
Guasha massage - technique of execution. Chinese massage with Guasha scraper - reviews and contraindications. The effect of gua sha massage on the body Guasha massage description

Guasha massage - technique of execution.  Chinese massage with Guasha scraper - reviews and contraindications.  The effect of gua sha massage on the body Guasha massage description

About the great possibilities of traditional Chinese medicine there are legends.

One of the most powerful healing techniques, which is successfully used in China to treat almost all diseases - a unique gua sha massage.

The name of this technique consists of 2 parts: “gua” translates as "scratch" or “movement in one direction”, and a short word"sha" means "bad".

The massage is actually performed using a special one, which moves on the skin in strictly specified directions.

Due to reflex skin irritation there is a powerful effect on the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which accelerates metabolic processes and the rate of tissue regeneration.

Toxic waste products are actively removed from the body: excess fluid and toxins. By influencing areas of the skin that are a projection internal organs, with the help of gouache you can practically cure any diseases.

Depending on the purposes of the procedure, massage can be:

  • preventive (has a general strengthening and tonic character);
  • cosmetic (helps rejuvenate the body, get rid of cellulite and fat deposits);
  • therapeutic and diagnostic.

In particular, by localizing the release sites of toxins, which appear on the skin as similar to bruises dark spots, one can judge the health of each of the internal organs, the presence of colds, and even bad habits person.

Despite the appearance pronounced hematomas, gua sha sessions are virtually painless procedures.

Most often, massage treatments can be appointed upon:

  • reduced joint mobility or osteochondrosis;
  • disturbances in blood and/or lymph circulation;
  • swelling;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • deterioration of the functioning of internal organs;
  • withering of the skin and the development of pronounced cellulite.

Even those in chronic stage With the help of a properly performed massage, diseases can be transferred to an acute form, after which the problem can be eliminated forever.

Unlike other massage techniques, gua sha not contraindicated for oncological diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, acute cholecystitis, pneumonia, acute intestinal obstruction and other serious diseases.

Unique technique Massage helps to accelerate the production of interferon and activate the immune system, so for medicinal purposes for such diseases, gua sha sessions are simply necessary.

Contraindications the procedure may include:

  • severe allergies;
  • any skin lesions: open wounds or skin infections, as well as the presence of a large number of moles;
  • non-healed fractures;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney problems;
  • pregnancy.

Guasha massage is not allowed on an empty stomach, immediately after a meal, after taking alcoholic beverages or drugs containing drugs.

Purpose of gua sha massage

After Guasha accelerates metabolic processes in the body, enhances the work of the excretory system, and normalizes the interaction of internal organs. As a result, healing and rejuvenation occurs due to the internal resources of the body.

In case of illness After the first sessions, the patient’s condition worsens, but after just a few days, serious relief and recovery occurs.

In particular, a course of gua sha sessions allows solve the following problems:

  • Intensify blood and lymph circulation within the body, normalize heart function and reduce blood pressure.
  • Improve blood circulation in areas affected by osteochondrosis, reduce swelling by activating lymph circulation, get rid of spasms and pain, and restore joint mobility.
  • Thanks to the effect on the projections of the respiratory tract, it speeds up recovery from bronchitis and pneumonia, reduces cough and shortness of breath, and facilitates the removal of sputum.
  • Get rid of nausea and pain due to cholecystitis, regulate the motility of the gallbladder and relieve spasms.
  • Activate the blood supply to the pelvic organs and thereby get rid of congestion, inflammation and adhesions.
  • Forget about anxiety and apathy, solve the problem of insomnia and regulate other work disorders nervous system.
  • Improve skin condition, reduce acne and pigmentation, heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Guasha Tools

It will not be possible to perform a massage using this technique. without special scraper, made in the form of a flat plate with a rounded edge.

Scrapers can be different by size and degree of curvature, the presence of protrusions or teeth, but in no case should they have sharp edges.

For the back, scrapers close to a square shape are usually used, for massage of the neck, legs and arms - triangular tools, for the face - products shaped like a fish. You can also use spoons, coins and round lids for massage.

More often The materials used to make a scraper are animal horns, some types of stone or metal. Most a budget option– plastic scraper.

As massage oil It is especially effective to use a mixture of jojoba and sea buckthorn oil, which can be additionally enriched with liquid vitamin E.

There are also special electric massagers, with which you can conduct a gouache session. In particular, the Yixuetong model, developed by the Tianshi company.

Massage technique


Guasha is performed in one direction and allows you to specifically influence important reflex points that correlate with internal organs.

The procedure begins with applying massage oil to cleansed skin and tapping the intended massage area in the direction main meridians.

Three main methods of influence

Depending on the purpose of the procedure, a suitable one is selected scraper technique:

  • Light and slow pressure (boo-gua) is suitable for cosmetic massage.
  • Slow movements with strong pressure (pin-bu pin-se) are indicated for preventive and restorative massages.
  • The master chooses the fastest and most powerful movements (se-gua method) when performing a therapeutic massage.

