
Why arises snoring in women and how to deal with him?

Why arises snoring in women and how to deal with him?

Snoring in women is one of the common causes of constant lack of sleep and fatigue. At least snoring is considered harmlessly, but he delivers a person and surrounding serious inconvenience.

Why does snoring appear?

Experts identify such reasons for the appearance of snoring in women:

  • uncomfortable posture in a dream;
  • presence of overweight;
  • acceptance of alcohol before going to sleep;
  • anatomical pathology;
  • increased adenoids;
  • inflammation in the field of larynx and ear;
  • allergy;
  • increased almonds;
  • malocclusion;
  • smoking;
  • curvature of the nasal partition;
  • age (after 50 years);
  • psychosomatic disorders.

With age, a person occurs various changes in the body, including muscle tissues of the respiratory tract become less elastic and begin to squeeze. For this reason, snoring appears in many women after 40 years.

Frequent stressful situations and emotional overvoltages in most cases are the reason for the occurrence of snoring in women a man will not snatch at night if he had problems at work or in his personal life. Female body, on the contrary, acute reacts to any unpleasant and irritating factors. In this case, all psychosomatic problems will be required to eliminate snore.

The causes of snoring in women at young age are the following:

  • obesity;
  • congenital features in the structure of nasopharynk;
  • increased almonds and adenoids;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse.

Note! If a woman is worried about snoring even after changing the position of the body, then this may be a symptom of cardiovascular disease.

Strong snoring can increase the likelihood and appearance. Therefore, it is impossible to launch such a problem and timely start treatment.


It happens that snoring leads to quite serious pathologies. Especially dangerous if snoring is one of the signs of sleep apnea. It is characterized by stopping the breath, which can last for a few minutes and occur from 10 to 20 times for 1 hour.

Permanent snoring at night provokes a headache, reduces memory, disrupts the heart rhythm and leads to the fact that the blood does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. All this can lead to a stroke, heart attack or even death.

Medical treatment of snoring in women

Often, to get rid of snoring, doctors discharge sprays, aerosols and drops into the nose. They are designed to facilitate the nasal respiration and eliminate the edema of mucous membranes. The most popular are the preparations of Slipex, Sneakex and Sominorm. Also quite often prescribe a doctor snoring based on medicinal herbs and NOZONEX, which has an antiallergic effect.


Slipex - drug based on essential oils of haulteria and peppermint. It has a local monitoring and antiseptic effect. Activities of Slipsex increase muscle tone of a soft sky and tongue, thereby reducing the intensity of snoring. Also, the drug removes the inflammatory process due to the incoming methyl ester of salicylic acid.


Sneakex - a drug based on natural components, which makes breathing, increases the tone and elasticity of the muscles, reduces the secretion of mucous membranes and prevents the emergence of serious complications of snoring. The composition of the snorex includes such active components:

  1. Sage. Eliminates the edema of the tissues, normalizes blood circulation in the organs of the respiratory system.
  2. Calendula. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, destroys pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity and the nasopharynk.
  3. Propolis. It has a lining and toning effect, prevents apnea.

Unlike many means from snoring, snorex practically does not have contraindications. An exception is only individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Release swells in the form of spray. The course of treatment on average is 30 days.


The action of the medication of the Sominorm is to remove the physiological causes of snoring. The drug includes moisturizing and softening components, and tanning substances provoke the stress of the muscles of the larynx and have an antiallergic effect. Sominorm eliminates dry mouth after sleep and stimulates the operation of the respiratory muscles. The drug is allowed for receiving a long time and does not cause side effects.

Doctor snoring

The drug reduces the severity of snoring to a minimum, tones, reduces the swelling and irritation of tissues, removes dryness in the oral cavity and normalizes breathing. In addition, the doctor of snoring increases, has an antioxidant effect and can be used to prevent caries and.

Doctor snore - normalizes breathing, removes dryness in the oral cavity, reduces the severity of snoring to a minimum

We produce a drug in the form of a nasal spray and a patch. It contains essential oils, vitamins B6 and E, citric acid and lecithin. They have a refreshing effect, restore the acid-alkaline balance and kill pathogenic microorganisms.


The drug has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect. The current component in Nazonex performs Mometazone Furoate. It is intended for the treatment of seasonal allergies and chronic sinusits.

Spray Nazonex - antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drug using seasonal allergies and chronic sinusitis

Release the medicine in the form of spray. It reduces the level of histamine, suppresses the activity of eosinophils and removes inflammation on the mucous membrane of the nose.


