
Minimum pension in Russia. Working pensioners: will pensions be increased? Increase in pensions for working pensioners per year

Minimum pension in Russia.  Working pensioners: will pensions be increased? Increase in pensions for working pensioners per year

The past few years have been difficult for working pensioners. Since 2016, the government has been solving financial problems at their expense.

What has the government taken from working pensioners?

Firstly, this is, of course, pension indexation. During all this time, pensioners who continue to work have received a huge loss of money; in 2019 alone, this was 6 thousand rubles on average.

Secondly, they were no longer paid additional payments up to the subsistence level. Let us remind you that all pensioners whose income does not reach the subsistence level in their region of residence are entitled to this payment.

Third, pensioners receiving a long-service pension, as well as an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, were left with nothing at all.

Fourth, working pensioners were prohibited from caring for them, which means an additional 1,200 rubles to their pension monthly.

Fifthly, for the period of work they were deprived of their old-age social pension. This type of pension is assigned to men upon reaching 70 years of age, and to women - 65 years of age, if their right to an insurance pension is not confirmed, that is, they lack either the required length of service or pension points.

Will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2020?

Yes and no. The government divided working pensioners into 2 groups: insurance and social. Some, as it turns out, it loves more.

Indexation of pensions of working pensioners from April 1, 2020

In April, only social pensions and state pensions. That is, those citizens who either have no length of service, or they don’t have enough to apply for an insurance pension. Indexation will be 7 percent or from 300 to 900 rubles.

Recalculation of pensions of working pensioners in August 2020

Insurance pensions for working pensioners will undergo traditional recalculation from August 1 of this year. It will again be the same 3 pension points costing 93 rubles each. That is, the maximum increase will be about 279 rubles. We would especially like to note that this is the maximum increase and it depends on how much taxes were transferred from your salary to the Pension Fund for 2019.

What did the government do for working pensioners in 2020?

From January 1, 2020, in case of dismissal, a pensioner will still have to wait 3 months, but during these 3 months he will already receive a pension, taking into account indexation for the entire period.

Will indexation of pensions for working pensioners be returned in 2020?

The State Duma approved in the first reading the amendments to the Constitution introduced by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is based on proposals that Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced in his message to the Federal Assembly.

One of them is regular indexing, formation of a system pension provision citizens of Russia “based on the principles of universality, justice and solidarity of generations.”

State Duma deputy Oleg Shein also stated that the current amendments to the Constitution also result in the indexation of pensions for working pensioners.

According to him, the increase in payments for working pensioners will be made automatically. You don't even need to write an application for this.

When will pensions for working pensioners begin to be indexed?

According to State Duma deputy Oleg Shein, the decision on indexation of pensions could be made as early as the end of March.

» » Pensions for working pensioners in 2020

Pensions for working pensioners in 2020

Pensions for working pensioners in 2019 - will pensions be increased this year? What is the government doing to improve the situation of working pensioners?

Indexation of pensions for employed pensioners has been frozen for several years now.

What is pension indexation?

To maintain the level of well-being and improve the financial condition of pensioners, the Government Russian Federation carries out indexation of pensions annually.

Increase pension payments necessary due to the constant decline in the purchasing power of money. That is, the nominal pension is increased so that the real one remains at the same level.

Number of indexing events per year

Reindexing of pensions can occur from one to four times a year.

The amount depends on the inflation rate:

  • 4 times (every quarter) with a rapid increase in prices by 6% or more;
  • 2 times (every six months) with a gradual increase in prices by 6% or more;
  • Once a year if inflation is less than 6%.

Important! New for 2018: the first interest accrual occurs on the first of January.

Cancellation of indexation of pensions for working pensioners

In 2016, Russia was experiencing economic problems associated with sanctions, an increase in the exchange rate of the dollar and the euro. Inflation rates reached almost 13%, which caused great difficulties in budget distribution.

The government took measures that were unpleasant for citizens to preserve budget funds.

Some types of social protection have ceased to function, including the decision to temporarily stop indexing pensions for working citizens, since they live not only on pensions, but also on wages, and, therefore, according to the authorities, are the least vulnerable category of the population.

On this moment State policy is aimed at supporting citizens whose earnings are based only on pension payments.

