Life style

The newborn is naughty. The child is capricious in the evening. Whims in the evening and at night

The newborn is naughty. The child is capricious in the evening. Whims in the evening and at night

There are many reasons why a child can be capricious. In each case, it is necessary to deal with the problem in order to avoid severe consequences in the behavioral, psychological and physical development... Adverse factors that can lead to whims include improper upbringing, health problems, poor family climate, and age-related changes.

The appearance of a child in a family is a great joy. Parents have new chores and new responsibilities. If the baby is capricious and crying, then the state completely unsettles the parents. The first months after birth, crying in most cases is caused by imperfections in the nervous and digestive systems. By three months, causeless crying has passed, and the parents already recognize the reason.

Whims in the evening and at night

When the baby cannot fall asleep in the evenings, and the parents know for sure that he is full, does not bother with gas, then the reason is associated with overexcitation. The baby is hysterical and falls asleep only closer to midnight. Perhaps, during the day we walked a lot, there was a meeting with new people. Having shouted enough, the child falls asleep. Some children need to be rocked in their arms.

Causes of whims and methods of dealing with them

If the reason for the whims is associated with illness, then you need to call a doctor at home. He will prescribe the correct treatment. You cannot give any medication on your own. Otherwise, the reason is easily eliminated. You either need to change a wet diaper, feed with milk, put to bed or give a drink.

Physiological imbalance

In infancy, the child still cannot explain his desires and is not fully aware of his feelings. The result is a physiological imbalance. The kid begins to cry, to be capricious because of hunger, thirst, illness, poor sleep.

Wrong sleep patterns

The lack of a constant regime becomes the cause of violations in the child's behavior. Therefore, parents should make adjustments to the daily routine:

  • A newborn baby sleeps up to 18 hours a day. The duration of night and day sleep does not exceed 3-4 hours. The waking time should not exceed two hours. If this time is missed, it will be difficult for the baby to go to bed. During nighttime awakenings, you do not need to turn on the light, play or talk for a long time with the baby.
  • By three months, the duration of sleep decreases to 14-15 hours. During the day, the baby should go to bed twice. If he does not sleep during the day, or the duration of sleep is not more than 35 minutes, you need to consult a doctor.
  • If the baby sleeps little at night, then the reason may be associated with dry air in the room, uncomfortable clothes, bright daytime emotions. A baby can sleep poorly due to a cold, teething.

When the child wants to sleep, he yawns and rubs his eyes with his fists. If the parents notice that the child wants to sleep, but does not fall asleep, you need to help him. You can do a massage, rock the arms, sing a lullaby.


From birth, the child should be given regular water to drink, especially if he is feeding with formula. If the room is hot and dry air, then the amount of liquid should be increased.


You can understand that the baby is naughty because of hunger by the following signs:

  • crying appears immediately after feeding;
  • whims after a short period of time after the next portion of milk;
  • daytime sleep became short;
  • greedily begins to suck on a breast or a bottle.

If other signs appear, then the cause may be related to other factors.

Family microclimate

The child is negatively affected by a bad family atmosphere. Quarrels and conflicts between parents lead to tantrums and bad behavior.

Parents need to sort things out when the child is not in the room. You need to educate him in love, calmness, affection and understanding.

Excessive custody and spoiledness

It is not worth doing everything for the baby from the very infancy. He should be given the opportunity to act independently in some situations. Excessive attentiveness frequent gifts, the desire to save the baby from trouble negatively affects his behavioral sphere. The kid gets used to achieving everything with tears and tantrums.

Age changes

As the child grows up, there are several crisis periods... During the crisis stages, changes occur in the psychological and physiological state. At this time, the child is a lot capricious, wants to do the opposite, in defiance of his parents, wants to declare his adulthood.

Medical causes of sleep disorders

Medical reasons for sleep disorders in children include:

  • neurological diseases (neuroses, hyperactivity);
  • somatic disorders (rickets, liver or kidney pathology).

In all these cases, the help of specialists is needed. In most cases, medication is not complete.

Other reasons

The task of parents is to clarify the reason for the whims and crying of the baby as early as possible. Sometimes the condition is indicative of a disease. In the latter case, other symptoms appear (rash on the body, fever, cough, change in stool).