Massage directions

It is important to perform massage movements in a strictly specified direction(from the center of the body to the sides or from top to bottom) along the projections of the internal organs onto the skin (the so-called meridians).

Can be massaged practically whole body: chest, stomach and back, arms and legs, neck, face, head.

On the outer side of the arms and legs, as well as on the back surface of the back, there are Yang meridians responsible for the functioning of the genital organs. On the front surfaces of the arms, legs and torso there are those responsible for the work of the heart and other "dense" internal organs Yin meridians.

The most important during the massage process there is usually an impact on the projections of the heart muscle, urinary and gall bladder and other large organs.

Number of repetitions one movement depends on the age and gender of the patient. For a young girl, 6 repetitions are usually enough, and for an adult man – 9.

Duration of one session and effect

Treatment session
The massage lasts no longer than 25 minutes; the duration of the procedure performed for preventive purposes can reach 40 minutes.

Increase duration of exposure it is forbidden, since the effect of the massage may be the opposite.

During the session the skin turns red, a tingling and burning sensation occurs, and a sound similar to the rubbing of grains of sand may appear. Throughout the procedure, the patient’s body must be periodically wiped of released toxins.

In the presence of internal diseases, pronounced bruises appear in the places of projection of diseased organs, which the Chinese call "sha spots". The spots can be red, purple or even black and are caused by excess lactic acid.

Painful sensations in these areas does not occur. However, until the skin hematomas go away (for different people this takes from several hours to 5 days), a second gouache session cannot be performed.

Sometimes after the first few procedures no hematomas are formed- this may indicate that the skin is not performing its functions well. In this case, you need to increase the number of sessions.

Normal condition after gua sha massage– general weakness, chills and loss of strength. Immediately after the first massage session or on the second day, an exacerbation of internal diseases is possible.

Wherein very important ensure you drink plenty of fluids and do not take water procedures for at least 3 hours after the session.

Optimal frequency of massages– 1-2 per week. The course of procedures includes from 10 to 20 sessions. Massage therapists recommend continuing sessions until “sha spots” stop forming, and then limiting themselves to preventive procedures at intervals of 1 month.

You should always take care of your face, regardless of age and gender. It is by this part of the body that one can judge a person’s lifestyle, his health and psycho-emotional well-being. In poor condition, the face does not look fresh, it is covered with a network of wrinkles and swelling, and there are bruises under the eyes. This becomes especially noticeable with age, which is why after thirty years it is recommended to pay Special attention skin care.

Massage with gua sha plates is an ancient art that first appeared in traditional Chinese medicine. This technique helps maintain youthful and beautiful skin, copes with troubles such as wrinkles and swelling, and has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Features of gua sha massage

  • Deep effect on the epidermis, allowing it to be cleansed and oxygenated
  • Involvement of reflex points throughout the facial area, resulting in a healing effect following the procedure
  • Lymphatic drainage, cleansing the skin of dirt and harmful substances, improving blood circulation and metabolic processes

What is gua sha massage

The very origin of the word will tell you a lot about the gua sha procedure. This is a merger Chinese characters, where "gua" means "scrape" and "sha" means "disease/bad." This is exactly what the massage technique is aimed at - with the help of special movements and scrapers, the human face and body are cleansed. It is believed that this technology not only eliminates diseases, but also negative energy.

Guasha has been practiced in China since ancient times, and today this procedure is available in many large beauty salons. Visitors are offered three massage options to choose from:

  • Cosmetic. First of all, it is aimed at ridding the face of diseases and aesthetic problems.
  • Prophylactic. Helps avoid diseases, improves immunity.
  • Treatment and diagnostic. It is used to find and treat diseases that are already present in the client.

The technique used and the type of facial or body scraper used depend on the direction of the massage.

Types of gua sha scrapers for the face

The technique of this massage is much simpler than acupressure procedures. During the session, attention is paid not to individual reflex points, but to large areas of the face and body where they are located. Massaging is carried out along massage lines, which you can see in the picture below.

Modern practices use plates as scrapers different forms from various materials:

  • Valuable wood species
  • Natural crystals - jade or quartz
  • Animal horns or tusks

For facial massage, it is better to make it from wood. In general, the energy of wood will probably be the most useful among other possible materials, and the instrument itself will be more gentle on the skin.

If you are going to buy gua sha massage scrapers for the body, they usually differ large size than tools for facial cosmetic procedures.

Is gua sha massage beneficial for everyone? Contraindications

In Chinese medicine there is an idea that many diseases arise due to unfavorable external factors- incorrect weather conditions, excessive heat or prolonged severe frosts, strong wind and dampness. These diseases enter the human body through the skin. That is why you can effectively get rid of troubles by treating the skin.

There can be almost any indication for starting to use the gua sha massage technique. Depending on the technique, you can resort to the procedure in order to get rid of diseases or protect yourself from the possible occurrence of a disease. Often the indication for use is age-related skin problems - for example, the appearance of wrinkles and puffiness. Disorders of the nervous system and decreased immunity can also be dealt with in this pleasant way.