You can get rid of snoring with the help of a set of exercises that should be performed at home:

  1. Press the language forward and hold in this position from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat 20-30 times during the day.
  2. Given the sky of the sky 1-3 minutes.
  3. Press out loud sounds, straining cervical muscles.
  4. Press your hand on the chin and move the jaw back and forth.

If you regularly conduct training, then the vessels of cholesterol sediments occur, spasms disappear, breathing restores.

Folk remedies from snoring in women

According to numerous reviews of people in various forums, it is possible to cure snoring, not only medicines, but also by folk remedies.

Clean the snoring can be removed using cabbage. It is enough to drink before the departure to sleep in 200 ml of juice regularly for 30 days.

Folk medicine has a wide range of foods from snoring, one of the most famous products - sea buckthorn oil

Effective means in the fight against snoring believes baked carrots. It is recommended to eat 1 piece 3 times a day per hour before meals. In carrots are contained substances leading in the tone of the muscle of a soft sky and a palate.

One of the most famous means against snoring is sea buckthorn oil. It is necessary to bury 2-3 drops into each nostril overnight.

If a strong snoring is caused by a woman caused by a runny nose, then the signs are recommended to rinse nostrils with sea salt. To do this, be stirred in 200 ml of heated water 10 g of salt and carry out the procedure.

When the reason for the appearance of snoring is an excessive amount of mucus in the nasopharynk, one should clean the body using one-day starvation. It is advisable to spend it once a week. On this day, it is allowed to drink only water.


It is useful to a person suffering from a permanent night snoring, take decoction based on the bark of oak:

  1. Add to 500 ml of boiling water 25 g of raw materials.
  2. Put on a weak fire for 25 minutes.
  3. Cool and insist 2 hours.

At night you should rinse the throat obtained. The procedure is performed until the positive effect appears.

Herbracks and rinsing - Effective remedy against female night snoring

For the best result from treatment, you can combine oak boring with calendula flowers:

  1. Take up 25 g of each component.
  2. Pour 2 glasses of boiling water.
  3. Insist 2 hours in a closed container.
  4. Filter.

Rinse the throat after meals and at night.

You can get rid of the night snoring to a woman with a berry based on black elder berries, saber roots in dried form, horsetail of wild and buried. To perform several actions:

  1. Take in the same quantity all the components.
  2. Grind them in a coffee grinder.
  3. Pour 20 g obtained mixture 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. Insist 1 hour.

Drink a decoction of 20 ml at least 5 times a day.

Clips from snoring

You can get rid of night discomfort using silicone and magnetic clips. This remedy has a positive effect on the nerve endings, preventing the appearance of snoring.

Note! Magnetic clips is contraindicated in pregnant women and patients in the presence of pacemaker or electronic devices in the body.

The clip leads to the norm of arterial, saturates blood oxygen, improves metabolic processes, has a positive effect on the central nervous system and reduces the risk of developing pathologies from the cardiovascular system.

Clips from snoring - act on the nervous endings and help get rid of the night discount associated with snoring

The tool is convenient for use. It must be inserted into the nostrils. According to the instructions, the capsule should be inserted until the snoring completely stops disturbing the woman. After each use, the device is recommended to handle with alcohol for disinfection.

It is forbidden to combine the use of clips with an injection of a nose with drops containing oils, for example, pinsol.


If the snoring arises due to the curvature of the nasal partition, then the plaster is an effective means in the fight against the pathological condition. Such a device is safe, easy to use and suits people who have a cold with a cold.

Patch - Safe and Easy to use Means in the fight against snoring

Before applying from the patch, you must remove the protective film. Then the device is attached to the wings of the nose. After waking, the tool should be left. The plasters are allowed to use once.

Laser therapy

For the correction of the shape of the sky and eliminate snore, experts recommend treatment with a laser. It is carried out quickly and painlessly under local anesthesia, does not cause bleeding and does not require a long reducing period.

The only lack of laser therapy is the high cost. It justifies the use of expensive equipment necessary for therapy. For full relief from snoring, 2-3 sessions will be required, which will cost a person an average of 20-60 thousand rubles.


To prevent snoring appearance, these rules should be performed:

  1. The head should be on the hills during sleep.
  2. Do not take sleeping, soothing and drugs before bedtime.
  3. Do not drink alcoholic beverages at night.
  4. Get rid of excess weight.
  5. Limit consumption of products with high fat content.
  6. Make garlic, horseradish and black pepper in the diet.
  7. Open the window so that the room is ventilated during sleep, moisturize air with special humidifiers.
  8. Liquid all sources of stressful situations.
  9. Do yoga and meditate.
  10. It is more in the fresh air.