Colic in a newborn

The accumulation of gas in the intestines is accompanied by a sharp, unpleasant pain, so the baby begins to cry. The phenomenon most of all worries the first months of life. Additional symptoms are:

  • the baby is pushing;
  • pulls legs and presses them to the tummy;
  • clenches his fingers into a fist;
  • blushes.

If the baby is on breastfeeding, then colic often appears due to foods that mom ate. A lactating woman should strictly monitor her diet and not eat prohibited foods.

Crying after vaccination

Many children experience behavioral changes and worsening after the vaccine. After being vaccinated against hepatitis B, the child feels unwell, dizzy and has a headache, he may feel sick, his body temperature rises, and digestive upset occurs. The trip to the hospital and the injection itself are stressful for the baby. In response to all these phenomena, the baby becomes capricious, screams and cries, does not sleep well and eats. Therefore, doctors recommend giving antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, pain relievers in the first days after vaccination.

After the DPT vaccination, the body temperature rises, the work of the digestive organs is disrupted, and a cough and runny nose may appear. Often the development of allergic manifestations.

On the day of vaccination, the child should be given a remedy for fever and pain, as well as for allergies. These days, it is recommended to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. BCG vaccination is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, against the background of which the baby becomes moody and whiny. Sleep is disturbed, and appetite disappears.

On vaccination days, you need to more attention to give to the child. Young children do not understand the reason for their poor health, so the task of parents is to give medicine and provide a calm atmosphere.

Change of weather

Experts say that weather events negatively affect the condition of some children from birth. Badly affects:

  • a sharp change in temperature;
  • increase in atmospheric pressure;
  • wind;
  • high air humidity;
  • magnetic storms.

Children born with the greatest exposure to the weather ahead of timewho have recently undergone surgery, as well as those who have problems with work internal organs.

A few days before the weather changes, the baby changes in behavior. He can be capricious all day, sleep is disturbed, appetite decreases. Parents should inform their doctor about this. As a preventive measure, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture, exercise therapy can be prescribed.

How are moods manifested depending on age?

It is important for parents to take into account age-related changes and crisis stages in the upbringing process. Only in this case it is possible to avoid conflicts with the child and prevent the appearance of whims.


Children under one year old require special attention. Whims and crying can indicate discomfort and illness, so behavior cannot be ignored. Why are babies naughty at 1 month old? Month old baby naughty and crying because of hunger, fever, wet diapers. Once the discomfort is eliminated, the baby becomes calm and cheerful. At 2 months old, the baby cries due to discomfort (wet diaper, uncomfortable clothes, hot air, change in weather), lack of attention and communication, from fatigue or pain.

All of these reasons can cause anxiety in the behavior of a 4 and 5 month old baby. Teething is an additional factor. At 8 months, the child begins to actively explore the world around him. The appearance of new people, prohibitions, the wrong daily routine, little attention - all this negatively affects the behavioral sphere of the baby.

The kid is naughty before bedtime

If a two month old baby periodically naughty before bedtime, the reasons may be associated with bright emotions and pain. Emotional overload. Not only negative, but also positive emotions excite the baby's nervous system. Two hours before bedtime, you should exclude active games, watching TV. It is useful to bathe your baby in water, listen to calm music, read a book. The same reason can lead to changes in the behavior of a child over 6 months of age.

Wrong daily routine. From 3 months old, a baby should be taught to get up and go to bed at the same time. You need to start accustoming yourself, as it will be more difficult to do it closer to 7 months. Parents sound the alarm when the baby suddenly became capricious during motion sickness. This usually happens to babies over the age of 10 months. Grown up babies no longer need motion sickness before going to bed, they just need to be put in a crib.

During feeding

When the baby cries and whines during feeding, the condition may indicate a disease (otitis media, stomatitis, sore throat).

If your baby is crying and acting up at the breast, there may be a lack of milk, a strong milk flow, or an unpleasant milk taste.

Whims in one year

At 1.5 years old, whims and crying appear in response to prohibitions and refusals. Parents need to be consistent and consistent in their requirements.

Two years

Children are already aware of what is allowed and what is not. It is easier for them to explain the reason for the ban. In case of whims, the child's attention can be easily switched to another object or event.

