise it is necessary to ask the consent of his relatives. If the victim threatens your personal safety, it is better not to provide assistance. In case of suicide attempts, consent for assistance is not required. You cannot exceed your qualifications, i.e. the use of any medications is excluded. You cannot perform any surgical intervention (for example, to reduce dislocations, etc.). “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID IS: Ensuring the safety of yourself and the victim. Providing psychological and physical peace and comfort to the victim. Preventing complications. Common sense!!! “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

ALGORITHM OF ACTIONS Inspection of the scene of the incident What threatens me? What threatens him? Initial examination of the victim: the need for emergency assistance Consciousness there is a fountain of blood, a hole in the chest, choking No consciousness: Airway -> Open and check Breathing -> no 10 sec -> start CPR Breathing -> yes -> Transfer to the lateral stable position “ First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

RULES FOR APPLYING A Tourniquet A tourniquet is applied in extreme cases (fountain), because it often causes irreversible consequences. Above the wound We fasten the 1st round to the clothes, then stretch and apply 3-4 rounds Apply quickly, remove slowly Write the date and time on the forehead Time: in winter - 1 hour, in summer - 2 hours Do not cover the tourniquet with anything!!! Immediately take to a doctor “Children’s First Aid School. Training of instructors"

PP IN THE WOUNDED WHAT NOT TO DO Do not put your hands into the wound Do not take anything out of the wound Do not remove the already soaked bandage WHAT TO DO NEXT Take the victim to the doctor If it is impossible to move independently, call 112 “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

FOREIGN BODY IN THE WOUND If an object sticks out, we fix it as much as possible. A bandage is placed around the sticking object (“donut”) We never take anything out of the wound “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

NOSELEEDING Ensuring psychophysiological comfort Tilt your head slightly forward, ask the victim to hold it with your hands Apply rags to the nose Cold on the nose If it doesn’t stop after 10-15 minutes, call an ambulance DO NOT throw your head back - bloody vomiting is possible “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

INTERNAL BLEEDING Weakness, there may be no pain Pale, cold sweat, chills “floaters before the eyes”, dizziness Breathing is weak, shallow Swollen, hard, painless when pressed stomach “fetal position” There may be a bruise on the stomach “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

PP INTERNAL BLEEDING WHAT TO DO Call an ambulance Cold on the abdominal area Anti-shock measures WHAT NOT TO DO Do not anesthetize Do not feed Do not give water “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

PENETRATING WOUND OF THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY Close the wound Treat it as internal bleeding If you fall out internal organs– carefully collect the bag and a damp cloth, glue the bag with tape, adhesive tape or bandage it without pressing (the intestines can be touched - it’s painless for the victim). Constantly moisten the bandage so that the intestines do not dry out. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

PENETRATING WOUND OF THE CHEST Close the hole hermetically Sit down Apply cold Do not allow talking Breathe deeply If there is a foreign body in the wound, fix it “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

WOUND ON THE HEAD/PENETRATING BRAIN WOUND Apply a clean bandage Call an ambulance immediately DO NOT wash DO NOT touch “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

TRAUMATIC AMPUTATION Place the severed limb in a bag, put it in a second bag and cool it. Send the container along with the patient. Time up to 6 o'clock Urgently "Ambulance"! We definitely say amputation. There is a chance to sew up to the elbow and to the knee “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

LONG-TERM COMPRESSION SYNDROME (CRASH SYNDROME) If a person gets caught in a blockage, apply a tourniquet above the point of compression and only then release it. Release - tightly bandage the limb and remove the tourniquet. Immobilization of the limb, cold. Plenty of warm drinks. Anti-shock measures and urgent hospitalization. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

INJURIES We treat it like a fracture We don’t fix it Quickly deliver to the hospital “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID FOR SHOCK Any first aid includes anti-shock measures Calm down if conscious Warm Lay on your back and elevate your legs (if conscious, there is no injury to the head, neck and spine) Give a warm sweet drink Monitor the condition “First Aid School for Children. Training of instructors"