Any procedure on the skin has contraindications, and facial massage with a gua sha scraper is no exception. Sessions cannot be held in cases where:

  • There is acne of the second stage;
  • There are open or unhealed wounds on the skin, bruises, recent fractures;
  • New growths appeared on the face;
  • An allergic reaction is acute.
  • Cuperosis

In other cases, facial massage will not cause harm to health, and it is worth trying it at least once to personally see the effectiveness of the procedure.

Guasha massage technique for face

Cosmetic massage courses are recommended to be carried out every two to three months, the duration of one course is from four to twelve sessions, depending on the required intensity. The session takes from half an hour to an hour, but the result is definitely worth the wait.

Before the procedure, you can apply any cosmetic oil. This is not necessary, but the effect with the right oil can be even better.

The action begins on the right side of the face. The scraper performs “sweeping” movements, each of which is repeated three to five times depending on the skin type. After this, the movements are repeated in the opposite direction and you can move to the left half, performing similar actions there. All movements should be performed with light pressure on the scraper so that there is no feeling of discomfort.

The gua sha massage technique is based on interaction with the eight meridians present in the facial area. The movements pass precisely along them, stimulating reflex points on the skin. Skin microcirculation improves during the procedure, the epidermis is filled with oxygen and essential nutrients, after which cell regeneration occurs.

Guasha massage uses a fairly simple technique, and now you can see for yourself.

A video of gouache massage for the face will teach you all the basic principles with which you can start working. This is an excerpt from my speech at the marathon, where I was an invited guest. The topic was “How to look like 30 at 50.”

True, I’m only 36, but you can’t tell from the condition of my skin. And I’m sure that at 50 I will look 40. After all, the sooner you start taking care of your face, the longer you will look young and beautiful. And I approach this issue comprehensively, and self-massage of the face and body is one of the main components of this complex.

By the way, before this marathon I hadn’t done this massage for a long time. And after the master class in the morning in kindergarten, other mothers asked me: “What did you do to your face? Skin like porcelain! And she has noticeably improved.” This is the effect of those few minutes during which I showed basic techniques. Can you imagine what will happen if you take the course?

Here are some tips that will help simplify things or achieve a more effective result.

  • Hold the scraper at a 15 degree angle to the skin
  • After the procedure, stay warm for several hours, avoid water
  • Drink plenty of herbal tea in the days following your massage to help restore your strength.
  • After the massage, apply a protective mask that will help nourish your face with beneficial ingredients.

The effect of gua sha massage

The procedure helps to completely cleanse the skin and improve its condition. In the process, wrinkles are smoothed out and become less noticeable dark spots, the epidermis itself becomes a little lighter. Positive changes are noticeable soon after the start of the course of procedures, including:

  • elimination of swelling and signs of lack of sleep
  • return to natural color and texture of the face
  • disappearance of blackheads
  • rejuvenation of skin cells and disappearance of age-related changes
  • narrowing of pores
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands
  • improvement of facial contour
  • skin tightening and tightening

You can master the technique at home - and for this it is enough. Try this procedure and enjoy the results!

*The information on our website is translated from Thai by resources that collaborate with doctors and specialists to provide reliable information. However, the content on this site is intended for additional, general educational information only.

The site materials are not intended for diagnosis or self-treatment in any way and do not replace qualified medical examination and diagnostics.

If you have illness or discomfort, consult your doctor. We are against self-medication, we are for a reasonable approach to healing.

Many people know that Chinese medicine is famous for curing diseases without drugs. It is based on the principle of physiological effects on the body by stimulating special points, biologically active centers. Massage is no exception. It is this that is the basis of the healing process. A Guasha facial massage will help you effectively get rid of various ailments, improve your appearance, and reverse the signs of aging. Having studied in detail the mechanism of operation of the method, you will be convinced of its effectiveness.

History of origin and essence of the technique

The term "Guasha" literally translates as "scraping off disease." This is the essence of massage. Using special scrapers (plates), reflexogenic zones are processed. Thanks to the effect, biologically active points on the face are stimulated, which are responsible for the condition of various organs and systems of the whole body.

The scraping mechanism helps eliminate stagnant processes in tissues, ensuring the elimination of failures and disorders. The body gets rid of accumulated toxins through the skin “slightly opened” with a scraper.

This unusual method of influence appeared in Ancient China. Historians talk about the emergence of such a massage 6–8 thousand years before the beginning of modern chronology. The technique originated among peasants who used pieces of buffalo horns as a tool. The ancient Chinese noticed that skin treated with a scraper heals perfectly, and the body is “renewed.”

In Europe, they have long been suspicious of this technique of influence. Procedures were prohibited and the Chinese were punished. The recognition of Guasha massage occurred in the 80s. This period saw the flourishing of traditional traditional medicine, which came from China. Now Guasha is considered an effective healing, rejuvenating method of influence.

Impact effectiveness

Modern Guasha is more delicate than the ancient method of influence. Especially when it comes to facial massage. The method allows you to achieve healing of the body, which has a beneficial effect on your appearance for a long time. Guasha fights not only the manifestation of the disease - the method is subject to the causes.

There are 8 meridians (biologically active lines) in the local impact zone. The massage is carried out taking into account the location of this network of physiological significance. This results in a healing effect.