Three Years Crisis

By the age of three, the social circle expands. At this age, many children are sent to kindergarten... Conflicts between peers and parents often cause moods and tantrums.

How to calm an infant?

How to deal with whims? The following tips will help:

  • take it in your arms and press it to your stomach;
  • do a massage;
  • to distract attention with a ringing bright object, a loud voice;
  • turn on a pleasant melody;
  • changing hands helps, for example, the baby can be given to grandmother or dad;
  • distracted by toys, mobiles.

What if the baby is crying? A walk on the street will help. How to respond to a child's bad behavior? You can't raise your voice in response to whims and crying. You should remain calm and try to switch the baby's attention.

Prevention of capricious behavior in children

How to wean a child from whims? Psychologists advise to be guided by some rules:

  • There is no need to suppress the independence of the child and perform simple actions for him (buttoning a jacket, cleaning toys).
  • It is important to control your emotions in response to your baby's tantrum. You need to be calm, restrained, in no case should you shout back. Better to ignore the whim and then calmly explain the behavior.
  • You should not use blackmail tactics in education. For example: "If you don't put your toys away, you won't go for a walk." This behavior provokes a response at an older age: “If you scold for bad marksI won't come home. "
  • It is important to be consistent and correct in the chosen tactics of behavior. You cannot solve a problem today in one way and tomorrow in another. If a decision was made to refuse something, then this should become the rule.

You should not blame the kid for bad behavior. You need to explain to him that the act upset, but this is not a reason not to love him.

When you need specialist help

If the child is often naughty for no reason, it is worth contacting a specialist. Problems begin to be solved with a visit to a pediatrician and a neurologist. The child can cry and be capricious all the time due to diseases of the internal organs, so the help of other narrow specialists will also be needed.

Most parents go through this "terrible" time - when a previously calm baby suddenly starts crying night after night for no apparent reason. "Witch's hour", "poisonous hour" or, more correctly, "evening anxiety" usually overtake children aged 6-8 weeks and are often attributed to colic. Is it so?

It would be nice, of course, only an hour. The most common time interval for an evening roar is from 6 pm to 10 pm. The day is coming to an end, all family members are gathered, it seems, you can already have dinner, chat and relax. And here suddenly a child's crying is heard.

Often there is no particular reason for crying. By one and a half months, parents already more or less distinguish when their baby is crying from hunger, when he wants to sleep or something hurts. But "the witch's hour" is called so precisely because, it seems, apart from the evil spell, there is no longer any reason to cry.

Sometimes babies cry, not calming down, sometimes they calm down if you babysit with them, but you just have to move away ... Some are silent only on the mother's chest, on the father's arms or in a warm bath.

At the same time, for all the symptoms and manifestations, the child does not hurt anything, he is full, the diaper is clean, diaper rash and other sores have nothing to do with it, but everything goes wrong, the baby does not like much. What is this?

Cause of concern number one: normal mental development of children

It is at the age of onset of "evening worry" that children experience their first leap emotional development... Has the kid already started watching the toys and smiling back? You can expect "reckoning" for new skills.

Filling their day with many experiences, children quickly become overexcited. Despite the daytime dreams, the crumbs need more rest and peace in the late afternoon. Someone saw a cow on a mobile for the first time, someone touched the rattle with their hands (and it rang!), Someone's leg came into view for the first time. And all this can happen in one day, which also includes flowers on the wallpaper, a bird on a walk and oneself in the mirror.

Such an abundance of impressions and emotions is difficult to survive without a pause. It often equates to a super-hard workday for an adult, when in the evening you already want to relax and turn down the heat. And then dad comes home from work, grandmother comes to visit, neighbors watch TV. An older brother, a dog, light bulbs on the ceiling - all this adds work to a tired brain.

What can support tired parents is the thought that this is the normal development of children: what new skills does the baby develop every day that gets tired and cries so bitterly.

If the evening hours are accompanied by constant "hanging on the chest", most likely, the child is eating up in reserve before the next growth spurt. Soon he will surprise his parents with a new increase, expressed in kilograms and centimeters.

Sometimes the excessive desire to teach the baby to sleep at night without interruptions reduces the mother's lactation. In this case, the children at the end of the day try to “eat enough for the night” or feel hunger at the end of the day's feedings.

