
How to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety - 3 ways

How to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety - 3 ways

In this article, I will tell you how to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. Panic attack is uncontrollable, inexplicable fear and panic that literally paralyzes a person. Symptoms of panic attack: rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, air shortage, trembling in the body, pre-corrupt state, com in the throat and uncontrollable fear of death.

This article is not about what to do when the attack of the panic attack has already come, but about what needs to be done to make panic attacks, anxious disorders and fears left your life once and for all.

So, how to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety - 3 ways.

How to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety - 3 ways

Method # 1: Diaphragm Breathing

One of the most effective ways to fully eliminate panic attacks is a diaphragmal or abdominal breathing. It is suitable for applying at the moment of panic attack so that it goes, and in order to fully release his life from panic attacks.

The diaphragmal breathing is, if you say quite simple, the breath of the belly. We breathe so from birth, but over time, fears, complexes, anxiety and psychological injuries apply to us irreparable damage - we begin to breathe breasts, strokes, restless and shallow. Of course, we are not aware of this. Most people have no idea how they breathe. Try to focus on your breath, track it. Most likely, you will understand that breathe shallow and intermittently.

Let's find out why your familiar way of breathing provokes anxiety and fears. We also analyze how a diaphragmal breathing helps to get rid of the panic attack, and then try to breathe.

Causes of panic attacks

What are the causes of panic attacks? How are panic attacks and a diaphragmal breath? Panic attack is one of the ways of self-regulation of the body. It can even be called the method of cleaning the body. In such a cleaning, there is a need due to a lack of oxygen with certain tissues. The panic attacks are inclined, as a rule, disturbing and restless people. And as we have already noted, the complexes, fears and anxieties form in people an intermittent way of breathing, such people are shallowly breathing "breasts". Such breathing does not provide the body with sufficient oxygen. As a result - the body creates a method for self-healing. With panic attack, breathing is rapidly, blood pressure increases and, as a result, oxygen penetrates in large quantities into all the tissues of the body. Thus, the body itself restores itself and is ready to work again.

Return to a diaphragmal breath will give you the opportunity to always obtain a sufficient amount of oxygen. Among other things, abdominal breathing soothes the nervous system and makes thoughts in order. Consequently, the body completely disappears the need for panic attacks.

Of course, Panic attacks have many other reasons. But they all formed you in defective breathing. Over time, it starts to work in the opposite direction. Your intermittent breath, which you do not even feel, provokes your fears and panic attacks. Restoring breathing, you get rid of alarms.

And now let's try to breathe a diaphragm.

Technique of diaphragmal breathing

The diaphragm is the main respiratory muscle that shares the chest and abdominal cavity. Read more about the aperture and its functions from an anatomical point of view, you can read here.

The diaphragm plays a huge role in the respiratory process, but, unfortunately, most people are due to an indecisive nature, low self-assessment and negative beliefs about themselves the diaphragm works incorrectly. If you breathe shallow and restlessly, then the diaphragm for breathing does not rise and does not go out to the end. Many it is practically blocked. This not only can cause panic attacks, but also adversely affects all organism systems.

So, how to breathe a diaphragm to work correctly, and the body was restored, and all its systems received a sufficient amount of oxygen? Let's give this method into action right now.

Going to your back and relax completely. Put the left hand on the ribs, and right slightly lower, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel. Breathe so that only right hand rose. Inhale slowly, deeply, fill with oxygen completely, and then slowly exhale. Exhalation must be slower than breathing, for 2-3 seconds. You can do it and lying, and sitting, and standing, and being in motion. But the first time you definitely do it lying on the back to make sure that you do everything right, and consolidate the result. When breathing, think about breathing. Think about what you are doing. Right like this: "Now I am a deep breath, my lungs are expanding, the right hand rises, the exhale is lowered, oxygen enters the brain ...". Mysterious concentration on their breath allows you to completely deepen in the process and get the maximum return from it.