It is worth noting that social old-age pensions were also canceled for the working population. This means that citizens retirement age(65 years for men, 60 for women) who do not have enough work experience to obtain labor pension, will not receive pension payments at all.

The return of indexation of pension payments for working pensioners is constantly being discussed, but no changes are taking place.

Pensions for working pensioners in 2020 are still not indexed.

Indexation of pension payments after dismissal

Pension payments of working citizens will be indexed within three months after their official dismissal.

Pensions will be increased, taking into account all missed indexations. Thanks to this, these citizens will receive payments to the same extent as all other pensioners.

In order for your pension to be indexed after dismissal, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund.

The following documents will be useful for this:

  1. applicant's passport;
  2. SNILS;
  3. power of attorney for the representative and his passport (if the applicant does not submit the application personally);
  4. employment history.

Important nuance! If a pensioner gets a new job after indexation, his pension payments will remain increased. To do this, he will have to stop working for three months, during which the Pension Fund employees perform the recalculation.

Speech by the head of the Ministry of Finance

Anton Germanovich Siluanov said that in 2020 there is no need to expect indexation of pension payments for workers.

However, the Finance Minister promised that this year there will be a general increase in wages that will be higher than the rate of inflation.

Employees of government agencies will receive a 23% increase in wages, and for employees in other fields there will be an increase of about 4%.

Indexation of labor and social pensions

In January 2019, labor pensions were already indexed. The next re-indexation is planned for January 2020 for social pensions. It will be 6.6%.

Social pensions are awarded to disabled people of groups I, II, III, children who have lost their breadwinner, citizens of retirement age whose work experience does not reach five years.

We remind you that last group social pensions are not accrued if they are officially employed.

Recalculation of pension using points

At the moment, employed pensioners can rely on pension increases only through personal recalculation. It is calculated for each person individually, in contrast to indexation, the level of which is set the same for all citizens.

The maximum amount of such an increase is 261 rubles 72 kopecks for each year worked.

The growth occurs due to points that are awarded for transfers to the Pension Fund, as well as for military service, caring for the disabled and so on. The maximum number of points is 3, the increase from each is 87 rubles 24 kopecks.

Adjustment of payments to pensioners who did not leave labor activity, is scheduled to take place in August of this year.

Indexation of pensions is noticeably more profitable than recalculation, even if you receive payment for all three points.

Bill to increase pensions

Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the LDPR party prepared and contributed to State Duma a bill to increase pension payments to working citizens by 1,600 rubles and pay all lost money from the moment indexation was frozen.

This bill has not yet brought results. Although it gives a little hope, there are no guarantees of acceptance, especially given the statement of the Minister of Finance.


  1. There will be no indexation of pension payments to working pensioners in 2019.
  2. The social old-age pension for working citizens is still not paid.
  3. Employed pensioners can count on additional payments thanks to points.
  4. Wages are expected to rise in 2019.

Periodic increases in pension payments do not affect pensioners who continue to work. In order to regulate the budget and optimize pension payments, in 2015 it was decided not to index pensions if a citizen works. Peculiarity pension system RF is that pensions are regularly increased by a certain percentage. It is optimal if the percentage of pension indexation corresponds to the real inflation rate in Russia.

What will be the increase from January 1st?

In 2017, a bill was passed establishing indexation of pensions for all categories, including working pensioners. The changes were expected to come into effect in July. But due to technical and financial difficulties, a decision was made to postpone. It was announced that the increase will be made using the inflation factor and from January 1, 2018.

However, the belief that the increase would be made based on the inflation rate was not confirmed. An increase in pensions for working pensioners by 10% was announced, and the inflation rate for 2015 was 13%. The last time working pensions were indexed was in 2015, taking into account inflation data for 2014. But it is worth considering that in January of this year all pensioners received one-time assistance. The amount of compensation was 5 thousand rubles. and was awarded to everyone without exception.
Based on the fact that average pensions for working pensioners are 12–15 thousand rubles. depending on the region, you can expect an increase of approximately 1.2–1.5 rubles.

The State Duma announced who will be promoted

Indexation of pensions in the future period will be carried out, despite the deficit of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Also, pensioners who stop working in 2017 will be able to count on indexation earlier. Note that indexing is carried out after the pensioner ceases working, but not immediately. From the moment of dismissal and the actual accrual of indexation, 2–3 months pass. They promise to correct this delay in the future.