It is worth remembering that the peak of prolactin production with established lactation occurs at 4-6 o'clock in the morning, so breastfeeding early in the morning should be kept as long as possible. This will allow the baby to be purely breastfed for a longer period.

Also, the constant demand for the breast during the evening anxiety can be associated with the child's habit to calm down "on the breast". A strong sucking reflex or a mother’s attitude to give breast at any cry can lead to just such consequences. What to do? Switch the baby to other types of sedation and possibly offer a pacifier.

Reason number three: sensitive babies

Sometimes babies are born who too react to light, sound, sensations. An increased emotional response to minor noise may be related to nervous system excitability. Although after enough quiet life in the tummy, most children can initially react strongly to something that is not an irritant for us at all.

Babies need time to adapt to their new abilities: to see, hear, touch the wondrous new world... And this time of adaptation is often accompanied by manifestations of evening restlessness.

The period of adaptation to new conditions of existence causes in the child a desire to be protected, to come closer to the usual sensations of being in a mother. In such cases, warmth, swaddling, wearing it on your hands or in a sling, as well as a warm bath in not very bright light help perfectly.

There are some simple tipshelping parents physically and mentally to survive these few weeks of crying in the evenings.

  • First advice.

You need to be ready for the "witch hour". It is hoped that this period will pass by the side, will not be as pronounced as that of friends or a neighbor's child, but one must be ready for its onset and have a developed "survival tactics".

  • Second advice.

Accept and learn that evening crying is not the fault of the parents. Thousands of other moms and dads are experiencing the exact same thing right now. This is just a period of growing up, not a misbehavior of a parent or a mistake raising a crumbs.

  • Third advice.

Calm yourself down. A dim light, a turned off TV, a cozy armchair will help a mother find peace in her soul, and the child, feeling this, will adjust to her mother's mood (or not, then, at least, mother will rest).

  • Fourth advice.

Carry the baby in your arms. Numerous studies prove that it is impossible to spoil oneself to “get used to the hands” at this age. But to contribute to neurotization, leaving the crumb to "shout" is easy. Therefore, often optimal solution problems of the "witch hour" - pens. Warmth, physical contact, the smell of skin and the sound of your heartbeat will help your baby feel safe. Do not underestimate the benefits of baby slings and backpacks, as if they were made for difficult evening hours.

  • Fifth advice.

Have a “spare mom”. Someone who can take on the pacification of the baby for at least half an hour and give the mother an opportunity to “recharge the batteries” is especially valuable during this difficult period. Dad, grandmother, a neighbor, friends, an evening nanny for two hours, anyone can be on the “spare moms bench”. Sometimes even five minutes in the arms of another person, not exhausted by night feedings, day care and evening crying, soothes the baby better than a two-hour run of a mother with a stroller in the park.

  • Sixth tip.

Speaking of the park. Walking in the evening can also be a good soothing experience for your child. Some parents even plan daily half-hour car rides, where the hum and the measured swaying will calm the kids down more quickly. In any case, a walk before bedtime can be great for both the baby and the parents. In addition, on the street, the scream does not seem as loud as in the four walls of the house.

  • Seventh advice.

Bathe your baby in a warm bath. It's great if dad is in the bath with the baby: Dad's strong hugs will help the child feel safer. For mom's safety, this is also important: if a mom is with the baby, he may begin to demand breast, and feeding in warm water is fraught with an unplanned result of intestinal contractions.

  • Eighth advice.

Use white noise. Children often calm down when they hear a vacuum cleaner, a blender, a fan, and an old radio with noise on it. This is about the same noise that they used to hear in the background during mom's pregnancy. And it is not surprising that the included vacuum cleaner and other noisy devices really help the kids to calm down.

  • Ninth advice.

If all else fails, you should see a doctor. Perhaps it is age-related colic, problems with regurgitation, a reaction to the weather or the characteristics of the child's body.

  • Tenth advice.

Everything will pass, this will also pass. As a rule, the restless evening hours end by the age of three months. He becomes an active, sociable baby, giving his parents anxiety for completely different reasons.

Many babies become very moody in the evening, cry more often than during the day and demand breast. What is the reason for this?