BURNS WHAT NOT TO DO Lubricate with oil, cream, protein, etc., apply foam (panthenol) not just burned Tear off stuck clothes Puncture blisters Urinate (pee) on the burn WHAT TO DO NEXT Remove all things from the burned area of ​​the body: clothes, belt , watches, rings, etc. Cut off anything stuck around, do not tear it away from the burn “First Aid School for Children. Training of instructors"

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF FROSTBITE Loss of sensitivity Prickling or pricking sensation Whitening of the skin - 1st degree Blisters - 2nd degree Darkening and dying - 3rd degree WHAT NOT TO DO Ignore Rub Rub Warm up quickly Drink alcohol “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID FOR FROSTBITE/FROSTBOST Remove from the cold Cover with a dry bandage Slow warming in the room Plenty of warm sweet drinks “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

HYPOCOOLING SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Intense trembling Loss of coordination Difficulty speaking Sudden mood changes Slower movements, slow breathing, weak pulse Loss of consciousness. WHAT NOT TO DO Rub the victim’s limbs Make him move vigorously Drink alcohol Place the victim in a warm bath and use heating pads “First Aid School for Children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID FOR HYPOCOOLING Stop and warm up Do not ignore, do not try to squeeze, do not force to go with all your might Remove the damaging factor - into the house, into a tent, into a sleeping bag, into a jacket Slowly warm up (You can’t take a hot bath!!!) Warm sweet drinks and food If you lose consciousness, place them in a warm place or warm your body, the person should be in a recovery position Call an ambulance “Children’s First Aid School. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID FOR POISONING Induce vomiting: give 4-5 glasses of warm water, and press on the root of the tongue (over 6 years old) Rinse the mouth Give 2 glasses of cool water Place in the recovery position Signs and symptoms Nausea, vomiting Cold sweat Chills Convulsions Sudden lethargy drowsiness " First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID IN CASE OF POISONING WHAT NOT TO DO Do not induce vomiting if the person is unconscious Do not induce vomiting in pregnant women Do not induce vomiting in those who have a weak heart or with convulsions Do not induce vomiting in case of poisoning with petroleum products, acids, alkalis Do not give soda! Do not give acid in case of alkali poisoning and vice versa!!! What to do next When you feel better after vomiting, cover and give something to drink Give adsorbents (enterosgel, polysorb, etc.) Call a doctor - especially for children It is advisable to save the substance that poisoned you “First Aid School for Children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID FOR A SNAKE BITE Tight bandage above the bite site, immobilization (splint) Cold Drink plenty of fluids If you feel bad, induce vomiting Be sure to see a doctor! DO NOT: suction, cauterize, apply a tourniquet “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID FOR A TICK BITE Apply with oil, greasy ointment, cream Tweezers, thread or finger, twist If the head does come off, remove it like a splinter and disinfect the bite site Show the doctor “First Aid School for Children. Training of instructors"

FIRST AID FOR A DOG BITE AND OTHER ANIMALS They can get sick, so you need to find their owner - find out about vaccinations Treat the bite site like a wound Show it to the doctor, even if it’s a small bite, and tell who bitten “First Aid School for Children. Training of instructors"

Fainting FIRST AID Lay him down, don’t let him fall and hit himself Raise the victim’s legs above his head Unfasten tight clothes Provide a flow of fresh cool air Monitor the condition Call an ambulance if you haven’t woken up after 10 minutes WHAT TO DO DO NOT lift to a vertical position Do not try to bring consciousness Do not sniff ammonia Do not slap the face Do not splash water SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Lightheadedness Pallor Weakness Pupils dilated Slowly descends to the ground or falls. The duration of the attack is several tens of seconds. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

SIGNS OF STROKE U- ask him to SMILE, “crooked smile” H- ask him to SPEAK - speech is impaired P- ask him to RAISE both hands FIRST AID Calm down Take to the doctor “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

EPILEPSY Aura of attack (5 m - 30 sec before) Vocalization (inhuman scream) Phase of convulsions (1-3 min) Muscles tense, tongue DOES NOT LOCK! Sleep phase (possible vomiting, tongue retraction) If a person does not know what’s wrong with him: Calling an ambulance is mandatory! “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