Important! Guasha stimulates internal processes responsible for the quality and appearance of the skin. Microcirculation of fluids (blood, lymph) is regulated. This improves skin nutrition, oxygen saturation, and activates regeneration processes.

Guasha massage has the following visible effects on the skin:

  • cleansing (removal of the stratum corneum, acne);
  • whitening (exposing new layers without dark pigmentation);
  • smoothing wrinkles (minimizing furrows, creases, sagging);
  • improvement appearance(color, blush, smoothness, elasticity).

The effect on the skin is delicate. The covers are not moved (stretched, twisted), as with classical massaging techniques. At the same time, the depth of impact is significant.

Types of massage

Facial massage is often used to eliminate various cosmetic defects in appearance (age-related changes). Guasha is perfect for this purpose, but the coverage area of ​​the technique is much wider. With the help of this type of massage it will be possible to influence the condition of the body as a whole and help cure diseases.

A person, according to Chinese healers, receives the bulk of ailments from the influence of external unfavorable factors. Aggressors penetrate the body and come out through the skin. The easiest way to get rid of the disease is by acting on the integument. Therefore, massage is considered the most popular way to solve health problems.

The technique involves different ways impact. There are the following types of Guasha massage for the face:

  • Cosmetic. Aimed at eliminating external defects (cosmetic defects, signs of old age).
  • Prophylactic. Helps eliminate and prevent diseases (impact on meridians).
  • Treatment and diagnostic. It is carried out to detail the picture of existing diseases. Helps identify diseases and select control measures.

In our country, the standard cosmetic approach to Guasha massage is popular. The technique is the simplest; you can master the procedure on your own. The following techniques are practiced in salons:

  • "The Magic of Youth";
  • "36 movements";
  • "Charming eyes."

Note! The choice of option is based on an individual analysis of the skin condition, taking into account age and existing cosmetic problems. Techniques for rejuvenation have gained recognition.

Preparing for the session

The main tool for Guasha massage is a scraper. It is his selection that needs to be done before starting the session. The shape, appearance, and materials used are varied. The main condition is the absence of sharp parts that can injure the skin. The most popular types of scrapers are:

  • universal in different shapes and sizes;
  • triangles (for neck, arms);
  • “fish” for the face;
  • combs for the scalp.

The master independently selects the best option. The material is: metal (brass, copper), stone (jade, agate, jasper), animal horns or plastic.

At home, improvised means (ceramics of a suitable format, wooden spoons, coins) can become a tool for Guasha massage.

Preparation for the session itself also requires attention. Carry out the following actions:

  • steaming the skin (hot bath, shower);
  • the surface to be treated is covered with massage oil (olive oil is often used), for example cream;
  • prepare the tissues for the basic effect - light massaging movements with your hands: rubbing, stroking.

The prepared area is subject to basic treatment with a scraper and stimulation of biospots. Actions are carried out according to Guasha technology. Spontaneous movements are not allowed.

Photos before and after

Procedure for performing massage

The basic technique for doing it yourself includes the following manual actions:(for working out biologically active points):

  1. Place your palms on your face, clap (blink), and roll your eyes.
  2. Close your eyes with the edges of your palms, press a little, maintain the pressure, counting to 10.
  3. Use your thumbs to press on the points between the bridge of the nose and the inner edge of the eye, counting to 5.
  4. Tap the cheeks with the edges of your fingers, changing the intensity of pressure.
  5. The chin is brought forward, closing the mouth with the lower lip, massaging the area at the end of the jaw bone on the chin.
  6. Working on the ears in a circle from the tragus to the lobe.

Each action is performed 10 times, the pace is measured, the movements are calm.

Using a scraper they work through massage lines, replacing soft stroking with sharp pressure. The movement pattern is as follows:

  • from the central area of ​​the chin towards the earlobe;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the center of the ear;
  • from the nostrils to the outer corners of the eyes;
  • from the inner corner of the eyes to the inner;
  • along the upper line of the eyebrows from the beginning of hair growth closer to the bridge of the nose to the temple.

All lines are strict; the scraper must be moved exactly in the indicated directions. It is recommended to perform movements carefully. Gentle pressure on the scraper is acceptable and does not stretch the skin.

Important point! After the session, you need to rest for 10–20 minutes, preventing the treatment area from cooling.

Cost of a session in the salon

A visit to a beauty salon is the most acceptable option for obtaining quality results. It is advisable to choose an establishment that is popular.

The cost of a massage session depends on many factors - reputation, location, category of the salon. It is not recommended to be tempted by excessively low prices. The services of a real master are expensive.

The average price for a Guasha massage session varies between 1–3 thousand rubles.

Precautionary measures

When conducting an independent session, the main attention is paid to the technology of movements and the degree of pressure on the scraper. Excessive force can injure the skin and cause bruising. Use the greatest caution in the eye area. Delicate, thin, dry skin needs increased control.

  • oncology;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels;
  • skin wounds;
  • varicose veins;
  • hemophilia.