For the first few days during the execution of a diaphragmal respiratory, you will experience dizziness and feeling of fear. This is a normal phenomenon derived from an oversupply of oxygen. A few days later your body will get used, and dizziness will pass.

Abdominal breathing also helps to get rid of a particular attack attack. During the attack, make a deep breath in the abdomen, then hold your breath for 10 seconds (it is necessary to delay only during an attack) and exhale more slowly than they breathed out for 2-3 seconds. Mentally fully focus on the respiratory process. And most likely, the attack will be held in a couple of minutes.

Contraindication for diaphragmal respiration - hypertension and any other diagnoses associated with an increase in blood pressure.

Diaphragmal breathing is purposefully needed for 10-15 minutes twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to do it in a spun room, in a relaxed atmosphere, lying on the back.

In addition to getting rid of panic attacks, the diaphragmal breathing improves the operation of the blood and vascular system, cleans the light smokers from the resin, carries out the intestinal massage, the entire gastrointestinal tract, normalizes sleep, reduces excess weight and improves well-being. So you are not only getting rid of the alarms and panic attacks, but you will be healthy. Pleasant bonus, right?

Method # 2: Love for Panic Attacks

Yes, yes, you did not hear. Love. You must love your panic attacks.

The main problem of all disturbing people is the struggle with their fears and panic attacks. Most likely, you, like many others, hate our panic attacks, are afraid of them and ready for everything, just to get rid of them forever. But it is precisely such an attitude that you also provoke their next appearance. In psychology there is a famous fact - when you resist something, it is only enhanced. If you are struggling with something - it starts to fight you in response. And you never win this fight.

Complete with panic attacks, fears and anxiety. Treat them calmly. And better - love them. After all, anxiety is part of you, so, hating something in yourself, you can say, you hate yourself. About how to love yourself, read in this.

So, while you are struggling with panic attacks, you will never be able to completely get rid of them. You will fight, and they will fight in response to you, and they will always win. Every time the next attack of panic attack comes to you, tell him: "Oh, hello. Long time no see. I accept and let you go. " And calmly, with help, for example, a diaphragmal breathing, let go of the attack.

The first and most important step with any symptom, diagnosis, or a vital problem - to accept its availability. Please accept and calmly take care of alarm and panic attacks. Do not forget, panic attacks is a way of self-healing the body. You did not give your brain and body enough air, and your body specially created a panic attack attack in order to save you from lack of oxygen. You can say panic attacks save you from death. So be grateful for it. And after you learn to love, take and calmly treat them, let them go, transforming into other emotions.

Method # 3: here and now

The second way to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety is to find in the present moment. Perhaps this method works more productive than everyone else and claims first. But most people do not want to apply it, because he requires a lot of work on himself. As a rule, people are experiencing panic attacks, they are afraid of them, hate, but at the same time they are lazy to change themselves for the sake of getting rid of them. If you are not from their number and really ready for everything to return peace of mind, read the second way.

The problem of all disturbing people is that they never stay in present. You may argue: "No, I'm always in the present." But it is not. The very fact that you are experiencing fears, anxiety and panic attacks, suggests that you mentally always fly away either in the past or to the future.

The very essence of fears and anxiety is: "And what if the trouble happens? And what if I can't? And what if my panic attack starts again at the most inopportune moment? " Thus, any fears and anxieties are always mental stay in the past or future. But not in the present.

The key to full deliverance from fears and anxiety is staying here and now. How to learn to always be in present? When you do something, concentrate on this entirely, 100%. For example, now, when you read this article, think only about it, about the meaning of each word and suggestions. When the bake is pancakes - think about each ingredient: "Now I smell flour. But now I pour pancake in the pan. " Performing exercise, think: "Now I pull my right hand to the left leg. Feeling the drawing condition in the muscles. "

At first it may seem funny to you. "What am I a fool or to think about how pouring pancake in the pan?" But in fact, at this point, you learn the great art, which are owned by the happiest and most spiritually developed people on the planet. Those who have learned this - units.