ACUTE ABDOMINAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Severe abdominal pain Tense abdomen Embryo position Weakness, chills FIRST AID Cold Hunger Rest Speedy transportation to the doctor A very dangerous condition! May result in the need for major surgery. WHAT NOT TO DO Warm your stomach Give something to drink or eat Give pills “for stomach pain” Be patient and hope.” . that will soon pass” “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

TRITTION When resources are limited, care is provided first to those who are Moaning/Urgent. In this case, the task is to save as many people as possible. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

PSYCHOLOGICAL SHOCK Acute stress reaction Characterized by partial or complete loss of: purposeful activity; critical assessment of the situation; contact with others. It occurs at the time of a critical incident and lasts no more than three days. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

PSYCHOLOGICAL SHOCK The most common OSD: Crying; Hysterical reactions; Aggressive behavior; Psychomotor agitation; Nervous tremors; Apathy; Stupor; Fear. “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

KEY POINTS do not leave the person alone; give a feeling of greater security; protect from outside spectators; give the feeling that the person was not left alone with his misfortune; use clear short phrases with an affirmative intonation; Avoid using the particle “not” in your speech. try to reduce the reaction to crying; “First aid school for children. Training of instructors"

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Basic principles of first aid: 1. correctness and expediency 2. speed 3. deliberation, determination and calmness

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ABRASIONS AND SCRATCHES - superficial damage to the outer skin Help: 1. Remove dirt from the skin by washing with any antiseptic solution (hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, aqueous solution of chlorhexidine) 2. Lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine or brilliant green. 3. Cover the damaged area with a sterile bandage, gauze or napkin folded 4 times.

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A bruise is the result of damage to soft tissues and organs of the body with a blunt object. Symptoms: the presence of an abrasion or bruise at the site of the injury, bruising, increasing swelling (edema), pain. Help: 1. Create rest for the damaged organ. 2. Give this area an elevated position. 3. Apply cold (ice pack), which causes local vasospasm, significantly reduces hemorrhage in soft fabrics, apply a pressure bandage.

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FRACTURES Often, a severe injury can cause a bone fracture. In these cases, the first thing that is needed is complete rest for the damaged area of ​​the body. To create immobility (immobilization) in the area of ​​the fracture, the leg must be placed on a board, plywood or thick cardboard and bandaged to the leg. If the spine is damaged, the victim is placed on a hard board. In case of fracture of the arm bones, immobilization can be achieved by placing the arm, bent at the elbow joint, on a wide scarf, the ends of which are tied around the neck or the damaged limb is bandaged to the body. Thanks to immobilization, pain decreases, the patient's condition improves, and he should be urgently taken to a doctor in the trauma department.

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Wound - damage to body tissue due to mechanical impact, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. A wound can be: a puncture, bruise, cut gunshot, bite wound. It is accompanied by bleeding, pain, dysfunction of the damaged organ and can be complicated by infection.

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Help If the wound is small and shallow (there is little bleeding), rinse the wound with plenty of clean water, disinfect if possible, and apply a clean bandage. If the wound is large enough and there is a lot of blood, it is necessary to apply a pressure bandage that will prevent blood loss; If the bandage becomes saturated with blood, it cannot be removed, you need to put another one on top, etc. A very large wound, from which blood spurts out, requires applying a tourniquet to the artery closest to it (forearm, shoulder, thigh); If there is a foreign object in the wound (including a protruding one), apply a bandage around it, try to fix the foreign object;

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Bleeding is the outpouring of blood into the external environment, natural body cavities, organs and tissues. May occur when the integrity of the vessel is disrupted or the permeability of the vascular wall increases; develop as a result of injuries or diseases Bleedings can be: Arterial (bright scarlet blood flows out in a tense pulsating stream) Venous (dark blood with a cherry tint, flows in an even stream) capillary bleeding (blood is released in separate drops Symptoms: weakness, dizziness, pallor, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, fainting