Baby in daddy's arms (photo by Fotolia)

Child's nervous system

In children under 3 months of age, this behavior is expected. And most likely, the problem is not in mom's milk. The fact is that the nervous system of babies in the first 3 months of life is very vulnerable and easily overloaded. Many mothers of babies note that towards evening the babies become more and more "tame", more and more often they want to suck their mother's breasts, it is better for them not to let her go at all.

Children are naughty if they are trying to put them to sleep separately from their mother. And this is understandable: in contrast to the intrauterine experience, the external world is very diverse, and all the impressions that surround the child in the evening tire, overload the child's psyche.

Sleeping and breastfeeding together

The child wants to return to a state where it is comfortable and calm. And such a place for the baby is mother's hands and breast sucking. What to do? While indulging the needs of the baby. Usually, after 3 months, the child's nervous system becomes more mature and the child ceases to need his mother so badly.
Of course, with such a "hanging" on the breast, the mother may feel that the breast becomes completely soft, and someone even says that. This is a normal situation. The breast still works on the demand-supply principle, and the next day there will be as much milk as the baby needs. The main guideline for you is weekly weight gain: if a fully breastfed baby gains from 125 g per week, then you are on the right track!

Nightly breastfeeding a baby after a year

The quality of milk does not deteriorate with the age of the child, there are studies that suggest the opposite: there are more immunoglobulins, the milk becomes even more fatty, the amount of trace elements and vitamins remains the same. Therefore, from the point of view of the benefits of breastfeeding a child after a year, this is only a plus. If breastfeeding your baby after a year is not a burden for you, continue to feed. ? There are 2 options: leave everything as it is and wait for the baby to grow out of breastfeeding. Or, if you are ready for more effective methods, gradually round off, try not to breastfeed at night. When you see that the child has coped well with this and does not wake up for night feeds himself, teach the child to fall asleep without breast.

Baby in the crib next to mom (photo: Fotolia)

Child's whims - this is crying, stubbornness, unwillingness to accept or do anything. He essentially protests with whimsand also makes it clear to others about his intention to change the situation. A child who does not yet know how to speak can communicate with his parents only by crying and other expressions of his emotions. Baby's whims and babbling talk about the child's desire to establish contact with adults and tell them about their dissatisfaction. He wants to be fondled and made it clear that mom and dad are close.

Reasons for the appearance of a capricious child

Capricious kids may be in 1 month and at 11, a moody child does not sleep welland shakes the nerves not only of parents, but also of yourself. After all, kids cannot restrain their emotions, they give us everything they feel without thinking about the consequences at all.

The reasons that the child of 5 months became very moody,although in reality the month does not always matter, all children under one year old can be moody due to the following factors. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The baby has a wet or dirty diaper. In this case, it is necessary to change it so that the baby becomes happy with life. If the diaper is clean, the baby may be uncomfortable.
  • Crying and whims in 1 month can be the cause of the child's hunger. Just feed your baby. If you are breastfeeding, make sure that the milk is flowing to the baby in the proper volume. Perhaps because of the difficulties - what he eats.
  • Abdominal pain, gas and a common cause of a child's whim up to six months... Use special baby drops to relieve the painful condition of the baby, and also carry out daily laying on the tummy and massage.
  • Changes in weather, magnetic storms, as a result of which there is. Pay more attention to him, play quiet and calm games, read a book, rock him on the pens (sometimes this is just necessary to maintain a calm atmosphere in the house).
  • Continuous crying of a child for more than two hours in a row may indicate a serious illness. In this case, call a doctor. Further, only qualified assistance will help change the situation.
  • All the kids are worried. Swollen, red gums hurt, the child pulls everything into his mouth, there is profuse salivation. Special anesthetic ointments, drops, folk remedies can help the baby.
  • Violation of the daily routine often provokes whims of a child both at 3 months and at 9, when the baby does not understand what time is allotted for sleeping, walking and eating. Establish a clear daily routine and stick to it.
  • An overworked day and an excess of emotions can cause crying and whims of a child even 10 months oldexpressed in unwillingness to go to bed. Try not to overexert your child during the day. Light massage and help the child to relax and fall asleep.