Despite the skepticism of many towards Chinese medicine, the effectiveness of Guasha massage makes you convinced of the effectiveness of the techniques. Health improvement combined with rejuvenation are excellent performance indicators.

Useful videos

What is Guasha facial massage and how to perform it.

Rejuvenating facial massage using a Bianshi black jade scraper.

The East has given Western people many useful things and procedures aimed at developing contemplation, calmness and inner balance.

And if everyone knows about it, then the Chinese healing massage that we will talk about in our article will probably be news to you.

What is gua sha massage and why?

A massage with the unusual name “gua sha” or “gua sha” came to our beauty salons straight from the Chinese. The name itself contains the essence of the procedure: “gua” in Chinese means “scrape”, and “sha” means negative. That is, they will literally scrape off all the bad things that have accumulated from you, because special scrapers are involved in the massage. By negative we mean a certain set of painful factors that a person gets rid of in the process.

Of course, to describe the mechanisms of action of an unusual procedure, the Chinese use many amazing concepts about the movement of energies in the human body. Having omitted philosophy and delved into medicine, we will find that everything is extremely simple and understandable.

During any type of illness, decay products accumulate in the body, at some point reaching a critical concentration. Some processes in the body begin to fail, and stagnation forms in the affected parts of the body.

So, scraping massage is aimed precisely at accelerating the human body, “restarting” it, activating it, giving us the opportunity to cope with diseases ourselves.

Scrapers of various shapes and materials flutter along the neck, head, and back, leaving behind colorful spots.

Important! Any massage requires professional skill, but Chinese gua sha massage especially. In the hands of an unqualified master, you can experience serious consequences, including loss of consciousness!

The sight of these hemorrhages, sometimes reaching blackness, can frighten a beginner.

But, firstly, the massage itself is not accompanied by pain, and secondly, from the point of view of Chinese philosophy, this is precisely the liberation from “sha”. Real specialists read these traces like a medical chart, seeing the degree of blood stagnation and problem areas.

Indications for gua sha are:
  • and bronchitis of various etiologies (breathing improves, swelling subsides);
  • (blood and lymph circulation are normalized, muscle spasms are eliminated);
  • nervous diseases (sleep stabilizes, peace comes);
  • joint pain (tissue swelling subsides, mobility is restored);
  • (gallbladder spasm is eliminated, painful sensations and nausea);
  • acne (toxins are removed).

A little history

The roots of gouache go back centuries and are firmly rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese philosophy. This is a rare case when the skill of a massage therapist is organically intertwined with the theory according to which it can both circulate freely and stagnate.

Historians testify that this method of healing was widely known in China. Not only the nobility, but also ordinary people used the services of masters who practiced everywhere, in cities and villages. Truly, traditional medicine!

Guasha was first mentioned around 550 BC. e. in Gongyang's comments to the chronicle "Spring and Autumn". Archaeologists also found jade stones processed in a special way in the form of scrapers, which could well serve as tools for massage.

According to ancient tradition, the master had many extracts of medicinal herbs and natural oils, which he previously applied to the patient’s body. Today, in addition to this, incense will be lit for you and turned on for...
Don’t be alarmed if the massage therapist even gets into a fit - all this is just part of the surroundings, designed to strengthen you in the idea that everything in this salon is exactly according to “Feng Shui”.

Important!After the massage, dress warmly and avoid drafts. Do not swim for at least six hours after the procedure.

Types and scope

There are three types of this unique Chinese massage:

  1. Cosmetic (correction of any defects that are not a disease, but cause aesthetic discomfort).
  2. Preventive (the name speaks for itself, this is disease prevention and strengthening).
  3. Therapeutic (treatment of diseases; this also includes diagnostics, when the problem area and the degree of damage by the disease are determined from marks on the body).

Massage refers to reflexology, since not just the body and face are massaged, but special reflex points responsible for a particular organ are massaged.

In fact, a gua sha master removes toxins from your body and activates the self-healing mechanism.

It is for this reason that the effect of the procedure lasts for a long time, since the trigger mechanism has worked, and your immunity, like on rails, rushes forward towards recovery.

Effect and benefits

We list the main effects of gua sha massage:

  1. People suffering from severe migraine attacks will especially benefit from massage, as it dilates blood vessels and relieves spasms.
  2. Guasha massage for osteochondrosis accelerates the blood, stabilizes the circulatory process and metabolism, acting locally on foci of inflammation. Relieves spasms in muscle tissue, relieves pain and swelling, and activates the recovery process.
  3. The same effect occurs with joint pain. Lymphatic drainage returns to normal, the circulatory system becomes more active, and the affected joint gains mobility.
  4. Patients with all kinds of colds can count on relieving shortness of breath, reducing cough, reducing swelling of the mucous membranes (especially in the bronchi), and improving ventilation of the respiratory tract. All this is due to the effect of massage on the point that is the projection of the lungs.
  5. Cholecystitis is often accompanied by attacks of nausea and pain. Guasha will relieve these unpleasant symptoms, improve motility of the gallbladder, and relieve spasms.
  6. Incorrect posture leads to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs and to diseases of the female genitourinary system. Scraping massage will improve blood flow and lymph movement, smooth out adhesions, and relieve inflammation.
  7. will give many effects: rejuvenation, cleansing of various rashes, and increasing skin elasticity.
  8. The overall effect on the body is also difficult to overestimate, because overall well-being improves, heart rate normalizes, muscles become toned, etc.