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First aid for nosebleeds: 1. Make the patient sit comfortably so that the head is higher than the body; 2. You can’t tilt your head back!! Tilt the patient's head slightly forward so that blood does not enter the nasopharynx and mouth; 3.If you have a nosebleed, you should not blow your nose, because... this may increase bleeding! 4.Press the wing of the nose to the septum. Before this, you can insert cotton swabs into the nasal passages, dry or moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, naphthyzine 0.1% (tampons are prepared from cotton wool in the form of a cocoon 2.5-3 cm long and 1-1.5 cm thick, for children - 0 .5cm); 5.Put cold on the back of the head and bridge of the nose (ice pack) for 20 minutes

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Bruised wounds are the result of being hit with blunt objects. The edges of the wound may be torn, the surrounding tissues may be crushed, cyanotic, or soaked in blood. Help: In order to neutralize the bruise site or carry out prophylaxis to prevent germs from entering the wound, an antiseptic should be used. Antiseptics have two advantages: relieve inflammation and speed up healing. The most common antiseptics that can be used for children are: solution of brilliant green iodine

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Dislocation is a change in the position or shape of the articular surfaces of bones, which can occur due to internal or external reasons. 1. It is necessary to fix the joint. He should remain in the position he was in at the time of injury. 2. Cool the sprained area. To reduce pain, apply a damp towel or a piece of ice wrapped in a scarf to the injury site. 3. Call ambulance or take your child to the emergency room yourself. The doctor will place the joint in correct position and prescribe restorative procedures. There is no need to worry too much; resetting a dislocation does not take much time and does not cause severe pain. An experienced doctor puts the joint in place in just a couple of seconds. The baby won't even have time to get scared. But after literally 2-3 minutes he will be able to freely move the injured hand or leg.

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Sprained ligaments Sprained ligaments in the foot in children occur due to unusual and pathological positions of the leg during movement. When wearing the wrong shoes (from an orthopedic point of view), training in the wrong shoes, flat feet and club feet, with excess body weight or excessive tension of the foot muscles with physical activity. Very often, injuries in children occur due to attempts to walk on their toes, stretching the foot and placing it on the outer or inner edge.

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First aid for sprains After an injury, the injured limb must be immobilized; if a neck sprain occurs, it is better to lay the child down and ensure immobility. Ice or a cold compress is applied to the sprain site to eliminate swelling and pain. A fixing bandage is applied to the damaged joint (for the ankle, foot and hand). In case of severe pain, it is recommended that the child be given an anesthetic according to the age dosage and seek medical help.

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First aid for insect bites Bites from bees, wasps, horseflies: With bites, only a local reaction is possible, manifested by burning pain, redness and swelling at the site of the bite. This is most pronounced when biting the face and neck. Bites to the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth and lips are especially dangerous and painful. This can cause serious damage to your eyesight. Swelling that develops from bites on the lips and oral mucosa can lead to suffocation and death. Symptoms: chills, fever, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, increased heart rate, pain in the heart area, nausea, vomiting, fainting. Help: remove the sting from the bite site, then rinse the wound with alcohol, apply cold water, and give an antihistamine. If suffocation develops, the child needs immediate hospitalization

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First aid for a tick bite. Symptoms: redness of the skin, dizziness and difficulty breathing, vomiting and fever. After examining the child, you must: Remove the tick - before you begin removing the tick, it must be carefully moistened with alcohol, soapy water, or sunflower oil. To measure the temperature; - in the absence of elevated temperature, give recommendations to parents on measuring temperature for 14 days; 3. If the temperature rises, immediately hospitalize the patient in an infectious diseases hospital; - conduct an explanatory conversation with parents

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First aid for foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract Signs: sudden deterioration of the condition against the background of complete well-being, often while eating or playing; painful cough with gagging; wheezing; voice change; cyanosis of the skin; difficulty breathing

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Providing first aid if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract: If there are no signs of suffocation: call an ambulance; open the window; ask the child to cough and allow him to take a more comfortable position; if the child cannot sit, the preferred position is lying on his side.