Crying, tears, tantrums, whims the growing up crumbs indicate discontent and discomfort. From the moment when child starts to crawl ( months at 9), there is a set "not allowed". After all, to taste, evaluate the shape, touch, smell and lick is the need for a child under one year old, this is how he gets to know the world around him. Leave safe objects and toys for the young discoverer to study, remove them above, anything that can break and break. Secure the space by closing the sockets with special rivets from children, drawers of dressers, into which your child cannot get on special children's locks. By securing space for your baby, you can help avoid unnecessary whims at any age of the toddler.

What to do with the whims of children under one year old?

The child needs maternal affection and love, but there is no need to carry the baby in his arms for days. Everything should be in moderation. Spoiled child often become capricious... Teach your baby that sometimes he himself has to play, because the parents have their own business. Let the baby sometimes play with peers on the playground, without the participation of adults.

Prohibitions must be present in a child's life. This encourages the child to be more disciplined. Otherwise, permissiveness will cause whims. FROM early age it is necessary to explain the meaning of the words no and no.

Inconsistency parents a common reason for a baby's misunderstanding. Agree with your husband and relatives on a uniform line of behavior. You can't allow mom to forbid anything, and dad, returning home in the evening, allowed. This will confuse the child and, therefore, the cry and caprices. In a situation where today something is possible, but tomorrow it is impossible, it is necessary to calmly and intelligibly explain why this is so. Even the most small child able to understand everything at the level of emotions.

Help in the fight with popular evening whimswhen the baby does not want to go to bed, the bedtime ritual comes. Do not play active games before bed. And be sure to introduce some kind of signal into the routine that says it's time to sleep. For example, lowering curtains, reading a fairy tale, or

In special cases, so that the child calms down, just ignore him. Without the presence of overly anxious adults trying to calm the baby down, it will calm down on its own and quickly. Also, some children like to play for the audience, and without "spectators" they quickly calm down.

Rules of conduct for parents of capricious children

Always remember the consistency and consistency of actions of all family members. If something is forbidden, then it is never allowed to anyone. This moment will get rid of the multitude caprice as children up to a year, and especially already grown up children. Just make an agreement with your grandmother in advance, because she most often becomes violators of the regime, and even your child can write down as accomplices.

You do not need to react too emotionally for the bad behavior of the baby. This can be perceived by him as a reward for a good deed. In this case, the child will undoubtedly want to repeat what he has done. Be calm and balanced when forbidding or explaining something to your baby. If crybaby at 8 months he really wants to get your attention, for him even swearing will be perceived positively - after all, he achieved his goal, mom turned her attention to him!

Establish a daily routine that the child understands. This has a very beneficial effect on any baby. Take enough time for walks, make them varied and interesting. At the same time, let him begin to occupy himself with a toy or a game for at least 5 minutes already from 6 months or a little later (as soon as he), then in your house and will not appear capricious childbecause he can always find a common language with you.

Create a comfortable psychological climate for your baby. Praise him for right and good deeds, do not constantly focus only on bad behavior. Thus, do not provoke the baby's desire with your behavior. do wrong... Let him remember only good things, not your reaction to him. whims.

Make the space available and safe for your baby to reduce inhibitions. Close the cabinet doors on special devices, remove unnecessary unsafe things from the eyes and access of the baby.

Always react to inappropriate behavior quickly, without hesitation. Don't be afraid to say the word no. Be patient and remember, the older the child gets, the more conscious his behavior.

Useful video

Doctor Komarovsky about hysterics of children and their whimshow to avoid and what to do with baby in 7 months or 9 months.

Mom's advice on how to cope with the crisis and win capricious child in any month, even in 1 month, though 10 months.


Your baby, being on his first year of life, develops and masters new horizons for him. Just think he was not, and then once ... and now he came into this world. Of course, he is scared, he does not know much and the only reliable friend and helper is mom and dad. So don't be scared capricious kids on any month their fears and expectations are different. All children are similar in only one thing - they love their family very much.

Photo and video: free Internet sources

All people with children know that babies often cry and are capricious, especially at night during the first three months after birth. The fact is that for a newborn at this time, crying and screaming are the only ways to communicate that he has needs, pain or discomfort, to draw attention to himself.

