
Windmill in children

Windmill in children

Every parent, when their child is infected with windmill, are very worried about this. If we say so that you are not worried, and that everything will be fine - it will not help, because this is your native little man, and you will worry, even if the child is a little runny nose, and then the whole body is covered with strange rich. Still, we will try to calm you and say that the chickenpox for a child is quite a normal and useful phenomenon. Next, we will learn this ailment in more detail in order.
Summary of publication:

What is a windmill

What is the windmill? The windmill is an acute viral disease caused by one of the varieties of herpes virus, characterized by increasing the temperature and paipuloseculous rash. Let's now consider it in more detail.
So, the first thing you need to know that the concept of "windmill" is a folk term, and in medical terminology, it has the name "Windshore". You should also know that the windmill is a variety of herpes virus, we talked in one of our previous articles.
The windmill is a consequence of a virus from a virus-zone, penetrating the respiratory way, that is, a person inhales this virus.
How can I get a windmill
The source of infection is only patients with windmill, and only they, since this type of virus is not adapted to the external environment and dies literally in a few minutes after it comes out of the body. It should also be noted that the source of infection is only the person who has a windmill is in active form. The active form of the windmill begins for the 2nd day before the first rash appears on the body. Well, here it is worth saying that the likelihood of infected with this virus by a person who did not painl the windmill is equal to almost 100%. That is, if your child has in contact with children or adults who have an active chickenpox phase, then with great confidence it can be said that the child is infected with her.
Windmill: Good or bad
You probably think why at the beginning of the articles we said that the chickenpox for the child is not dangerous, but even useful. Everything lies in the fact that the windmill has a normal course in children and if it is treated correctly, everything will be fine. If a person does not pass the windmill in childhood, then, the illness being already adults, the disease will occur difficult. Therefore, the windmill in children is quite a normal phenomenon. The child had a windmill with a windmill, antibodies should work out, which in the future will fight with the manifestation of the activity of the virus of the windshield. By the way, the herpes virus remains in the human body forever, but does not manifest due to the antibodies developed.
Is it possible to get a windmill for the second time
Often parents are interested in: Can there be a windmill for the second time? - Yes, the windmill may be in humans and a second time, but this happens extremely rarely and these cases are an exception. This is happening due to the fact that the first time the immunity could not work out antibodies to fight the virus in the future, and when the virus re-attacks the body, he simply cannot protect himself.
It is worth noting here and one more kind of wind sieves - listened. Singing lisha - a disease caused by the same virus as the windshnaya case, which is already in the body after the windmill. After the man was overdone the windmill, the wind sperm virus remains in the body and goes into a hidden state while in nervous cells. Any of its manifestation is suppressed by immunity, but if immunity is weakened, the disease can defeat. But this is also very rare. We also spoke in more detail about this in the article about herpes.

Symptoms of windmill

Let's now find out how the windmill begins in children, and what is its first symptoms.
The incubation period of the windmill in children is from 13 to 17 days, as a rule, on average it lasts 14 days. A person is infectious from the moment of entering it a windshield virus until the recent elements of rash.
The first signs of the windmill in children
The first symptoms of the windmill in children are the appearance of a rash on the face and on the surface of the entire head, accompanied by elevated temperature and general ailment.
The first rash at the windmill appears on the face due to the fact that herpes virus falls through the respiratory tract, hitting small capillaries. Such a rash has a lightweed pinkish shade. The manifestation of the virus, of course, is stress for the body, since the inflammatory process occurs - this is fraught with an increase in temperature and general ailment.
Secondary signs of windmill
As a rule, rashes occur wavely, that is, not one by one, but at once a few dozen pieces. The rashes acquire the shape of bubbles, while having a muddy content inside. It is at the next "portion" of rashes at the child begins to rise the temperature, the general condition is deteriorating, etc. Increased temperatures at the child can be observed up to 5 days, but as a rule, after 2 days it is no longer rising.
In principle, when the body of the child is completely covered with a rash, then you can already sigh with relief, since the presence of a rash on the body of a child means that the body has moved to the active phase of the fight against the virus. Therefore, the presence of a large number of windmill bubbles should not scare you, but on the contrary - should calm down. Break can appear not only outwardly, but also inside the body.
After about 4 days, the rashes are revealed, and a crust is formed in their place, which disappears somewhere on the 3rd week.
Leakage of disease
The first thing is faced with a child - this is an elevated temperature and ailment, they will continue and quickly pass. The most difficult windmill for a child is itching. The rashes begin to hide, and it causes strong discomfort from the child, how to help him in this situation we will tell in the block about the treatment.

Treatment of windmills in children

Now let's find out how to treat chickenpox from a child.
How to treat chickenpox in children
If your child contacted or was near a man who had a windmill, then this is a reason for you to be alert, since at any time your child can wake up this ailment. You don't need to panic, you just need to carefully and without fanatism control the state of the child's health. If he has risen the temperature and the rash appears characteristic of the windmill - Call your doctor. In the first 3-4 days, until the child starts feeling good - he must comply with bed regime.
How to reduce the child with windmill temperature
The initial symptomatic picture in the windmill is, as already mentioned above, elevated temperature and overall malaise. In this case, to facilitate the condition of the child and reduce the temperature can be given paracetamol or ibuprofen, in accordance with the annotation to the drug. In no case can you give aspirin's child! Not knowing how to cure a windmill, do not produce any independent treatments - wait for a doctor.
Drugs from the windshnosha virus
Probably, many will have a question: Do I need to give acyclovir a child? The acyclovir is the most common drug that is effectively fighting herpes virus, which includes windmill. As a rule, this drug is appointed only to adult people, starting with adolescence, when they sick with a windmill, in view of its complex tolerability. As for children in this case, the acyclovir is appointed only in two cases:
  1. If the disease proceeds in a difficult form (to help the body in the fight against the ailment);

  2. If someone from parents or grandparents have a heavy form of disease, then this drug is given to be restrained and not to experience a child.