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Fainting is a sudden short-term loss of consciousness, accompanied by weakening of the heart and breathing. It occurs with rapidly developing anemia of the brain and lasts from a few seconds to 5-10 minutes or more. Symptoms: dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness, pale and cold skin, slow, shallow breathing, weak and rare pulse (up to 40-50 beats per minute). FIRST AID Place the victim on his back (legs should be higher than his head), free his neck and chest from restrictive clothing, cover the victim, and place a heating pad at his feet. In case of prolonged fainting, artificial respiration is indicated. After regaining consciousness, give him hot coffee.

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Symptoms of sunstroke in a child: feeling of malaise, severe weakness, fatigue; headache or dizziness gradually increases. Heatstroke is accompanied by a serious increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees). Feeling sick or vomiting is common. the skin color reaches a bright pink shade, very noticeable, increased sweating is noted; in some cases - fainting and convulsions; children whose vessels are located close may have nosebleeds; Sometimes there are heartbeat disturbances, delirium, hallucinations

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Help with sunstroke: immediately take the child to a cool place in the shade; place him on the floor, a bench, or just on the grass or asphalt so that his legs are slightly elevated. if the child is indoors, provide him with a flow of fresh air, this is a necessary condition; Unbutton your shirt collar and loosen your belt. remove outerwear; give the child mineral or boiled water to drink; if consciousness is clouded, give him a sniff of cotton wool soaked in ammonia; to cool down skin, use a cotton cloth soaked in warm water. You cannot use cold water - this is a serious stress for the body; in case of sunstroke, you can wipe the child with a wet sponge, and give water by the teaspoon or tablespoon, depending on the age of the child; if his temperature has risen, there is no point in giving an antipyretic; On this day, the child should not be left unattended; convince him to follow a diet of light fermented milk products and drink more.

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Heat stroke is a pathological condition caused by a general sudden overheating of the body as a result of exposure to external thermal factors. Causes: violation of thermoregulation, which occurs under the influence of excess heat from environment., high humidity and stillness of air, physical stress, prolonged wearing of clothes made of synthetic, leather fabric in conditions of elevated ambient temperature, insufficient intake of liquid. Symptoms: Disorder of consciousness, dilated pupils, nosebleeds, vomiting, thirst, shortness of breath, rapid pulse, fever up to 39.0, muscle pain, dry hot skin. Help: the same as for sunstroke

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First aid for an epileptic seizure. An epileptic seizure is a manifestation of epilepsy or a chronic brain disease. Symptoms: Sudden loss of consciousness, convulsions begin at the same time. A short-term (10-30 seconds) cessation of breathing is possible. Pale at first, the face becomes dark red and blue. Foamed saliva comes out of the mouth. If a patient injures his tongue with his teeth, the saliva turns red. In 80% of cases, involuntary urination is observed.

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If convulsions start, you need to go around from behind and protect your head so that he doesn’t hit it. If the child is large, you need to turn the entire shoulder girdle on its side and lean on it with your whole body. The child becomes very strong during an attack. Sometimes the efforts of one adult are clearly not enough. The next action is to free yourself from constricting clothes: unbutton your collar; if the attack occurred in the apartment, open the window. There is no need to try to unclench your teeth, much less insert a finger or other object into your mouth. In the first case, you will damage your finger, in the second, you can break the patient’s teeth. As a last resort, you can use a handkerchief folded several times. During an attack, the patient may turn blue and may stop breathing. In this case, you will have to do mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Artificial ventilation lungs are done only in case of lack of breathing after the cessation of convulsions. Until the child regains consciousness, you need to be nearby. The patient should not be left alone. You should not give your child medicine until he has regained consciousness.

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Hypothermia and frostbite Thermoregulation in children is not yet perfect, so hypothermia can occur in a cold room, when clothing does not match the ambient temperature, and when the child moves little. Frostbite usually occurs in dry, windy, frosty weather. With the development of hypothermia, the following may be observed: Trembling; Pale, dry skin; Drowsiness or apathy, inappropriate behavior; Rare, weak pulse; Rare shallow breathing; It may be observed: at first - tingling, the damaged part becomes pale and then goes numb. The skin feels hard to the touch, turns white, then becomes mottled, turns blue and eventually darkens. The caregiver must: Prevent further heat loss. Warm up. To do this, the child must be put to bed and covered well; give hot drinks or high-calorie foods.