With the introduction of new amendments, the indexing rules will be as follows:

  • indexation from the first month after dismissal;
  • the starting point for indexing is 1 number;
  • undeclared character.

The reform is designed to improve the situation of pensioners in the Russian Federation. The changes will not affect the calculation of pension points. The principle will remain in place: the later one retires, the more points a citizen receives, therefore, the amount of the pension will be higher.

The dependence of the size of the pension on the number of points can be seen in terms of the increase in the fixed payment. For example, the calculation for the current indicator (from February 1, 2017) of the fixed part is 4805.11 rubles.

Delay in years Coefficient for calculation Increase
1 1,056 RUR 269.09
2 1,12 RUR 576.61
3 1,19 RUB 912.97
4 1,27 RUB 1,297.38
5 1,36 RUB 1,729.84
6 1,46 2210.35 rub.
7 1,58 2786.96 rub.
8 1,73 RUB 3,507.73
9 1,9 4324.60 rub.
10 2,11 5333.67 rub.

In order to receive this title, you must follow certain criteria. It is recommended to make all documents in two copies. This is necessary because one package of documents is intended for obtaining the title, the other for assigning monthly payments that are guaranteed to all labor veterans:

Benefits and cash payments for labor veterans in Moscow - how to get

The procedure for providing assistance to Moscow beneficiaries - a set of services, additional payments, compensation, benefits and payments - is regulated by Law No. 70 “On measures social support certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow" dated November 3, 2004. Article 3 also names holders of the “Veteran of Labor” badge among recipients of social services.

What benefits are provided by law to a labor veteran in 2020?

Land tax is not included in a number of federal benefits, but may be prescribed at the regional level in some areas. For example, in the Penza region, labor veterans are exempt from such taxation, using their plots completely free of charge. In the Moscow region this measure is implemented only for pensioners, regardless of belonging to a preferential category.

Benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2020 - federal or local for working, non-working and military

  • Cash monthly payments established for certain groups of citizens - heroes of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the defense of Moscow, and military operations.
  • Preferential rights to exemption from payment of certain taxes – on property, personal income tax.
  • Compensation for payments for utilities, contributions for major repairs of an apartment building.
  • Tax deductions when buying an apartment.
  • Benefits for disabled pensioners in Moscow and other persons for the purchase of expensive medicines according to the approved list of medicines subject to compensation.

Benefits for pensioners and labor veterans in 2020

A certificate from the place of employment, which confirms the length of service and indicates the receipt of pension payments. If the person is still working, this document is replaced by a certificate from the workplace, which confirms monthly transfers to the pension fund. You must provide original documents and their copies.

Benefits for veterans in 2020

In St. Petersburg, as in Moscow, the level of payments is higher than in the regions. This is due to the developed economy of the region and the budget of megacities, which makes it possible to allocate a sufficient amount of funds and expand the list of preferential benefits. Sevastopol also belongs to the cities in which the level of payments is higher.

According to the latest changes in legislation, in 2020 pensions and wages will be indexed by 4%. And also the minimum wage will increase almost up to 9500 rubles. These increases will affect the calculations of all benefits that are due to veterans in 2020. Therefore, 4% is a guideline figure that all veterans can use when calculating benefits.

Get compensation and benefits

  • monthly city payment;
  • free treatment in a sanatorium as prescribed by the medical institution, with compensation for two-way travel to the place of treatment;
  • Dental prosthetics are free, with the exception of costs for metal-ceramics, etc.;
  • travel on city or railway commuter transport is not paid when a veteran obtains a social card;
  • refund of the cost of housing and communal services in the amount of 50%, the amount of compensation is transferred to the veteran’s account, or to the post office, or in cash in person. Read also the article: → “The procedure for paying compensation to pensioners for utility bills.”
  • compensation of 190 rubles for telephone services in Moscow every month;
  • A veteran can purchase a metro ticket at a price monthly payment.

In 2020, veterans' pensions will be increased

In Moscow it will increase minimum size pensions. The mayor of Moscow supported the proposal of the veterans council to immediately increase it by three thousand rubles. At first next year the city social standard will be 17,500 rubles. Almost 1.4 million pensioners will receive an increase.