In the first days, anxious thoughts from the past and the future will attack you on the full program. They will be closed in your head constantly. And you immediately replace them with thoughts about the present. For example, "What if a panic attack happens to work with me again? No, now I'm going to work. I wear shoes, tie the shoelaces, take the keys, I open the door, put the key and close the door. I causing an elevator. " Well, in general, you understood. Interrupt the alarming thoughts to thoughts about the present.

Come up with a special call in the present. When noting that your thoughts flew into the past or future, tell me, for example, "come back here!" Come up for yourself a special team that will help you constantly return to the present.

Watch yourself. Do you really have mentally where is present physically? Or did you split? Here, say, you dine. The language feels the taste of food, and thoughts at this time are somewhere in the future: "I need to finish the report, wash things, check mail." Here it is, split. You are at the same time in two worlds. And do not live fully in any or in any other. Return yourself with your team at present. Feel the taste of food. It will help you chew more slowly and enjoy every piece. Over time, you will begin to think about food not as a plate of Plov, which is now, in a few moments, will fall in your stomach, but as a pleasant deliciousness of each spoon. You will learn to enjoy food. And everyone else too.

You ask: "What about dreams, plans, goals?" Of course, it should be in your life. But in the time specifically allotted for this. For example, today at 20:00 you will write a plan for tomorrow. And at this time you will think about the future, about tomorrow. But at all other time, train your brain to think about present. Constantly return yourself where you are.

When you check, whether everything is in order in your body, does it not hurt anything, doesn't the heart break, in these moments you also do not be present. You remember that you have it sick yesterday, and check if it does not hurt today. Body and thoughts are one system. And therefore, when you remember that you have to hurt something, it begins to hurt. You call this pain your memories. Most disturbing people inclined to fear and panic attacks suffer from these problems only because they had panic attacks or anxiety in the past. They tend to remember these moments and be afraid of what it happens again. Thus, they fall into a closed circle - thinking and disturbing about the attack in the past, they cause it in the present, and then in the future, again and again. And it will never end, until mentally, they will not go over to life.

Here is the parable that will consolidate your understanding about finding in present:

Every time we are in the past or worry about the future, we spend our energy. About how to let go of all the problems of the past, read in the article. It is talking about how to let all unfulfilled promises, unfinished affairs, the people you are offended by. And the technique that allows you to forgive forever and let go offense, you will find.

Just living in the present moment, you can feel the taste of berries, the taste of life. This is the secret of final and irrevocable deliverance from panic attacks. And at the same time - long and happy life.


I congratulate you, now you are much better informed about how to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. You were represented by three deep and serious ways to work on themselves, allowing not only to free themselves from panic, anxiety and fears, but also to become healthy, happy and live a long life.

Many people suffering from panic attacks walk to a psychiatrist or a neurologist, and he discharges them antidepressants, puff attacks are quenched for a while. But sooner or later, of course, they are returned again.

Most of those who suffer panic attacks and knows about the methods proposed in the article, do not apply them, because they are too lazy, or they simply do not want to work on themselves. They have to suffer all their lives, suffering from panic attacks. If you are from their number - then you will get the same regrettable result that most gets.

Do not live like most, work on yourself, and then you will be free from panic, calm, healthy and happy!

Do not forget to download my book "How to Like Himself." In it, I share techniques, with the help of which I myself once raised my self-esteem, I became confident and loved myself. This book will become your assistant on the way to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety, and in general will make your life much happier.

In case you need individual assistance in getting rid of anxiety, fears or panic attacks, you can contact me for psychological. I will help you become a calm person free from fears and experiences.

You can sign up for consultation through in contact with, instagram. or . You can get acquainted with the cost of services and work scheme.

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I am with you with all my heart and soul!
Your psychologist Lara Litvinova