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If your fingers, ears or other parts of the body get frostbite, you should take the following measures: Protect yourself from the cold. Warm your hands by hiding them in your armpits. If frostbite affects the nose, ears or areas of the face, warm these places by covering them with hands wearing dry, warm gloves. Do not rub damaged areas. Never rub frostbitten areas of skin with snow. If there is a risk of recurrent frostbite, do not allow areas already affected to thaw. If they have already thawed, wrap them up so that they cannot freeze again. If warming the frostbitten areas does not restore sensation, seek emergency medical attention. If professional help is not immediately available, warm severely frostbitten hands or feet in warm (not hot!) water. Other affected areas (nose, cheeks, ears) can be warmed by applying warm palms or heated pieces of cloth to them.

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The teacher should: Calm and reassure the child. Call emergency assistance. Before the doctor arrives: Sit the child down, supporting his back and calming him down. Keeping the air around the child moist will make it easier for him to breathe and help prevent a recurrence of the attack. To do this, go with your child to the bath or kitchen and turn on the hot water tap. You can add baking soda to the bathtub where hot water is pouring.

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I wish that young mothers and fathers do not have to use the advice that I will give below, but if anything from the following happens to the baby, there is no need to get lost and panic. In most cases, parents can provide the help their child needs.

The first thing I recommend on your first visit pediatrician or a visiting nurse, find out the telephone numbers of the emergency room, local pediatrician, and healthy child’s room.

Jaundice may be among the first parental concerns. Jaundice in newborns is not dangerous; it appears on the 3rd day of a child’s life and disappears approximately by the 3rd week of life. The presence and degree of jaundice is always monitored by a local pediatrician.

To ease the baby's condition, before feeding, it is necessary to lay him on his tummy for a few minutes, and after feeding, carry him in a column.

A massage therapist helped my baby get rid of colic - press his fingers clockwise around the navel and at the same time press his legs with his knees to his tummy; The baby and I also rested together in this way - I laid the baby with his tummy on my stomach, we both fell asleep like that.

If such methods do not alleviate the condition, today there are many medical treatments. drugs that can be used from birth. Also, if all else fails, you can use enemas and vent pipes. But I would recommend doing this after consultation with your pediatrician.

Well, naturally, the prevention of colic in a child is the diet of a nursing mother.

Around 3 months of a baby’s life, colic stops, and by 5-6 months a stable diet appears.

If your baby suddenly starts vomiting and diarrhea, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If the child elevated temperature. I’ll write right away that for newborns a temperature from 35.8 to 37.2 degrees is normal. Also, the temperature may rise from intense games with the baby; during teething; after vaccination; for infections.

There is no need to bring down the temperature to 38.5 degrees with medication. You can undress the baby, wet the tummy and head with boiled water room temperature. Acetic and alcohol compresses And you can’t do lotions until you’re one year old! Temperatures above 38.5 degrees must be brought down with medication. At a temperature close to 40 degrees, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor, at the same time light a candle, give syrup and apply a cold heating pad to the crown.

Even now a little older children put everything in their mouths. As a result, the child may inhale an object and may suffocate. In this case, the most important thing is not to panic, put the child on your knee with the chest and face down and hit the shoulder blades with your hand (the blows should be oblique, not strong, but such that they help the child cough up the object) 2-3 blows. After this, open your mouth and use your fingers to pull out the toy.

If, God forbid, the child swallowed detergents or any other “chemistry”, urgently call an ambulance and rinse the stomach yourself: dilute 10 tablets in a liter of water activated carbon, give a mug to the child and induce vomiting. We continue this until he drinks a liter.

Be careful with your kids. And if any unexpected situations arise, the most important thing is not to panic. Health and peace of mind to you and your children!!!