Many people think that one should not run to the child every time he screams, so as not to spoil him. But this is wrong, since you can miss a serious problem or bring the child to a nervous breakdown. And therefore, when a baby cries, this call should be responded to. Let's take a closer look at why a newborn is crying and how to help him.

The main reasons for crying

In order to provide assistance, you must first understand the reason for this phenomenon, most often the baby can get upset in the following cases:

  1. He's hungry. In this case, he will wake up at night, spin in the crib and groan. The baby will calm down only after he is fed breast milk or a mixture. Normally, a child can demand food up to 4 times at night. If this happens more often, it is recommended that you go to your doctor and review your diet. Perhaps he does not have enough milk and should be introduced to complementary foods.
  1. Discomfort from a full diaper. The work of the intestines in the baby is peculiar, and he needs to empty it often. And this is also one of the reasons why babies cry. Unpleasant sensations make you wake up and signal them. If the reason lies in this, then after its elimination, the baby falls asleep soundly.
  1. The tummy hurts. Almost all young children have colic in the first months after birth. This phenomenon happens due to the fact that the intestine is gradually rebuilding its function. But intense cramping pains prevent the baby from falling asleep and the newborn cries after feeding and at night. At first, he falls asleep perfectly, but then begins to twist his legs and cry. Colic usually stops after three months of age. When he is tormented by colic and gas, the newborn pushes and cries, and after the gas has passed or the bowel is emptied, he again falls asleep calmly.
  1. Wrong swaddling. The resulting wrinkles in the diaper or a tightly buttoned diaper can be the reason why a baby cries at night. This leads to the great inconvenience of the appearance of areas of friction on delicate skin.
  1. A situation may arise when the baby cries in a dream without waking up, this phenomenon happens if the dream came after severe overwork. Another reason why babies cry in their sleep is dreams. From a very early age, a person has the ability to dream, and they can sometimes be negatively colored, causing the infant to cry.
  1. Uncomfortable air temperature. The imperfect thermoregulation system of newborns requires maintaining the temperature in the room within 22-24 degrees. If for some reason it becomes hot or cold, then this is also a fairly common reason why babies cry in their sleep for up to a year.
  1. The state of anxiety in the baby. After birth, the baby is still connected with his mother for a long time, and if quarrels occur regularly in the family, then the child is constantly crying and naughty. This is not always directly related to a specific reason, and parents may wonder why the baby starts crying.
  1. The child needs confirmation of maternal love. It is very important for him to feel protected and loved, therefore, when a baby wakes up crying, it is possible that he just needs his mother to take him in her arms.

What needs to be done

In the absence of serious abnormalities and diseases, basic needs little child are food, cleanliness and a sense of maternal care. Therefore, when a newborn is constantly crying and naughty, you should consult a doctor, and in the absence of deviations, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Stop all active games 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Overexcitement and extreme fatigue will only worsen falling asleep and reduce the quality of your night's rest.
  1. Before going to bed, ventilate the room, and if possible, set a certain temperature and humidity using devices.
  1. Mom needs to reconsider her diet when breastfeeding. If she restricts herself in food in order to lose weight after childbirth, then this leads to the fact that milk contains few calories and the baby does not gorge itself.
  1. For pain in the tummy, give the baby special means or dill water to remove gases.
  1. Before going to bed, it is useful to do the same actions, raising them to the rank of rituals. It can be bathing-dressing-feeding-song (or reading poetry, fairy tales) -sleep.
  1. Be sure to wear clean and fresh linen made from natural fabrics for the child. And the same quality should be a sheet, a blanket and a pillowcase on the pillow.
  1. The family should be calm. Any stress will negatively affect the baby's nervous system. If it is necessary to resolve any issues that require a "heat of passion", then it is best to do it in such a way as not to involve the baby's mother in the process.
  1. Feeding before bed should be sufficient, but not excessive. Overfeeding can also lead to poor sleep.
  1. In some cases, the mother should put the baby next to her, in this case he feels completely safe and sleeps well. If the child spends the night in his crib, then a night light should be purchased, which should be left on next to him.

The question of how to calm a baby when he cries remains quite relevant. And at first, a young mother may be confused, not understanding what her child needs. But very little time passes and a certain connection is established between her and the baby, and even without words it becomes clear what the baby really needs and what worries him at the moment.