As we can see from this, far from full list, the benefits of gua sha massage are truly enormous. The main thing is to get to a good master.

Did you know?In ancient China, only church ministers could practice massage.

How to prepare for the procedure

A prerequisite for preparing for the cleansing procedure is drinking plenty of fluids. A few days before the massage and for a week after, you need to drink at least the prescribed amount - 2 liters per day.

By getting rid of toxins, the body becomes dehydrated. Of course, drinking alcohol at least during this preparatory period is contraindicated.

Immediately before the procedure itself, you need to eat, but no later than an hour before it. A true master knows that massotherapy lasts no more than half an hour and will not “marinate” you on the table longer.

This is fraught with deterioration in well-being, since the immune system may not be able to cope with it.
Before the massage, the master will certainly activate all the necessary Yin and Yang meridians for you, lightly tapping them with his fingers. Yang is responsible for the hollow organs and is located on the outer sides of the arms and legs, on the back. It is imperative to activate the channels of the gallbladder and pericardium.

Scrapers for massage

Instruments for medical procedures have a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and are also made from a variety of materials.

Go to the page of any online store that sells accessories for massage parlors, as well as specialized stores selling everything you need for gua sha, and you will see scrapers in the shape of fish, rectangular with a recess, in the form of a comb, simply rectangular, etc.

They are made from jade stone, rose quartz, buffalo horn, stone, silver and even copper. The only common condition is a curved, rounded edge with protruding parts or small teeth also rounded.
Depending on how to do a gua sha massage, who should do it and on what part of the body, the optimal shape, size and even thickness of the scraper is selected. Thick is considered more gentle, its use is recommended for patients with sensitive skin, for children.

Important!When purchasing, pay attention to the edges so that they are not sharp and do not cling.

A thick scraper is also indicated for slender and thin people, but overweight people will be kneaded with a medium and thin one.

Form is of great importance. For example, fish or crow's feet are suitable for the face, the head is massaged with a stone comb, and the body will be more effective using a scraper in the form of a spatula, rectangle or square.

Did you know?The Chinese believe that plates made of horn or shell give harmony to the energies circulating in our body. Therefore, such scrapers are the most popular in China after products made from sacred jade.

Medium-sized square tools are considered suitable for any type of gouache and are especially suitable for the beginning artist.

Scheme and technique of execution

Guasha massage is carried out as many times as it takes to stop appearing dark spots. Then “sha” is recognized as expelled, and the body can then cope on its own. Typically, these are 5-10 sessions with an interval of three and sometimes five days (to give the skin time to recover from the previous session).

There are techniques for cleansing the face or body, and if you suddenly decide to master gua sha massage at home, then you need to know them.


The main technique is to perform sequential ones, when the plates move from the center to the sides, as well as from top to bottom. These actions are divided into three types:

  • boo-gua - there is practically no pressure, only smooth caressing movements;
  • ping-boo - pressure appears, hands move faster;
  • se-gua - the movements are strong, the pressure is confident, the hands move even more actively.

The upper and lower extremities are massaged towards the fingers, the back and abdominal area are massaged from the “pillar of life” to the side. First, we smear the skin with a special oil, which is called “for gua sha massage.”

With light strokes we prepare the back for the massage, revealing the meridians of the internal organs and systems. We place the plate at an angle and begin to scrape from the cervical spine down along it, setting the pace on our own.

The intensity of the impact depends on the strength of the patient and can reach ten movements for every 5-10 cm of skin. Then to the left of the spine (about 2 cm indent) we draw a line and repeat on the right side.

Using the wide side, placing the scraper on the rib, we work the space under the shoulder blades, moving from the cervical region to the armpits. The intensity is about 30 repetitions.

Then, with the pads of our fingers, we mark the space between the ribs and the corner of the scraper, we draw along this line, moving from the spine to the side. So it is necessary to work out the entire intercostal space. Next, placing the scraper on the rib, we go through the entire spinal region.
At the end of the procedure, we smear the skin, which will calm it down after such an intense impact.

When your hand is sufficiently trained and the procedure is firmly remembered, you can try using two scrapers at once.

Did you know?Regular scalp massage accelerates hair growth. Unfortunately, its effect against baldness has not been established.

Face and neck

For the face, they usually choose the bu-gua technique, because here the gua sha massage has mainly decorative purposes and, given the tenderness of the area being treated, the effect should be soft.

Scrapers are taken half as large as for the body. Oil can be used, but it is not necessary.

Problems that need a healing procedure include muscle spasms, dull skin, all kinds of rashes and, of course, acute attacks of headaches.
The algorithm is as follows: visually divide the face in two. We make 8-10 scraping movements from the center of the frontal lobe to the temples on each side, moving parallel to the eyebrows. We do the same from the wings of the nose to the temple.