What benefits are provided to labor veterans in Moscow in 2020?

Consequently, a labor veteran who rarely uses public transport, can convert this benefit into money, just as, instead of waiting to receive medications, take “live coin” and purchase them yourself. However, it should be remembered that the choice between money and benefits is made by the Muscovite himself, and it is up to him to decide what is more profitable for him.

Benefits for labor veterans in 2020

Behind long years fruitful work. The merits are marked with awards and thanks. State recognition has been received - the elderly person has been assigned veteran status. With the coveted certificate in hand, the citizen is thinking about what benefits a labor veteran is entitled to in addition to monthly pension, guaranteed to every Russian due to reaching the age specified by law.

Benefits for labor veterans for 2020

Over the past few years, the number of social benefits for Russians has been constantly decreasing, because there was an acute shortage of financial resources in the federation budget due to the crisis.

It is not surprising that many today are interested in what benefits will be given to labor veterans in 2020, and are they planning to reduce their volume again in order to save the budget?

  • Benefits for federal pensioners and labor veterans for 2020
  • in Krasnoyarsk, financial benefits will be increased. Now, every month, honored labor veterans will receive 550 rubles;
  • Perm officials allowed their residents with the status of labor veterans not to pay the tax rate for owning a summer cottage plot of up to 600 square meters. m. area;
  • in Togliatti, the local municipality provides a discount on utility bills with arrears. The discount amount is currently 110 rubles, but it is planned to increase it in the near future;
  • Kemerovo residents who are retired veterans are provided with percentage discounts on medical products. Not so long ago in Kemerovo, social cards were introduced into use, like the residents of St. Petersburg;
  • Irkutsk local rules dictate that labor veterans should give way in line at the clinic, store, post office, etc. City telephone communications for residents of Irkutsk with veteran status are paid for by the municipality;

in Crimea, veterans enjoy preferential telephone services. They also join the housing cooperative out of turn and without contributions.

What benefits can labor veterans take advantage of in 2020?

All other benefits for labor veterans are provided in each region separately. In order to get acquainted with the current list, you must contact the USZN at your place of residence. However, there are a number of fairly general privileges that are implemented in many regions.

Benefits for Moscow pensioners and labor veterans in 2020 - what's the difference?

Many Russians say that benefits for pensioners will be abolished in Russia. However, it is not. Support for older citizens is provided at both the federal and regional levels. Not all pensioners will be able to receive benefits; this is the main feature of applying for assistance in 2020.

What procedure for indexing pension payments is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation? What will happen to the indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018? Indexation or recalculation of pension: which is more profitable?

Pension for working pensioners in 2018:

At the moment, due to the instability of the economic situation in the country, the level of negative impact of increased inflation on household incomes is increasing. Annual recalculation of pensions helps reduce the impact of inflation on the level of well-being of citizens of retirement age. Annual indexation of pensions is aimed at stabilizing the incomes of older citizens and preserving their purchasing power. It is expressed as an increase in monthly labor pension payments by a percentage of their total amount.

The procedure for indexing pensions

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following procedure for indexing pension payments:

  • In case of a sharp increase in the average price level by more than 6%, quarterly recalculations are carried out - 4 recalculations per year.
  • With a significant, but not so rapid rise in prices, also more than 6%, it is carried out once every six months. Often, in early February and August.
  • If the price increase does not exceed 6%, one recalculation of pension payments is carried out in early February.

In 2018, it was decided to change pension indexation procedure – now the first interest accrual will be made on January 1, which will allow you to receive a new amount of pension payment at the very beginning of the year.

An increase in the labor pension, both its insurance part and the funded one, is possible only with recalculation, which is carried out in a declared or non-declared form.

When indexing, most often it is not necessary to provide a special application; changes in the monthly payment are carried out in accordance with the legislative acts in force at that time and the order of the Pension Fund.

Latest news about the abolition of pension indexation

working pensioners in 2018

In a recent statement by the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, it was stipulated that increase in pensions for working pensioners in 2018 Due to indexation, monthly payments are not provided. This policy is determined to be aimed primarily at supporting individuals who do not have an additional source of income other than pension fund payments. At the same time, citizens of retirement age who continue to increase their work experience will lose the following indexation percentages:

  • From January 1, 2018, pension payments to non-working citizens of retirement age have been increased by 3.7%.
  • From April 1, 2018, an increase of 4.1% is predicted.