How to remove itch with windmill
Itching with windmill is the most difficult for the child. The rashes are very strong, and based on the fact that they are all over the body - this is a very uncomfortable feeling, probably, you yourself remember it since childhood, when they hurt the windmill. How to help your baby, because he is very bad during this period?
The secreted sweat is an amplifier of itching, and in turn it stands out: if the child has elevated temperatures, if in the room where the child is high temperature or due to physical activity. Therefore, to bring down a very high temperature at the child, then in the first days let him antipyretic. Welcome the room where the child is located and maintain a comfortable temperature there, so that the child is not hot. Separate attention to clothing, best wearing clothes from natural breathable fabrics, such as cotton T-shirt, T-shirt or pajamas. Change clothes every day, while clothing and bed linen should be soft after washing, in order not to cause discomfort from the child.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the bathing during the windmill. Is it possible to bathe a child with windmill? - Bathing the child can not be bathed, but the fast shower is possible and even need. First of all, nobody canceled personal hygiene rules, and in the second place it will help to remove itching. But there are several nuances:
  • The souls are allowed only when the child has stabilized normal temperature, and this is usually on the second-third day;

  • It is possible to produce shower only with warm water;

  • The duration of the shower should be short to not twist the crust;

  • You can not rub the baby with a washcloth and wash soap;

  • To wipe the child with a towel, so as not to crawl the spindles, so the child is better to get into the same soft sheet, or a soft towel;

  • If the doctor for some reason prohibits water procedures, it is possible that it is better not to conduct them.

Special pharmacological preparations will help to remove the itching of the windmill, which will appoint a doctor. For example: Diazolin, Suprastin, Tueva, Fencarol And others - strictly by appointing a doctor.

What to process rash during windmill
One of the most controversial issues in the windmill is the issue of rash processing. Since the time of the Soviet Union, with a windmill, the rash was treated with green. Green rash with windmill smeared for two reasons: In order to dry them and so that it is possible to establish when the appearance of new rashes stops. On the one hand, we were treated on this system and everything is fine with us. In the green there is nothing bad, except for her horrific color, in fact, the green is alcohol and dye. Missing windmill specks need once, preferably a cotton wand. If you have decided to smear the rash at the child with a green, then wear such pajamas or a T-shirt that is not sorry to fall like a green.
If you do not want to use a green, then use another antiseptic agent. To date, there is a wide range of antiseptic funds in the form of lotions, which are a generally accepted means for the treatment of windmills according to world standards, as in any country of the world with windmill do not use green. From specific lotions, we note - Calamine Lotion. He, in contrast to the green, not only dries the rash, but also has a cooling effect and removes itching.
The decision to take you, if you doubt, then consult your doctor.
The most important thing is to explain the child that rashes scratching, and even more so dypipe - it is impossibleSince because of this, scars can remain on these places. To prevent this - it is recommended to wear a child cotton gloves.
Strengthening immunity
Of course, in order for the body to fight and quickly coped with the windmill, or rather with herpes virus, it is necessary.
Climate in the apartment and walk
When the condition of the child has already gone to the amendment, and he feels good - take short walks with him, 2-3 times a day. At the same time we dress it so that it does not sweat. 15-20 minutes will be enough to walk so that it is not a frost in winter. In the summer, try not to remove the child in the sun, since the straight sunny rays negatively affect the rash.
Eating fluid
With windmill, it is necessary to provide a child with plentiful drink. For this, it is best to fit diluted with water not acidic natural juices, thieves based on herbs and decoctions. It is recommended to give mineral non-carbonated water from the water.

Nutrition with windmill
In the first days, the windmill is accompanied by a high temperature, so the child's appetite will be very bad. It is unnecessary to force it, during this period, offer him lung snacks from the products that he loves the most. From the diet of the child for a period of illness, it is necessary to exclude salty, sharp and with the addition of seasoning food. Also eliminate smoked and acidic products.
The diet of the child is recommended to be built on soup and broths based on croup, as well as dairy porridge. You can give fish, as there is a lot of protein and phosphorus in it, but again, cooking fish is needed without spices. From fruits, let's kid avocado and bananas, which are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the child during this period.

General information about the windmill

How many windmill lasts in children
Of course, moms and dads are very concerned about how much windmill lasts in children. In fact, to answer this question is very difficult, since each organism is individual and the disease can proceed in different ways, and it is also important that you consider the end of the painful period. If you take medium statistics, then the appearance of new elements of rashes stops somewhere on the 3rd day. From now on, we can assume that the child goes to the amendment. Traces from rashes will be visible a few weeks, as a rule to 3rd.
How after the windmill get rid of the marks of the green on the body of the child
Get rid of the traces of the green on the body of the child, it is necessary very neat. Some parents start intensively rub their chado with a washcloth to erase the green. Unnecessary such terrible methods, it is enough to wipe the areas with green napkins based on alcohol.
Complications after windmill
Complications after chickenpox in children can express in: pneumonia, arthritis of joints, lesions of the liver and kidney. That is why it is necessary to start the treatment of the windmill in a timely manner and in the first days to observe the child bedding.