Let's move on to the neck. We massage with confident but smooth movements. We start from the chin and move the scrapers to the collarbones 20-30 times.

Then 10 times the spine to the thoracic vertebrae and 15-20 times the neck (back) from the hairline to the shoulders.

Contraindications and restrictions

To prevent the healing procedure from turning into an even worse state of the body, it is necessary to take into account the nuances.
There are some contraindications to gua sha massage, and the list is quite long:

  • reactions to oils;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • high pressure;
  • platelet-related blood diseases;
  • infectious skin ulcers;
  • various injuries in the healing stage;
  • dropsy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • acute mental disorders;
  • pronounced edematous syndrome;
  • menstruation;
  • and lactation.

  • At home, you can use available materials as scrapers: copper coins, ceramic mugs, jar lids.
  • Due to the fact that facial massage takes place along special meridians and is carried out with a smooth scraper, the skin does not stretch.
  • Thai balms are used for gua sha massage, with brown for warming and white for cooling.
  • In order for the massage to have the maximum effect, which will last more than one day, you need to drink a lot of warm water before, and especially after Guasha. This will help actively remove toxins.

When mastering a new cosmetic or medical procedure, do not forget that only in the hands of an experienced, professional master will you get the right result. If you want to become a master yourself, then you should not immediately try to grasp all the massage techniques. Start small, get your teeth into it and gain grateful clients.

This article describes in detail the benefits of Chinese gua sha massage, how to do it correctly, features of the procedure, advantages and disadvantages.

What is Chinese Guasha Massage?

Guasha massage is one of the popular techniques of Chinese traditional medicine. During the procedure, everything negative is removed, since the massage itself is performed using special plates or scrapers. It can be done on almost any surface - limbs, face, stomach, head, back, neck.

Chinese gua sha massage can be of three types:

  • diagnostic and treatment;
  • prophylactic;
  • cosmetological.
A mandatory diagnosis of the patient’s condition is also carried out. After the massage procedure, traces of purple, red, and sometimes black color remain on the body. Such spots are called “sha”. Western medicine calls them microscopic hemorrhages. However, in Eastern medicine they are a sign that negative energy is leaving the body. Such traces can be a signal that blood stagnation has occurred, and also indicate the presence of problems in the functioning of internal organs. The marks left on the body after a massage can cause great concern, but the procedure itself is practically painless.

Indications for gua sha massage

This treatment procedure will help cope with various disorders and diseases:
  • Bronchitis and colds - swelling of the mucous membrane is quickly relieved, shortness of breath is eliminated.
  • With a sharp decrease in immunity, massage helps to increase the body's tone and resistance to various diseases.
  • During the treatment of osteochondrosis, swelling is quickly relieved, muscle spasm is removed, blood circulation and lymph flow in the treated area are significantly improved.
  • In case of malfunctions of the nervous system, sleep is normalized and insomnia is eliminated.
  • During the treatment of cholecystitis, the feeling of nausea, pain and spasm in the gallbladder is eliminated.
  • With acne, harmful toxins that cause acne are removed from the skin.
  • For pain in the joints, the blood circulation process is restored to normal, joint mobility is restored, and swelling of neighboring tissues is removed.
Guasha massage has the following effects on the body:
  • blood stagnation is eliminated;
  • the level of endurance of the cardiovascular system increases;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • excess weight quickly disappears;
  • the working activity of almost all internal organs is brought back to normal.
Guasha massage also has a pronounced cosmetological effect:
  • effective body correction is carried out;
  • the issue of excess weight is resolved;
  • manifestations of acne and skin pigmentation are removed;
  • helps get rid of the manifestations of cellulite, regardless of the stage of the disease.
It is recommended to perform gua sha massage for professional athletes when the body is exposed to increased physical exercise. This procedure also benefits people with physical inactivity, including those who constantly receive strong intellectual stress.

Scrapers for performing gua sha massage

The massage procedure is performed using a special tool called a scraper or plate. Previously, turtle shell was used to make it. The Chinese even used coins for self-medication. Today, a scraper for this type of massage can be purchased in the store. The following materials are used for its manufacture:
  • metal - copper;
  • horns and bones of large animals - for example, buffalo;
  • minerals - agate, onyx, obsidan, carnelian and jade.
The cost of a scraper can range from 300 to 500 rubles; if it is made of Bian-shi stone, the price will be about 800 rubles. This name is given to black jade, which, according to the Chinese, has magical properties.

Features of gua sha massage

During the procedure, special gouache oil should be used, the cost of which ranges from 300–800 rubles. The duration of the massage will directly depend on the number of areas involved, as well as their size. For example, working on one area takes approximately 20 minutes, however, a gua sha massage for the whole body will not take more than one hour.

Once the procedure itself is completed, you may feel very tired. Professional masters claim that in terms of the load exerted, gua sha massage is equal to the same load that the body receives while running several tens of kilometers.