The low cost of percent growth in pension insurance payments is associated with the low inflation rate for last year. According to statistical studies, its average value in 2017 was equal to 3% and in the current year it will be slightly more than 4%.

According to latest news In addition to indexation, the government provides for an increase in the price of the pension score - in 2018 it should be equal to 81.49 rubles. For working pensioners in 2018, it is planned to accrue work experience points - a maximum of 3, their total cost will be 244.47 rubles. There is some slight increase in cost here - the pension recalculation on August 1, 2017 provided for the price of three points in the amount of 235.74 rubles.

The head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov, emphasized that in 2018 a general, widespread increase in wages will be implemented, “the increase will be higher than inflation.” Based on this information, we can conclude that indexation is not calculated pensions for working pensioners can be made up for by a general increase in wages. According to official information on salaries in 2018, it is planned to make an increase for public sector employees within 23%. Also, on average, there will be an increase in payments to employees in other areas by 4.1% from 2017 levels.

Cancellation of indexation for working pensioners in 2018

Bill on abolition of indexation of pension payments employed pensioners was proposed and implemented " pension reform"along with a number of others at the beginning of 2016, which was due to the difficult situation in the country's economy. It should be noted that all restrictions on calculating interest for working pensioners apply only to those who are covered by insurance. For persons receiving pensions from the state or social interest, recalculation of interest is mandatory.

It is now clear that indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 remains in the same long-term freeze it was placed into in 2015. The question of whether the resumption of accrual of interest on pensions is planned to be brought up again for government discussion only when the 2020 budget is revised. Until this time, the resumption of accruals seems unlikely.

It should be noted that all restrictions are valid only at the time of validity employment contract. Pension recalculation taking into account accumulated points and indexation percentages can be made when dismissal from the place of work. The recalculation is carried out within three months from the date of completion of work without first submitting an application and is drawn up according to the documentation submitted by the employer to the insurance fund.

Pension recalculation on August 1, 2018

Accrual pensions from August 1 for employed citizens of retirement age will be carried out according to the points system introduced in the Russian Federation in 2015. It provides for the calculation of monthly payments on an individual basis. Thus, bonuses are awarded for length of service, a certain type of service, conscription in the army, maternity leave, caring for a disabled person of the 1st group, etc.

In 2018, all pensioners engaged in working activities will receive a fixed monthly bonus for a year of work experience - within three points. Their number will depend on the volume and frequency of the corresponding payments from their employers to the Pension Fund.

This year the cost of one pension point is 81.49 rubles, it will be equal to the minimum increase. The maximum will not exceed 3 per year of service and will be within 244.47 rubles.

Indexation or recalculation of pension : which is more profitable?

If interest is accrued by the state periodically and in accordance with the current level of inflation, then we can talk about their significantly greater benefits. This is primarily due to the fact that in this case payments are made pension fund, do not depend on the employer calculating payments for recalculation, or on the ratio of “white” and “black” wages. In addition, according to indexation, not fixed periodic payments are accrued annually, but interest on total amount pension monthly payment, which allows you to increase the amount of accruals in the future.

For example calculation you can clearly see how different payments for indexation and recalculation are. So, if a citizen has a pension of 8,000 rubles, indexation for January (3.7%) and April (4.1%) of 2018 will generally be equal to 636 rubles (296+340 rubles, respectively). Receiving a monthly increase in accrued recalculation points (245 rubles) will not cover the cost of interest, but will be less than half of its amount.

Using the above example, it is easy to imagine how different the benefit from annual indexation will be from the benefit from point-based recalculation when the pension is increased to the levels of 15,000 or 20,000 rubles. With a pension of 20,000, the indexation percentage for 2018 will be about 850 rubles, which will be incomparably higher than the maximum amount of payments for recalculation and will exceed them more than three times.


Thus, summarizing all that has been said, we can draw the following conclusions about the situation with the indexation of pension payments for working pensioners:

  • Indexation is aimed at improving the financial situation of the population of retirement age. It is held annually and is one of the methods of combating inflation associated with the difficult economic situation in the country.