After completing the massage, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • put on warm clothes (the best option would be to opt for knitted items);
  • for some time you need to stay in a warm room where there are no drafts and the air conditioner or fan does not work;
  • you cannot swim for 6 hours after a massage session;
  • you need to drink a lot of water (only warm) or herbal tea for several days after the massage.
The appointment of the next session is made only when the traces of the previous one disappear - in about 5–7 days. Massage procedures are performed until unsightly dark spots no longer appear on the body and the feeling of pain disappears. As a rule, 8–12 sessions are enough.

The technique of this procedure consists precisely in moving the scraper in the direction from the center to the periphery. It is important that all movements are from top to bottom. The effect of massage can be of three types:
  • boo-gua - all movements are very slow, the pressure of the scraper is weak;
  • pin-bu drink-se - the speed of movement is average, the pressure of the scraper is medium;
  • se-gua - movements should be strong and fast.

When performing a massage on the limbs, movements are performed towards the fingers. On the stomach and back, movements should be in the direction from the spine and to the sides.

Guasha massage is performed according to the following scheme:
  1. Apply the thinnest possible layer of gouache oil over the entire surface of the skin.
  2. Stroking movements should warm the skin, thereby preparing it for the main manipulations.
  3. With jerky movements, directed from the cervical vertebra, the body is massaged with the angle of the plate. All scrapers should point downwards. For each area measuring approximately 5–10 cm, 7–10 movements with the plate are performed (the number of movements is determined taking into account the patient’s condition). You need to stop at the falcon.
  4. On both sides of the spine, at a distance of approximately 2 cm, the same movements are performed along the same line.
  5. The shoulder blades are treated with a wide edge of the plate, movements are directed from the neck towards the armpits and arms. Approximately 20–25 movements are performed for each shoulder blade.
  6. Use your finger to feel the distance between the ribs.
  7. The angle of the plate makes about 5 movements, in the direction from the spine and to the sides between the ribs.
  8. This procedure is performed between all ribs.
  9. Using the edge of the plate, you need to work the entire area of ​​the back - the direction of movement from the spine to the sides.
If necessary, any soothing agent is applied to the skin. cosmetic product(cream, lotion, milk).

Guasha massage for neck and face

For the neck and face area, gua sha massage is done using special plates, which are several times smaller than ordinary ones. In this case, this procedure is carried out exclusively for cosmetic purposes, which is why the effect should be as gentle as possible, but not intense.

Guasha massage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • to remove wrinkles and signs of aging;
  • to eliminate dull complexion;
  • for the care of problem skin;
  • to eliminate muscle tension;
  • for migraines.
This procedure can be carried out not only on dry skin, but also after applying a special cream or oil. Guasha massage is done according to the following scheme:
  1. You need to visually divide your forehead into two approximately equal parts. Then 7-12 scraping movements are performed in the direction from the center of the forehead and towards the temple, parallel to the eyebrows.
  2. The same number of movements are performed in the direction from the nose to the temple.
  3. Further movements are made in the direction from the corners of the mouth and to the temple, from the chin and to the temple. 20 movements are performed.
  4. For the second side of the face, the first 3 points are performed.
  5. In the direction from the lower lip and to the neck, from the nose and to upper lip, 6–8 movements are done.

After completing the gua sha massage, a small amount of nourishing oils is applied, but this is not necessary. It is not recommended for non-professional practitioners to perform this procedure on the face and neck.

To perform a massage, two scrapers can be used simultaneously. Since this type of massage is very simple to perform, you can do it yourself every day, not forgetting to improve your skills.

After completing the facial massage, the neck area is treated. The procedure is performed with not too strong and fast movements according to the following scheme:

  • 20–30 movements in the direction from the chin and to the collarbone;
  • 5–10 movements separately from the spine and to the thoracic vertebrae;
  • 15-20 movements on the back of the neck in the direction from the hair to the shoulders.

It is important that all movements performed in the neck area are noticeable, but do not cause unpleasant painful sensations.

Combination of gouache with other types of massage

During a gua sha massage, patients may experience quite strong painful sensations, which seem much brighter than the therapeutic effect obtained from the procedure. But it has enormous benefits for the body and can easily be combined with other types of practices, for example:
  • massage using heated cups;
  • applications;
  • acupuncture;
  • bloodletting;
  • warming up using a wormwood cigar, etc.
Guasha massage, combined with a 36-motion massage, perfectly tones the skin, activates the blood circulation process, cleanses the capillaries, and improves sleep. After this procedure, the skin becomes very soft and tender, and the feeling of anxiety and fatigue is relieved.

Contraindications for gua sha massage

Guasha massage has certain contraindications, which include the following:
  • pregnancy period;
  • presence of allergies to components used during the procedure;
  • with skin hypersensitivity;
  • diagnosing various infectious diseases;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hemophilia;
  • during fever and with increased body temperature;
  • diseases associated with the hemostatic system;
  • availability of various skin diseases, as well as violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • various oncological diseases;
  • with ununited fractures.
If there is at least one of the contraindications listed above, you should consult a specialist before doing a gua sha massage. It is best to contact to an experienced master and do not try to carry out this type of massage yourself if you do not have practical skills.

Learn more about how to do gua sha massage in this video: